Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 701 - 800 of 9916
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Vorticifex effusa Artemesian Rams-horn Species Invertebrate G3 S4 22854
Eriogonum umbellatum var. dichrocephalum Sulphur-flower Wild Buckwheat Variety Plant G5T3T5 SNR 83416
Juncus balticus Baltic Rush Species Plant G5 SNR 56042
Sympistis albifasciata A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S4 1474945
Lamium purpureum Purple Deadnettle Species Plant GNR SNA 39537
Acer negundo var. interius Box-elder Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 92647
Rhyacophila vao A Caddisfly Species Invertebrate G5 S5 74266
Carex sychnocephala Many-headed Sedge Species Plant 2 G5 S1 51840
Rhadinoceraea aldrichi A Sawfly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476933
Mustela erminea Ermine or Short-tailed Weasel Species Mammal G5 S4 17667
Eudryas brevipennis A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474459
Phyciodes cocyta Northern Crescent Species Invertebrate G5 S5 32781
Vicia villosa ssp. villosa Shaggy Vetch Subspecies Plant G5TNR SNA 89280
Stellaria graminea Little Starwort Species Plant GNR SNA 60390
Carex filifolia Thread-leaved Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 49807
Corticeus substriatus A Darkling Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476683
Horistonotus pilosus A Click Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473413
Acipenser transmontanus White Sturgeon Species Fish 2 G4 S2 15794
Euchloe ausonides Large Marble Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 26288
Erigeron chrysopsidis ssp. chrysopsidis Subspecies Plant G4G5T4 SNR 85605
Carex lenticularis var. lipocarpa Shore Sedge Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 87778
Townsendia alpigena Wyoming Townsend-daisy Species Plant G4 SNR 58506
Moehringia macrophylla Largeleaf Sandwort Species Plant G5 SNR 45603
Cinara kuchea A Giant Conifer Aphid Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1475597
Ambrosia psilostachya Naked-spike Ambrosia Species Plant G5 SNR 42077
Chlamydatus obliquus A Leaf Bug Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473159
Hesperia nevada Nevada Skipper Species Invertebrate G5 S4 23734
Carex canescens ssp. canescens Hoary Sedge Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 83985
Loeflingia squarrosa Spreading Loeflingia Species Plant G5 SNR 54284
Castilleja covilleana Coville's Indian-paintbrush Species Plant G3G4 SNR 43684
Andrena hirticincta A Miner Bee Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1475095
Saxifraga marshallii Marshall's Saxifrage Species Plant G5 SNR 40257
Rorippa curvisiliqua var. nuttallii Curve-pod Yellowcress Variety Plant G5TNR SNR 91201
Hirundo rustica Barn Swallow Species Bird G5 S5B 18406
Kyboasca atrolabes A Leafhopper Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 70138
Paspalum distichum Joint Paspalum Species Plant G5 SNR 52530
Eucosma maculatana A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1474007
Gluphisia severa Banded Pebble Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S3 29828
Artemisia biennis var. biennis Biennial Wormwood Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 89777
Scirpus microcarpus Small-fruit Bulrush Species Plant G5 SNR 61052
Wyethia invenusta Coville's Mule's-ears Species Plant G3G4 SNR 48018
Notiophilus nitens A Ground Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476253
Sitona hispidula A Weevil Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473756
Rhionaeschna multicolor Blue-eyed Darner Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 27276
Lupinus argenteus ssp. spathulatus Silvery Lupine Subspecies Plant SNR 86170
Heuchera chlorantha Green-flower Alumroot Species Plant G4G5 SNR 56577
Gymnocarpium disjunctum Pacific Oak Fern Species Plant G5 SNR 46146
Endelomyia aethiops A Sawfly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1475731
