Species Conservation Status
The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists.
- BLM - Bureau of Land Management Sensitive Species of Special Concern
- USESA - United States Endangered Species Act
- USFS1 - US Forest Service Northern Region Sensitive Species
- USFS4 - US Forest Service Intermountain Region Sensitive Species
- GRank - Global Species Rank learn more
- SRank - State Species Rank learn more
- SGCN - Species of Greatest Conservation need identified in the Idaho State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP)
- IDAPA - Classification of wildlife defined in IDAPA 13.01.06
Scientific Name | Common Name | Taxa | Category | USESA | BLM | USFS1 | USFS4 | GRank | SRank | SGCN | ID |
Carex nigricans | Black Alpine Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 55754 | |||||
Calochortus macrocarpus | Green-band Mariposa Lily | Species | Plant | G5 | S4 | 49784 | |||||
Lotus unifoliolatus var. unifoliolatus | American Bird's-foot-trefoil | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 83636 | |||||
Allium fibrillum | Blue Mountain Onion | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 53923 | |||||
Philadelphus lewisii var. helleri | Lewi's Mock-orange | Variety | Plant | G5TNR | SNR | 92592 | |||||
Limosella acaulis | Southern Mudwort | Species | Plant | G5 | S2 | 45553 | |||||
Orthotrichum holzingeri | Holzinger's Orthotrichum Moss | Species | Plant | G3 | S1 | 36085 | |||||
Chenopodium fremontii | Fremont's Goosefoot | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 43650 | |||||
Phlox adsurgens | Woodland Phlox | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 58123 | |||||
Salix myrtillifolia var. myrtillifolia | Myrtle-leaf Willow | Subspecies | Plant | SNR | 85844 | ||||||
Arabis sparsiflora | Elegant Rockcress | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 56261 | |||||
Erigeron aphanactis | Rayless Shaggy Fleabane | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 47996 | |||||
Procyon lotor | Northern Raccoon | Species | Mammal | G5 | S5 | 77652 | |||||
Oxytropis deflexa var. foliolosa | Pendent-pod Crazyweed | Variety | Plant | G5T3T5 | SNR | 91153 | |||||
Wolffia borealis | Dotted Watermeal | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 41081 | |||||
Lagopus leucura | White-tailed Ptarmigan | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 17222 | |||||
Astragalus cusickii var. cusickii | Cusick's Milkvetch | Variety | Plant | G5T4 | SNR | 89555 | |||||
Agrostis exarata var. exarata | Variety | Plant | G5TNRQ | SNR | 88027 | ||||||
Poa curta | Short-leaved Bluegrass | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 58833 | |||||
Erigeron poliospermus var. poliospermus | Hairy-seed Fleabane | Subspecies | Plant | SNR | 84279 | ||||||
Mentzelia torreyi | Torrey's Stickleaf | Species | Plant | G4 | S3 | 48783 | |||||
Erigeron peregrinus ssp. callianthemus | Subalpine Fleabane | Subspecies | Plant | G5T4T5 | SNR | 91657 | |||||
Setaria parviflora | Bristly Foxtail | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 41773 | |||||
Juncus nevadensis var. nevadensis | Sierran Rush | Variety | Plant | G5T4T5 | SNR | 90036 | |||||
Antennaria alpina | Alpine Pussytoes | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 61359 | |||||
Osmorhiza occidentalis | Western Sweet-cicely | Species | Plant | G4G5 | SNR | 53206 | |||||
Delphinium occidentale ssp. occidentale | Subspecies | Plant | G4TNR | SNR | 86463 | ||||||
Atriplex prostrata | Creeping Saltbush | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 59487 | |||||
Helianthus petiolaris ssp. petiolaris | Prairie Sunflower | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 84781 | |||||
Salix nivalis | Snow Willow | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 55217 | |||||
Tonella floribunda | Large-flowered Tonella | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 46880 | |||||
Cerastium beeringianum | Bering Sea Chickweed | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 53460 | |||||
Callitriche heterophylla ssp. heterophylla | Northern Water-starwort | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 88616 | |||||
Dryas octopetala | Eight-petal Mountain-avens | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 57601 | |||||
Antennaria pulcherrima | Handsome Pussytoes | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 49431 | |||||
Calidris pusilla | Semipalmated Sandpiper | Species | Bird | G5 | S1M | 18611 | |||||
Phacelia ivesiana var. glandulifera | Sticky Scorpionweed | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 83252 | |||||
Eriogonum strictum var. anserinum | Blue Mountain Wild Buckwheat | Variety | Plant | G5TNR | SNR | 92204 | |||||
Festuca rubra | Red Fescue | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 55897 | |||||
Geranium carolinianum var. carolinianum | Carolina Cranesbill | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 90572 | |||||
Achnatherum thurberiana | Thurber's Needlegrass | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 47555 | |||||
Lactuca canadensis var. canadensis | Variety | Plant | G5TNRQ | SNR | 90788 | ||||||
Viola nuttallii | Nuttall's Violet | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 40638 | |||||
Geothlypis trichas | Common Yellowthroat | Species | Bird | G5 | S5B | 16670 | |||||
Ranunculus gmelinii var. limosus | Small Yellow Water-crowfoot | Variety | Plant | G5T4T5 | SNR | 89163 | |||||
Stanleya viridiflora | Green Prince-plume | Species | Plant | G4 | S3 | 60194 | |||||
