Species Conservation Status
The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists.
- BLM - Bureau of Land Management Sensitive Species of Special Concern
- USESA - United States Endangered Species Act
- USFS1 - US Forest Service Northern Region Sensitive Species
- USFS4 - US Forest Service Intermountain Region Sensitive Species
- GRank - Global Species Rank learn more
- SRank - State Species Rank learn more
- SGCN - Species of Greatest Conservation need identified in the Idaho State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP)
- IDAPA - Classification of wildlife defined in IDAPA 13.01.06
Scientific Name | Common Name | Taxa | Category | USESA | BLM | USFS1 | USFS4 | GRank | SRank | SGCN | ID |
Astragalus ceramicus var. apus | Painted Milkvetch | Variety | Plant | G4T3 | S3 | 92198 | |||||
Eriogonum compositum var. leianthum | Arrowleaf Wild Buckwheat | Subspecies | Plant | SNR | 92299 | ||||||
Artemisia papposa | Owyhee Sagebrush | Species | Plant | G4 | S4 | 47110 | |||||
Lepidium ramosissimum var. bourgeauanum | Bourgeau's Pepper-grass | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 92404 | |||||
Elatine californica | California Waterwort | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 47227 | |||||
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus var. viscidiflorus | Sticky-leaf Rabbitbrush | Variety | Plant | G5T4T5 | SNR | 92495 | |||||
Huperzia selago | Fir Clubmoss | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 47394 | |||||
Cryptantha circumscissa var. circumscissa | Cushion Cat's-eye | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 92607 | |||||
Viola renifolia var. brainerdii | Kidney-leaved White Violet | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 92713 | |||||
Artemisia campestris var. scouleriana | Subspecies | Plant | SNR | 92791 | |||||||
Phacelia incana | Western Phacelia | Species | Plant | G3G4 | SNR | 47718 | |||||
Bromus ciliatus var. ciliatus | Fringed Brome | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 93217 | |||||
Camissonia claviformis | Brown-eye Suncup | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 47833 | |||||
Ipomopsis minutiflora | Small-flower Standing-cypress | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 47916 | |||||
Absconditella lignicola | Species | Fungi | SNR | 93773 | |||||||
Swertia perennis | Felwort | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 48208 | |||||
Azolla caroliniana | Eastern Mosquito-fern | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 48329 | |||||
Phyllodoce glanduliflora | Yellow Mountain-heath | Species | Plant | G4G5 | SNR | 48506 | |||||
Woodsia scopulina | Rocky Mountain Woodsia | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 48611 | |||||
Dodecatheon jeffreyi | Jeffrey's Shootingstar | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 49029 | |||||
Polemonium occidentale | Western Polemonium | Species | Plant | G5? | SNR | 49099 | |||||
Astragalus atratus | Mourning Milkvetch | Species | Plant | G4G5 | S4 | 49177 | |||||
Nama aretioides | Purple Fiddleleaf | Species | Plant | G4G5 | SNR | 49420 | |||||
Phlox longifolia | Longleaf Phlox | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 49511 | |||||
Tiquilia nuttallii | Rosette Tiquilia | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 49654 | |||||
Chenopodium capitatum | Strawberry Goosefoot | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 49724 | |||||
Carex filifolia | Thread-leaved Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 49807 | |||||
Carex bolanderi | Bolander's Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 50086 | |||||
Amelanchier pumila | Dwarf Serviceberry | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 50703 | |||||
Claytonia arenicola | Sand Springbeauty | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 51259 | |||||
Microseris lindleyi | Lindley's Silverpuffs | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 51360 | |||||
Hemizonia pungens | Common Tarweed | Species | Plant | G3G4 | SNR | 51520 | |||||
Equisetum sylvaticum | Woodland Horsetail | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 51668 | |||||
Epilobium angustifolium | Fireweed | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 51759 | |||||
Lupinus leucophyllus | Woolly-leaf Lupine | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 51884 | |||||
Carex disperma | Softleaf Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 52049 | |||||
Polemonium micranthum | Annual Polemonium | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 52122 | |||||
Layia glandulosa | Glandular Layia | Species | Plant | G4G5 | SNR | 52248 | |||||
Artemisia cana | Hoary Sagebrush | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 52355 | |||||
Lactuca canadensis | Canada Lettuce | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 52643 | |||||
Cryptantha flaccida | Weak-stem Cat's-eye | Species | Plant | G5? | SNR | 52741 | |||||
Trifolium latifolium | Twin Clover | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 52843 | |||||
Juncus dudleyi | Dudley's Rush | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 52946 | |||||
Potentilla pensylvanica | Pennsylvania Cinquefoil | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 53189 | |||||
Plantago elongata | Slender Plantain | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 53411 | |||||
Atriplex argentea | Silvery Saltbush | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 53662 | |||||
