Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 3001 - 3100 of 9916
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Carex athrostachya Jointed-spike Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 50831
Townsendia hookeri Hooker's Townsend-daisy Species Plant G5 SNR 57584
Larus glaucoides Iceland Gull Species Bird G5 SNA 19271
Luzula campestris Common Wood-rush Species Plant G5 SNA 47358
Carex jonesii Jones' Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 51128
Eueretagrotis perattentus Two-spot Dart Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S3 28455
Plantago eriopoda Saline Plantain Species Plant G5 S1S2 40655
Tringa melanoleuca Greater Yellowlegs Species Bird G5 S3M 19516
Anaplectoides prasina Green Arches Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S4 28764
Phlox austromontana Desert Mountain Phlox Species Plant G5 SNR 40933
Eriogonum douglasii Douglas' Wild Buckwheat Species Plant G5 S1 58105
Phrynosoma hernandesi Greater Short-horned Lizard Species Reptile G5 S3 19825
Lysimachia ciliata Fringed Loosestrife Species Plant G5 SNR 51682
Platanthera orbiculata Round-leaved Rein-orchid Species Plant G5 S3 58363
Poecilia mexicana Shortfin Molly Species Fish G5 SNA 20037
Erigeron corymbosus Longleaf Fleabane Species Plant G5 SNR 41299
Chlosyne palla Northern Checkerspot Species Invertebrate G5 S5 20343
Crepis runcinata Naked-stem Hawk's-beard Species Plant G5 SNR 48313
Antennaria microphylla Small-leaf Cat's-foot Species Plant G5 SNR 52133
Polites mystic Long Dash Species Invertebrate G5 S4 29790
Planorbella tenuis Mexican Rams-horn Species Invertebrate G5 SNA 20695
Oxalis stricta Common Yellow Wood Sorrel Species Plant G5 SNR 59061
Lestes unguiculatus Lyre-tipped Spreadwing Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 21064
Chenopodium leptophyllum Narrowleaf Goosefoot Species Plant G5 SNR 48842
Potamogeton pectinatus Sago Pondweed Species Plant G5 SNR 42137
Arceuthobium douglasii Douglas-fir Dwarf-mistletoe Species Plant G5 SNR 59320
Equisetum palustre Marsh Horsetail Species Plant G5 SNR 49079
Symphoricarpos albus Snowberry Species Plant G5 SNR 52849
Aeshna umbrosa Shadow Darner Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 30832
Astragalus filipes Basalt Milkvetch Species Plant G5 SNR 42344
Lonicera ciliosa Orange Honeysuckle Species Plant G5 SNR 59559
Ceraclea tarsipunctata A Caddisfly Species Invertebrate G5 S5 21667
Petradoria pumila Grassy Rock-goldenrod Species Plant G5 SNR 53101
Euglesa casertana Ubiquitous Peaclam Species Invertebrate G5 S5 31300
Stipa richardsonii Canada Mountain Ricegrass Species Plant G5 SNR 42667
Poanes taxiles Taxiles Skipper Species Invertebrate G5 S4 22058
Moneses uniflora One-flower Wintergreen Species Plant G5 SNR 49505
Phyciodes pallida Pale Crescent Species Invertebrate G5 S4 31724
Veratrum viride American False Hellebore Species Plant G5 SNR 60017
Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly Everlasting Species Plant G5 SNR 60257
Lonicera caerulea Western Honeysuckle Species Plant G5 SNR 50234
Melanitta fusca White-winged Scoter Species Bird G5 SNA 15373
Lupinus arbustus Long-spur Lupine Species Plant G5 SNR 43534
Micranthes bryophora Bud Saxifrage Species Plant G5 S1 60726
Pupilla hebes Crestless Column Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 23217
Calamagrostis rubescens Pine Reedgrass Species Plant G5 SNR 54177
Rhinanthus minor Yellow Rattle-box Species Plant G5 S3 43760
Lathyrus palustris Vetchling Peavine Species Plant G5 SNR 60992
