Species Conservation Status
The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists.
- BLM - Bureau of Land Management Sensitive Species of Special Concern
- USESA - United States Endangered Species Act
- USFS1 - US Forest Service Northern Region Sensitive Species
- USFS4 - US Forest Service Intermountain Region Sensitive Species
- GRank - Global Species Rank learn more
- SRank - State Species Rank learn more
- SGCN - Species of Greatest Conservation need identified in the Idaho State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP)
- IDAPA - Classification of wildlife defined in IDAPA 13.01.06
Scientific Name | Common Name | Taxa | Category | USESA | BLM | USFS1 | USFS4 | GRank | SRank | SGCN | ID |
Erigeron humilis | Low Fleabane | Species | Plant | G5 | S2 | 42562 | |||||
Euxoa absona | A Moth | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | S2 | 1474464 | |||||
Mitella trifida | Pacific Bishop's-cap | Species | Plant | G5 | S2 | 54116 | |||||
Lesquerella multiceps | Manyhead Bladderpod | Species | Plant | G3 | S2 | 60882 | |||||
Agonum errans | A Ground Beetle | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | S2 | 71561 | |||||
Psychoglypha smithi | A Caddisfly | Species | Invertebrate | G1G3 | S2 | Tier 3 | 28249 | ||||
Notoxus carrorum | An Ant-like Flower Beetle | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | S2 | 1473991 | |||||
Boloria kriemhild | Kriemhild Fritillary | Species | Invertebrate | G3G4 | S2 | Tier 3 | 28808 | ||||
Stipa pinetorum | Pine Needlegrass | Species | Plant | G4 | S2 | 47891 | |||||
Rana luteiventris pop. 3 | Columbia Spotted Frog (Great Basin DPS) | Population | Amphibian | 2 | G4T2T4 | S2 | Tier 1 | 80518 | |||
Camassia cusickii | Cusick's Camas | Species | Plant | 4 | Sensitive | G4 | S2 | 60106 | |||
Picoides albolarvatus | White-headed Woodpecker | Species | Bird | 2 | Sensitive | Sensitive | G4 | S2 | Tier 3 | 15618 | |
Tesagrotis atrifrons | A Moth | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | S2 | 1474639 | |||||
Salix glauca | Gray Willow | Species | Plant | G5 | S2 | 44086 | |||||
Malacothrix torreyi | Torrey's Malacothrix | Species | Plant | G4 | S2 | 55881 | |||||
Ephemerella alleni | A Mayfly | Species | Invertebrate | G4 | S2 | Tier 2 | 26814 | ||||
Percopsis transmontana | Sand Roller | Species | Fish | G4 | S2 | 18285 | |||||
Draba trichocarpa | Stanley Whitlow-grass | Species | Plant | Sensitive | G2 | S2 | 57885 | ||||
Acronicta cyanescens | Blue-Gray Dagger Moth | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | S2 | 1474149 | |||||
Euphydryas gillettii | Gillette's Checkerspot | Species | Invertebrate | G3 | S2 | Tier 3 | 21341 | ||||
Tricholita chipeta | A Moth | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | S2 | 1474981 | |||||
Vulpes macrotis | Kit Fox | Species | Mammal | 2 | G4 | S2 | 17479 | ||||
Astragalus jejunus var. jejunus | Starveling Milkvetch | Subspecies | Plant | 2 | G3T3 | S2 | 85673 | ||||
Montia parvifolia var. batholithica | Batholith Springbeauty | Variety | Plant | GNR | S2 | 1992088 | |||||
Cistanthe rosea | Rosy Pussy-paws | Species | Plant | G5 | S2 | 57830 | |||||
Rhizoplaca idahoensis | Idaho Rock-posy Lichen | Species | Fungi | 3 | G2 | S2 | 93767 | ||||
Discus marmorensis | Marbled Disc | Species | Invertebrate | 2 | G1 | S2 | Tier 1 | 20244 | |||
Cicuta bulbifera | Bulb-bearing Waterhemlock | Species | Plant | 4 | Sensitive | G5 | S2 | 42669 | |||
