Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 201 - 300 of 9916
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Phegopteris connectilis Northern Beechfern Species Plant Sensitive G5 S2 50669
Hydrophyllum occidentale California Waterleaf Species Plant G4 S3 50789
Spirodela polyrrhiza Common Water-flaxseed Species Plant G5 SNR 50960
Madia gracilis Grassy Tarweed Species Plant G5 SNR 51076
Glyceria borealis Small Floating Mannagrass Species Plant G5 SNR 51246
Eleocharis parvula Small Spikerush Species Plant G5 SNR 51342
Trollius laxus Spreading Globeflower Species Plant G5 SNR 51506
Abies grandis Grand Fir Species Plant G5 SNR 51639
Satureja douglasii Douglas' Savory Species Plant G5 SNR 51737
Navarretia breweri Yellow Navarretia Species Plant G4G5 SNR 51865
Hippuris vulgaris Common Mare's-tail Species Plant G5 SNR 51999
Trifolium beckwithii Beckwith's Clover Species Plant G4G5 SNR 52110
Carex leporina Oval Sedge Species Plant GNR SNA 52220
Sanicula graveolens Sierra Sanicle Species Plant G4G5 S2 52326
Artemisia pedatifida Bird's-foot Sagebrush Species Plant G4 SNR 52500
Perideridia bolanderi Bolander's Yampah Species Plant G5 SNR 52614
Arabidopsis thaliana Wall-cress Species Plant GNR SNA 52711
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Softstem Bulrush Species Plant G5 SNR 52812
Penstemon wilcoxii Wilcox's Beardtongue Species Plant G4 SNR 52934
Allium pleianthum Many-flowered Onion Species Plant G3Q SNR 53089
Orobanche fasciculata Clustered Broomrape Species Plant G4 SNR 53166
Ailanthus altissima Tree-of-Heaven Species Plant GNR SNA 53251
Ludwigia polycarpa Many-fruit False-loosestrife Species Plant G4 S1 53399
Poa leibergii Leiberg's Bluegrass Species Plant SNR 53488
Potentilla bipinnatifida Prairie Cinquefoil Species Plant G5 S1 53642
Erysimum repandum Spreading Wallflower Species Plant GNR SNA 53723
Oenothera flava Long-tubed Evening-primrose Species Plant G5 SNR 53809
Taxus brevifolia Pacific Yew Species Plant G4G5 SNR 53958
Oenothera elata Hooker's Evening-primrose Species Plant G5 SNR 54069
Platanthera dilatata Leafy White Orchis Species Plant G5 SNR 54150
Tanacetum parthenium Feather-leaf Tansy Species Plant GNR SNA 54263
Cryptogramma acrostichoides American Rockbrake Species Plant G5 SNR 54401
Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia Currantleaf Globemallow Species Plant G5 SNR 54507
Purshia stansburiana Stansbury's Cliffrose Species Plant G5 SNR 54655
Saxifraga rhomboidea Diamondleaf Saxifrage Species Plant G4G5 SNR 54760
Stipa nelsonii Nelson's Needlegrass Species Plant G5 SNR 54866
Senecio integerrimus Entire-leaf Ragwort Species Plant G5 SNR 54979
Pteryxia petraea Rock Wavewing Species Plant G4 SNR 55068
Ceratophyllum demersum Common Hornwort Species Plant G5 SNR 55159
Astragalus convallarius Timber Milkvetch Species Plant G5 SNR 55266
Sisyrinchium septentrionale Northern Blue-eyed-grass Species Plant G3G4 SNR 55378
Salix drummondiana Satiny Salix Species Plant G4G5 SNR 55528
Taxus chinensis Chinese Yew Species Plant SNA 2057506
Chamaesyce serpyllifolia Thyme-leaf Broomspurge Species Plant G5 SNR 55673
Atriplex hortensis Garden Orach Species Plant GNR SNA 55793
Azolla filiculoides Large Mosquito-fern Species Plant G5 SNR 55893
Pellaea breweri Brewer's Cliffbrake Species Plant G5 SNR 56001
Muhlenbergia racemosa Green Muhly Species Plant 4 G5 SH 56078