Cottus confusus Shorthead Sculpin Species Fish G5 S5 15853
Agrotis venerabilis Venerable Dart Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S4 32271
Falco sparverius American Kestrel Species Bird G5 S4 16091
Vallonia costata Costate Vallonia Species Invertebrate G5 SNA 24175
Apocynum androsaemifolium Spreading Dogbane Species Plant G5 SNR 54881
Setophaga coronata Yellow-rumped Warbler Species Bird G5 S5 16356
Penstemon glaber Smooth Beardtongue Species Plant G5 SNR 44530
Papilio glaucus Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 32962
Bromus anomalus Nodding Brome Species Plant G5 SNR 44743
Asclepias involucrata Dwarf Milkweed Species Plant G5 55296
Hackelia floribunda Davis Mountain Stickseed Species Plant G5 SNR 44948
Salix arctica Arctic Willow Species Plant G5 SNR 67955
Suwallia forcipata Forceps Sallfly Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 25225
Pulsatilla patens American Pasqueflower Species Plant G5 SNR 55575
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Chinook Salmon Species Fish 2 G5 SNA 17129
Spizella passerina Chipping Sparrow Species Bird G5 S5B 17318
Chyranda centralis A Caddisfly Species Invertebrate G5 S5 74119
Blechnum spicant Deer-fern Species Plant 4 Sensitive G5 S3 56034
Pituophis catenifer Gophersnake Species Reptile G5 S5 17540
Salix boothii Booth's Willow Species Plant G5 SNR 45734
Rhyacophila visor A Caddisfly Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 26129
Teucrium canadense American Germander Species Plant G5 S2 56198
Rangifer tarandus Caribou Species Mammal Endangered 1 G5 S1 Tier 1 17769
Nectopsyche diarina A Caddisfly Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 26437
Alces alces Moose Species Mammal G5 S3 77108
Suksdorfia ranunculifolia Buttercup-leaf Suksdorfia Species Plant G5 SNR 56345
Amatitlania nigrofasciata Convict Cichlid Species Fish G5 SNA 18064
Puccinellia distans Spreading Alkali Grass Species Plant G5 SNR 46367
Baetis flavistriga A Mayfly Species Invertebrate G5 S5 27172
Salmo salar Atlantic Salmon Species Fish G5 SNA 18530
Lactuca tatarica Tartarian Lettuce Species Plant G5 SNR 46586
Isocapnia grandis Giant Snowfly Species Invertebrate G5 S4 27497
Pica hudsonia Black-billed Magpie Species Bird G5 S5 18735
Valeriana edulis Hairy Valerian Species Plant G5 SNR 50528
Draba paysonii Payson's Whitlow-grass Species Plant G5 SNR 40199
Vireo solitarius Blue-headed Vireo Species Bird G5 SNA 18953
Stellaria obtusa Rocky Mountain Stitchwort Species Plant G5 SNR 47029
Vaccinium ovalifolium Oval-leaf Huckleberry Species Plant G5 SNR 50766
Saxifraga odontoloma Streambank Saxifrage Species Plant G5 SNR 40405
Claytonia exigua Serpentine Springbeauty Species Plant G5 SNR 57512
Pylodictis olivaris Flathead Catfish Species Fish G5 SNA 19177
Bouteloua gracilis Blue Grama Species Plant 3 G5 S2 51070
Myiarchus cinerascens Ash-throated Flycatcher Species Bird G5 S4B 19453
Carex teneriformis Sierran Slender Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 51333
Sitta canadensis Red-breasted Nuthatch Species Bird G5 S4 19786
Trientalis borealis Northern Starflower Species Plant G5 SNR 47767
Astragalus whitneyi Whitney's Milkvetch Species Plant G5 SNR 41072
Sorex merriami Merriam's Shrew Species Mammal G5 S4 19993
Carex sychnocephala Many-headed Sedge Species Plant 2 G5 S1 51840
Plantago aristata Large-bract Plantain Species Plant G5 SNR 41283
Carex vesicaria Inflated Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 58530
Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem Species Plant G5 SNR 48535