Oxyura jamaicensis | Ruddy Duck | Species | Bird | G5 | S2 | 15551 | |||||
Ashmeadiella sculleni | A Leafcutting Bee | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | S2 | Tier 3 | 1475278 | ||||
Pyrrocoma insecticruris | Bugleg Goldenweed | Species | Plant | 3 | Sensitive | G3 | S2 | 55520 | |||
Ivesia tweedyi | Tweedy's Ivesia | Species | Plant | 2 | G4 | S2 | 51844 | ||||
Carex backii | Back's Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | S2 | 41534 | |||||
Lupinus lepidus var. sellulus | Stool Lupine | Variety | Plant | G4T2 | S2 | 83128 | |||||
Peraphyllum ramosissimum | Wild Crab Apple | Species | Plant | 3 | G4 | S2 | 49451 | ||||
Physaria carinata ssp. paysonii | Payson's Bladderpod | Subspecies | Plant | 2 | Sensitive | G3 | S2 | 49688 | |||
Potentilla drummondii | Drummond's Cinquefoil | Species | Plant | GNR | S2 | 43499 | |||||
Texosporium sancti-jacobi | Wovenspore Lichen | Species | Fungi | 2 | G3 | S2 | 38928 | ||||
Penstemon idahoensis | Idaho Penstemon | Species | Plant | 3 | Sensitive | G2 | S2 | 50500 | |||
Carex californica | California Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | S2 | 41737 | |||||
Pristiloma wascoense | Shiny Tightcoil | Species | Invertebrate | G3 | S2 | Tier 3 | 31426 | ||||
Megaleuctra stigmata | Giant Needlefly | Species | Invertebrate | S2 | 25248 | ||||||
Psilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimus | Dwarf Woolly-heads | Variety | Plant | G4T4? | S2 | 91781 | |||||
Amblyderus owyhee | An Ant-like Flower Beetle | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | S2 | Tier 2 | 1473988 | ||||
Draba incerta | Yellowstone Draba | Species | Plant | 2 | G5 | S2 | 47668 | ||||
Draba globosa | Pointed Draba | Species | Plant | 4 | Sensitive | G3 | S2 | 44554 | |||
Hesperapis kayella | A Miner Bee | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | S2 | Tier 3 | 1475435 | ||||
Juncus hemiendytus var. hemiendytus | Dwarf Rush | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | S2 | 85012 | |||||
Saxifraga adscendens var. oregonensis | Wedge-leaf Saxifrage | Subspecies | Plant | G5T4T5 | S2 | 91314 | |||||
Cymopterus acaulis var. greeleyorum | Greeley's Wavewing | Subspecies | Plant | 3 | G5T2 | S2 | 83628 | ||||
Ericameria nauseosa var. graveolens | Heavy Gray Rabbitbrush | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | S2? | 84149 | |||||
Betula pumila | Swamp Birch | Species | Plant | Sensitive | G5 | S2? | 50046 | ||||
Asclepias incarnata | Swamp Milkweed | Species | Plant | G5 | S2? | 40672 | |||||
Aechmophorus clarkii | Clark's Grebe | Species | Bird | G5 | S2B | Tier 2 | 18337 | ||||
Dolichonyx oryzivorus | Bobolink | Species | Bird | G5 | S2B | Tier 2 | 17303 | ||||
Setophaga ruticilla | American Redstart | Species | Bird | G5 | S2B | 16289 | |||||
Sterna forsteri | Forster's Tern | Species | Bird | G5 | S2B | 16406 | |||||
Empidonax minimus | Least Flycatcher | Species | Bird | G5 | S2B | 19368 | |||||
Ardea alba | Great Egret | Species | Bird | G5 | S2B | 17856 | |||||
Anas discors | Blue-winged Teal | Species | Bird | G5 | S2B | 19873 | |||||
Athene cunicularia | Burrowing Owl | Species | Bird | 2 | G4 | S2B | Tier 2 | 80477 | |||
Podiceps grisegena | Red-necked Grebe | Species | Bird | G5 | S2B | 16128 | |||||
Plegadis chihi | White-faced Ibis | Species | Bird | G5 | S2B | Tier 2 | 18080 | ||||
Chlidonias niger | Black Tern | Species | Bird | 2 | G4 | S2B | Tier 2 | 19458 | |||