Luzula glabrata Smooth Woodrush Species Plant G5 SNR 56177
Arabis sparsiflora Elegant Rockcress Species Plant G5 SNR 56261
Claytonia cordifolia Heartleaf Springbeauty Species Plant G5 SNR 56334
Vaccinium membranaceum Square-twigged Huckleberry Species Plant G5 SNR 56452
Cryptantha recurvata Curved-nut Cat's-eye Species Plant G4 SNR 56527
Stipa viridula Green Needlegrass Species Plant 4 G5 S2 56639
Carex chordorrhiza String-root Sedge Species Plant Sensitive G5 S2S3 56716
Crepis acuminata Longleaf Hawk's-beard Species Plant G5 SNR 56828
Cyperus bipartitus Shining Flatsedge Species Plant G5 S3S4 56954
Erigeron compositus Dwarf Mountain Fleabane Species Plant G5 SNR 57091
Cryptantha salmonensis Salmon Cat's-eye Species Plant G3 S3 57258
Carex nelsonii Nelson's Sedge Species Plant G3 SNR 57393
Sullivantia hapemanii Purpus' Sullivantia Species Plant G3 S2 57523
Lupinus minimus Kettle Falls Lupine Species Plant G3G4 SNR 57637
Cerastium nutans Nodding Chickweed Species Plant G5 SNR 57776
Sparganium chlorocarpum Simplestem Bur-reed Species Plant G5 SNR 57918
Monarda fistulosa Wild Bergamot Beebalm Species Plant G5 SNR 58057
Claytonia sibirica Siberian Springbeauty Species Plant G5 SNR 58147
Argentina anserina Silverweed Species Plant G5 SNR 58304
Carex hendersonii Henderson's Sedge Species Plant G5 S3 58441
Glaux maritima Sea Milkwort Species Plant G5 SNR 58552
Geranium carolinianum Carolina Crane's-bill Species Plant G5 SNR 58699
Silene repens Creeping Catchfly Species Plant G5 SNR 58791
Solanum douglasii Douglas' Horse-nettle Species Plant G5 SNR 58911
Eriogonum effusum Spreading Wild Buckwheat Species Plant G4G5 SNR 59010
Ericameria parryi Parry's Rabbitbrush Species Plant G5 S3 59107
Krascheninnikovia lanata Winter-fat Species Plant G5 SNR 59282
Galium mexicanum Mexican Bedstraw Species Plant G5 SNR 59386
Cenchrus carolinianus Coast Sandbur Species Plant G5 SNR 59500
Chamaesyce ocellata Valley Broomspurge Species Plant G4 SNR 59621
Draba oreibata Subalpine Whitlow-grass Species Plant G4 S3 59763
Erigeron acris Bitter Fleabane Species Plant G5 SNR 59851
Conimitella williamsii William's Conimitella Species Plant G4 SNR 60004
Ranunculus populago Mountain Buttercup Species Plant G4 SNR 60082
Lamium amplexicaule Common Deadnettle Species Plant GNR SNA 60198
Carex canescens Hoary Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 60367
Poa secunda Sandberg bluegrass Species Plant G5 SNR 60460
Ribes sanguineum Red-flowered Currant Species Plant G5 S1 60594
Astragalus australis Indian Milkvetch Species Plant G5 SNR 60700
Hypericum scouleri Western St. John's-wort Species Plant G5 SNR 60829
Avena fatua Wild Oats Species Plant GNR SNA 60941
Zigadenus elegans White Camas Species Plant G5 SNR 61055
Pyrrocoma uniflora Plantain Goldenweed Species Plant G5 S4 61149
Oxytropis borealis Boreal Locoweed Species Plant G5 SNR 61270
Allium nevadense Nevada Onion Species Plant SNR 61394
Camissonia minor Nelson's Evening-primrose Species Plant G4 SNR 61458
Prunus spinosa Blackthorn Species Plant G5 SNA 61559
Minuartia stricta Slender Sandwort Species Plant G5 SNR 61699
Picea engelmannii Engelmann Spruce Species Plant G5 SNR 61880
Solidago simplex Sticky Goldenrod Species Plant G5 SNR 62101
Lonicera involucrata Four-line Honeysuckle Species Plant G5 SNR 67857
Polygonum sawatchense Sawatch Knotweed Species Plant GNR SNR 77552