Epilobium latifolium | River Beauty | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 53753 | |||||
Spiraea douglasii | Dougla's Spiraea | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 53864 | |||||
Ionactis alpina | Lava Ankle-aster | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 54173 | |||||
Phacelia bakeri | Baker's Phacelia | Species | Plant | G3G5 | SNR | 54295 | |||||
Draba platycarpa | Broad-pod Whitlow-grass | Species | Plant | SNR | 54421 | ||||||
Polygonum bistortoides | American Bistort | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 54660 | |||||
Ceanothus velutinus | Tobacco Ceanothus | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 54788 | |||||
Myosurus aristatus | Sedge Mousetail | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 54879 | |||||
Mylocheilus caurinus | Peamouth | Species | Fish | G5 | S3 | 15690 | |||||
Mimulus moschatus | Muskflower | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 55009 | |||||
Ipomopsis spicata | Spiked Standing-cypress | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 55082 | |||||
Lepus californicus | Black-tailed Jackrabbit | Species | Mammal | G5 | S4 | 15939 | |||||
Larus schistisagus | Slaty-backed Gull | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 16035 | |||||
Allium validum | Tall Swamp Onion | Species | Plant | G4 | S3 | 55293 | |||||
Carex mariposana | Mariposa Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 55429 | |||||
Carex engelmannii | Brewer's Sedge | Species | Plant | G4G5 | S2 | 55568 | |||||
Elymus trachycaulus | Slender Wild Rye | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 55731 | |||||
Oxytropis campestris | Northern Yellow Point-vetch | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 55822 | |||||
Ochotona princeps | American Pika | Species | Mammal | G5 | S3 | 16618 | |||||
Carex pachystachya | Thick-head Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 55905 | |||||
Anas clypeata | Northern Shoveler | Species | Bird | G5 | S4B,S4N | 16757 | |||||
Gaura coccinea | Scarlet Gaura | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 56108 | |||||
Certhia americana | Brown Creeper | Species | Bird | G5 | S4 | 17082 | |||||
Asclepias fascicularis | Narrowleaf Milkweed | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 56283 | |||||
Cirsium brevistylum | Short-style Thistle | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 56338 | |||||
Zapus princeps | Western Jumping Mouse | Species | Mammal | G5 | S4 | 17406 | |||||
Plagiobothrys leptocladus | Alkali Popcorn-flower | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 56465 | |||||
Quiscalus mexicanus | Great-tailed Grackle | Species | Bird | G5 | S1B | 17519 | |||||
Lysimachia hybrida | Lance-leaf Loosestrife | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 56566 | |||||
Salvelinus namaycush | Lake Trout | Species | Fish | G5 | SNA | 17608 | |||||
Cirsium eatonii | Eaton's Thistle | Species | Plant | G4G5 | SNR | 56669 | |||||
Lepidium montanum | Mountain Pepper-grass | Species | Plant | G5? | S4 | 56746 | |||||
Cirsium neomexicanum | New Mexico Thistle | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 56861 | |||||
Microtus pennsylvanicus | Meadow Vole | Species | Mammal | G5 | S5 | 18039 | |||||
Castilleja cervina | Deer Indian-paintbrush | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 57005 | |||||
Sturnus vulgaris | European Starling | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 18168 | |||||
Cryptantha gracilis | Narrow-stem Cat's-eye | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 57113 | |||||
Prunella montanella | Siberian Accentor | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 18273 | |||||
Chaenactis douglasii | Hoary Pincushion | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 57304 | |||||
Spiraea betulifolia | White White Meadowsweet | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 57432 | |||||
Carex multicostata | Many-ribbed Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 57581 | |||||
Lomatium serpentinum | Snake Canyon Desert-parsley | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 57657 | |||||
Plantago pusilla | Dwarf Plantain | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 57802 | |||||
Montia linearis | Linearleaf Miner's-lettuce | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 58080 | |||||
Sturnella neglecta | Western Meadowlark | Species | Bird | G5 | S5 | 19075 | |||||
Tsuga mertensiana | Mountain Hemlock | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 58188 | |||||
Eucephalus elegans | Elegant Aster | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 58354 | |||||
Carex merritt-fernaldii | Merritt Fernald's Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 58460 | |||||
Quiscalus quiscula | Common Grackle | Species | Bird | G5 | S1B | 19468 | |||||
Sparganium angustifolium | Narrow-leaf Burreed | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 58624 | |||||
Gayophytum humile | Low Groundsmoke | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 58728 | |||||
Stercorarius pomarinus | Pomarine Jaeger | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 19792 | |||||
Mniotilta varia | Black-and-white Warbler | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 19904 | |||||
Calochortus apiculatus | Baker's Mariposa Lily | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 58924 |