Monolepis nuttalliana | Nuttall's Poverty-weed | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 52086 | |||||
Eragrostis pilosa var. pilosa | Subspecies | Plant | SNR | 85444 | |||||||
Agrestia hispida | A Lichen | Species | Fungi | G3 | SNR | 37129 | |||||
Platanthera orbiculata | Round-leaved Rein-orchid | Species | Plant | G5 | S3 | 58363 | |||||
Oxalis trilliifolia | Trillium-leaved Wood-sorrel | Species | Plant | G5 | S1 | 50049 | |||||
Carex heteroneura var. epapillosa | Different-nerve Sedge | Variety | Plant | G5TNR | SNR | 83855 | |||||
Solidago simplex var. simplex | Sticky Goldenrod | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 92783 | |||||
Spartina gracilis | Alkali Cordgrass | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 45776 | |||||
Carex breweri var. paddoensis | Brewer's Sedge | Variety | Plant | G4T4 | SNR | 87640 | |||||
Hydrophyllum capitatum | Dwarf Waterleaf | Species | Plant | G4? | SNR | 41260 | |||||
Langloisia setosissima | Bristly Langloisia | Species | Plant | G4G5 | SNR | 43862 | |||||
Ribes aureum | Golden Currant | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 52745 | |||||
Polygonum polygaloides ssp. confertiflorum | Dense-flower Knotweed | Subspecies | Plant | G4G5T3T4 | SNR | 86035 | |||||
Eriastrum wilcoxii | Wilcox's Eriastrum | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 56458 | |||||
Claytonia megarhiza | Alpine Springbeauty | Species | Plant | G4G5 | SNR | 48290 | |||||
Populus x acuminata | Hybrid | Species | Plant | GNA | SNA | 78814 | |||||
Eriogonum ovalifolium var. pansum | Oval-leaf Buckwheat | Subspecies | Plant | G5T1 | SNR | 91350 | |||||
Psilostrophe bakeri | Baker's Paper-flower | Species | Plant | G2G4 | SNR | 54805 | |||||
Anas querquedula | Garganey | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 17448 | |||||
Sidalcea oregana ssp. oregana | Oregon Checker-mallow | Subspecies | Plant | SNR | 89710 | ||||||
Urtica dioica | Stinging Nettle | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 46400 | |||||
Ribes hudsonianum var. petiolare | Western Black Currant | Variety | Plant | G5T3T5 | SNR | 88248 | |||||
Oxalis stricta | Common Yellow Wood Sorrel | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 59061 | |||||
Penstemon diphyllus | Two-leaf Beardtongue | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 50804 | |||||
Horkelia fusca ssp. fusca | Pine Woods Horkelia | Subspecies | Plant | G5TNR | SNR | 84450 | |||||
Carex nebrascensis | Nebraska Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 57081 | |||||
Chaenactis stevioides | Desert Pincushion | Species | Plant | 4 | G5 | S2 | 49045 | ||||
Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra | Pacific Willow | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 91904 | |||||
Helianthus maximiliani | Maximillian Sunflower | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 44636 | |||||
Echinochloa muricata var. muricata | Rough Barnyard Grass | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 90191 | |||||
Tetradymia glabrata | Littleleaf Horsebrush | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 53414 | |||||
Rudbeckia laciniata var. laciniata | Green-head Coneflower | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 86646 | |||||
Lepidium virginicum var. medium | Poor-man's Pepper-grass | Variety | Plant | G5T4T5 | SNR | 88784 | |||||
Lewisia triphylla | Three-leaf Bitterroot | Species | Plant | G4? | SNR | 51587 | |||||
Cercocarpus ledifolius var. intermontanus | Curl-leaf Mountain-mahogany | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 85001 | |||||
Mimulus nanus | Dwarf Purple Monkeyflower | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 47100 | |||||
Poa abbreviata | Northern Bluegrass | Species | Plant | G5 | S1 | 53706 | |||||
Empidonax wrightii | Gray Flycatcher | Species | Bird | G5 | S4B | 15772 | |||||
Artemisia biennis | Biennial Wormwood | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 45280 | |||||
Ulota megalospora | Large-spored Ulota | Species | Plant | G3G5 | S1 | 34919 | |||||
Geum triflorum var. ciliatum | Prairie-smoke | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 87188 | |||||
Carex misandra | Few-flowered Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNA | 49670 | |||||
Carex leptalea ssp. leptalea | Bristly-stalk Sedge | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 83485 | |||||
Lomatium triternatum var. macrocarpum | Ternate Desert-parsley | Variety | Plant | G5T4T5 | SNR | 85643 | |||||
Arenaria capillaris ssp. americana | Subspecies | Plant | SNR | 92415 | |||||||
Sambucus racemosa | Red Elderberry | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 47777 | |||||
Achillea millefolium var. pacifica | Yarrow | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 90969 | |||||
Symphyotrichum chilense | Pacific American-aster | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 40915 | |||||
Aegolius acadicus | Northern Saw-whet Owl | Species | Bird | G5 | S4 | 19992 | |||||
Psaltriparus minimus | Bushtit | Species | Bird | G5 | S3 | 16925 | |||||
Astragalus miser var. oblongifolius | Timber Milkvetch | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 89331 | |||||
Erigeron aphanactis var. aphanactis | Rayless Shaggy Fleabane | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 87848 | |||||
Grindelia nana | Idaho Gumweed | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 50334 | |||||
Rumex salicifolius var. mexicanus | Willow Dock | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 84040 |