Aristida purpurea Purple Three-awn Grass Species Plant G5 SNR 42807
Lomatium bentonitum Succor Creek lomatium Species Plant G1G2 S1 628549
Grammia parthenice Parthenice Tiger Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S4 21363
Lupinus x alpestris Species Plant GNA SNA 79324
Symphyotrichum laeve Smooth Blue Aster Species Plant G5 SNR 54925
Sympistis lacticollis A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S4 1474602
Biatora meiocarpa Lichen Species Fungi SNR 35231
Symphyotrichum spathulatum var. spathulatum Western Bog Aster Variety Plant G5T5? SNR 91714
Picoides pubescens Downy Woodpecker Species Bird G5 S4 19049
Neoligia tonsa A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S4 71119
Phlox mollis Soft Phlox Species Plant G2G3 S2S3 50574
Lycaota sodalis A Sawfly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476779
Xysticus cunctator A Ground Crab Spider Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1474100
Bombus kirbiellus High Country Bumble Bee Species Invertebrate G5 S4 30805
Penstemon attenuatus var. pseudoprocerus Taper-leaf Beardtongue Variety Plant G4T4 SNR 88371
Bassia hyssopifolia Five-horn Smotherweed Species Plant GNR SNA 59210
Rumex aquaticus Western Dock Species Plant G5 SNR 48790
Pheidole pilifera An Ant Species Invertebrate GNR S5 1476519
Glaresis clypeata A Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473256
Physella gyrina Tadpole Physa Species Invertebrate G5 S5 24833
Lupinus arbustus ssp. arbustus Long-spur Lupine Subspecies Plant G5T2T4 SNR 86750
Cryptantha salmonensis Salmon Cat's-eye Species Plant G3 S3 57258
Eremogone congesta Capitate Sandwort Species Plant G5 SNR 44401
Ashmeadiella gillettei A Leafcutting Bee Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1475273
Nymphaea tetragona Pygmy Water-lily Species Plant G5 SH 40968
Mimesa unicincta A Crabronid Wasp Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473005
Cinygmula par A Mayfly Species Invertebrate G4 SNR 22246
Lathyrus nevadensis ssp. nevadensis Sierra Nevada Peavine Subspecies Plant G5T4T5 SNR 82999
Atriplex pusilla Purple Balduina Species Plant G5 SNR 53220
Plagiomimicus dimidiata A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474765
Hookeria lucens Light Hookeria Species Plant Sensitive G5 S1 38587
Ranunculus acris var. acris Tall Buttercup Variety Plant G5T5 SNA 90321
Conyza canadensis Canada Horseweed Species Plant G5 SNR 61688
Carex teneriformis Sierran Slender Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 51333
Exorista mella A Tachinid Fly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476869
Rhopalomyia medusa A Gall-forming Fly Species Invertebrate GNR S4 1473852
Falco peregrinus Peregrine Falcon Species Bird Delisted G4 S3B 17242
Schizura concinna Red-humped Caterpillar Moth Species Invertebrate G4G5 S4 28280
Pteryxia terebinthina var. terebinthina Turpentine Wavewing Variety Plant G5TNR SNR 88938
Potentilla ovina Sheep Cinquefoil Species Plant G5? SNR 59893
Lewisia columbiana Columbian Bitterroot Species Plant G4 SNR 46894
Oreopasites scituli A Bee Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476016
Ventenata dubia Ventenata Species Plant GNR SNA 43487
Tetanocera plumosa A Marsh Fly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476618
Nemotelus canadensis A Solder Fly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473348
Sitta pygmaea Pygmy Nuthatch Species Bird Sensitive G5 S4 15329
Ladislavella elodes Marsh Pondsnail Species Invertebrate G5 S4 25717
Moneses uniflora ssp. uniflora One-flower Wintergreen Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 85136
Celtis occidentalis Common Hackberry Species Plant G5 SNR 55636
Romanzoffia sitchensis Sitka Mistmaiden Species Plant G4 S2 45039
Diadasia diminuta Globe Mallow Bee Species Invertebrate GNR S2 1475532
Juncus uncialis Inch-high Rush Species Plant G3G4 SNR 41557