Aechmophorus occidentalis | Western Grebe | Species | Bird | G5 | S2B | Tier 2 | 19787 | ||||
Amphispiza bilineata | Black-throated Sparrow | Species | Bird | 2 | G5 | S2B | 16298 | ||||
Vireo plumbeus | Plumbeous Vireo | Species | Bird | G5 | S2B | 15754 | |||||
Numenius americanus | Long-billed Curlew | Species | Bird | 2 | G5 | S2B | Tier 2 | 15609 | |||
Nycticorax nycticorax | Black-crowned Night-Heron | Species | Bird | G5 | S2B,S2N | 18945 | |||||
Lophodytes cucullatus | Hooded Merganser | Species | Bird | G5 | S2B,S2N | 18752 | |||||
Larus delawarensis | Ring-billed Gull | Species | Bird | G5 | S2B,S2N | Tier 3 Breeding population only | 15595 | ||||
Tringa flavipes | Lesser Yellowlegs | Species | Bird | G5 | S2M | 15296 | |||||
Calidris melanotos | Pectoral Sandpiper | Species | Bird | G5 | S2M | 18488 | |||||
Calidris bairdii | Baird's Sandpiper | Species | Bird | G5 | S2M | 20080 | |||||
Limosa fedoa | Marbled Godwit | Species | Bird | G5 | S2M | 16536 | |||||
Podiceps auritus | Horned Grebe | Species | Bird | G5 | S2N | 16689 | |||||
Larus argentatus | Herring Gull | Species | Bird | G5 | S2N | 18996 | |||||
Rallus limicola | Virginia Rail | Species | Bird | G5 | S2N,S3B | 19936 | |||||
Prophysaon dubium | Papillose Taildropper | Species | Invertebrate | G4 | S2Q | Tier 1 | 32628 | ||||
Hemphillia skadei | Skade's Jumping-slug | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | S2Q | Tier 2 | 1474112 | ||||
Melanoplus Species Group | Spur-throated Grasshopper Species Group | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | S2Q | Tier 3 | 1473949 | ||||
Orthotrichum striatum | A Moss | Species | Plant | G4G5 | S2S3 | 33284 | |||||
Carex magellanica ssp. irrigua | Poor Sedge | Subspecies | Plant | Sensitive | G5T5 | S2S3 | 91293 | ||||
Oncorhynchus mykiss pop. 13 | Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) | Population | Fish | Threatened | 1 | Endangered | G5T2T3Q | S2S3 | Tier 1 | 79812 | |
Rhodiola integrifolia | Entire-leaf Stonecrop | Species | Plant | G5 | S2S3 | 42727 | |||||
Carex chordorrhiza | String-root Sedge | Species | Plant | Sensitive | G5 | S2S3 | 56716 | ||||
Tripterocladium leucocladulum | Naked Rhizomnium Moss | Species | Plant | 3 | G3 | S2S3 | 34097 | ||||
Salicornia rubra | Red Glasswort | Species | Plant | 4 | G5 | S2S3 | 39774 | ||||
Phlox mollis | Soft Phlox | Species | Plant | G2G3 | S2S3 | 50574 | |||||
Cleomella hillmanii | Hillman's Rhombo-pod | Species | Plant | G4G5 | S2S3 | 60468 | |||||
Dryopteris cristata | Crested Shield-fern | Species | Plant | Sensitive | G5 | S2S3 | 61511 | ||||
Allium anceps | Two-headed Onion | Species | Plant | 4 | G4 | S2S3 | 61257 | ||||
Aspicilia rogeri | Rim Lichen | Species | Fungi | 3 | G2G3 | S2S3 | 35826 | ||||
Mentzelia mollis | Smooth Stickleaf | Species | Plant | 2 | G2 | S2S3 | 47593 | ||||
Epipactis gigantea | Giant Helleborine | Species | Plant | 3 | Sensitive | G4 | S2S3 | 55447 | |||
Lomatium andrusianum | Andrus' lomatium | Species | Plant | S2S3 | 1913564 | ||||||
Damasonium californicum | Fringed Waterplantain | Species | Plant | 4 | G4 | S2S3 | 41285 | ||||
Rhodiola integrifolia ssp. integrifolia | Alpine Sedum | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | S2S3 | 89264 | |||||
Habrosyne scripta | Lettered Habrosyne Moth | Species | Invertebrate | G5 | S3 | 24778 | |||||
Fisherola nuttalli | Shortface Lanx | Species | Invertebrate | 2 | G2 | S3 | 32919 |