Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 2701 - 2800 of 9916
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Amelanchier pumila Dwarf Serviceberry Species Plant G5 SNR 50703
Polygonia faunus Green Comma Species Invertebrate G5 S5 20626
Phleum alpinum Mountain Timothy Species Plant G5 SNR 49399
Spiraea betulifolia White White Meadowsweet Species Plant G5 SNR 57432
Hyalophora euryalus Ceanothus Silkmoth Species Invertebrate G5 S4 30089
Paeonia brownii Western Peony Species Plant G5 SNR 42751
Erynnis persius Persius Duskywing Species Invertebrate G5 S3 30516
Somatochlora semicircularis Mountain Emerald Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 21312
Calochortus macrocarpus Green-band Mariposa Lily Species Plant G5 S4 49784
Polites themistocles Tawny-edged Skipper Species Invertebrate G5 S4 21615
Betula pumila Swamp Birch Species Plant Sensitive G5 S2? 50046
Tsuga mertensiana Mountain Hemlock Species Plant G5 SNR 58188
Diura knowltoni Nearctic Springfly Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 31224
Malvella leprosa Alkali Mallow Species Plant G5 SNR 43403
Epilobium angustifolium Fireweed Species Plant G5 SNR 51759
Acentrella parvula A Mayfly Species Invertebrate G5 S5 21984
Carex merritt-fernaldii Merritt Fernald's Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 58460
Pero morrisonaria Morrison's Pero Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 31660
Lotus denticulatus Meadow Trefoil Species Plant G5 SNR 43676
Carex disperma Softleaf Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 52049
Gayophytum humile Low Groundsmoke Species Plant G5 SNR 58728
Danthonia californica California Oatgrass Species Plant G5 SNR 43873
Salix glauca Gray Willow Species Plant G5 S2 44086
Speyeria mormonia Mormon Fritillary Species Invertebrate G5 S5 23176
Phyciodes cocyta Northern Crescent Species Invertebrate G5 S5 32781
Triglochin maritima Common Bog Arrow-grass Species Plant G5 SNR 44638
Juncus dudleyi Dudley's Rush Species Plant G5 SNR 52946
Pseudosuccinea columella Mimic Lymnaea Species Invertebrate G5 S4 23445
Parnassius clodius Clodius Parnassian Species Invertebrate G5 S4 33133
Lycopus asper Rough Bugleweed Species Plant G5 SNR 59653
Haemorhous mexicanus House Finch Species Bird G5 S4 15830
Potentilla pensylvanica Pennsylvania Cinquefoil Species Plant G5 SNR 53189
Nymphalis l-album Compton Tortoiseshell Species Invertebrate G5 S4 23834
Lophoziopsis longidens Horned Notchwort Species Plant G5 S1 33890
Larus schistisagus Slaty-backed Gull Species Bird G5 SNA 16035
Odocoileus hemionus Mule Deer Species Mammal G5 S4 16300
Minuartia obtusiloba Alpine Stitchwort Species Plant G5 SNR 45317
Atriplex argentea Silvery Saltbush Species Plant G5 SNR 53662
Fringilla montifringilla Brambling Species Bird G5 SNA 16516
Spiraea douglasii Dougla's Spiraea Species Plant G5 SNR 53864
Callophrys augustinus Brown Elfin Species Invertebrate G5 S5 24882
Draba densifolia Denseleaf Whitlow-grass Species Plant G5 SNR 60625
Anas clypeata Northern Shoveler Species Bird G5 S4B,S4N 16757
Sporobolus asper Tall Dropseed Species Plant 3 G5 SNR 54095
Furcula scolopendrina Zigzag Furcula Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S4 25194
Nemophila parviflora Small-flower Nemophila Species Plant G5 SNR 60861
Certhia americana Brown Creeper Species Bird G5 S4 17082
Streptanthus cordatus Perennial Twistflower Species Plant G5 SNR 46015
Boloria frigga Frigga Fritillary Species Invertebrate G5 S3 25512
Helianthella quinquenervis Nodding Rockrose Species Plant G5 SNR 39373
Ligusticum canbyi Canby's Wild Lovage Species Plant G5 SNR 61076
Cottus rhotheus Torrent Sculpin Species Fish G5 S3 17277
Rosa woodsii Woods' Rose Species Plant G5 SNR 46230
Quiscalus mexicanus Great-tailed Grackle Species Bird G5 S1B 17519
Psychomyia lumina A Caddisfly Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 74239
Coreopsis tinctoria Golden Tickseed Species Plant G5 SNR 46484
Ceanothus velutinus Tobacco Ceanothus Species Plant G5 SNR 54788
Polygonum buxiforme Small's Knotweed Species Plant G5 SNR 39787
Setophaga striata Blackpoll Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 17741
Crotalus viridis Prairie Rattlesnake Species Reptile G5 S4 74348
Mimulus moschatus Muskflower Species Plant G5 SNR 55009
Parasemia plantaginis Wood Tiger Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S4 26394
Osmorhiza depauperata Blunt-fruit Sweet-cicely Species Plant G5 SNR 61768
Microtus pennsylvanicus Meadow Vole Species Mammal G5 S5 18039
Agrostis oregonensis Oregon Bentgrass Species Plant G5 SNR 46971
Salix commutata Undergreen Willow Species Plant G5 SNR 40341
Prunella montanella Siberian Accentor Species Bird G5 SNA 18273
Rigiopappus leptocladus Bristle-head Species Plant G5 SNR 47177
Carex mariposana Mariposa Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 55429
Melanoides tuberculatus Red-rim Melania Species Invertebrate G5 SNA 27099
Carex vallicola Valley Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 40572
Hydropsyche oslari A Caddisfly Species Invertebrate G5 S5 68211
Fumaria officinalis Drug Fumitory Species Plant G5 SNA 47453
Elymus trachycaulus Slender Wild Rye Species Plant G5 SNR 55731
Prostoia besametsa Banded Forestfly Species Invertebrate G5 S4 27447
Prosopium williamsoni Mountain Whitefish Species Fish Sensitive G5 S5 18744
Hedysarum occidentale Western Sweet-vetch Species Plant G5 SNR 47691
Carex pachystachya Thick-head Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 55905
Biomphalaria havanensis Ghost Rams-horn Species Invertebrate G5 SNA 27823
Lupinus lepidus Prairie Lupine Species Plant G5 S5 41039
Gaura coccinea Scarlet Gaura Species Plant G5 SNR 56108
Impatiens capensis Orange Jewelweed Species Plant G5 SNR 41197
Hesperoperla pacifica Golden Stone Species Invertebrate G5 S5 28366
Pipilo erythrophthalmus Eastern Towhee Species Bird G5 SNA 19397
Eriophorum gracile Slender Cotton-grass Species Plant G5 SNR 48362
Potamopyrgus antipodarum New Zealand Mudsnail Species Invertebrate G5 SNA 28657
Anemone lithophila Little Belt Mountain Thimble-weed Species Plant G5 SNR 41653
Egretta caerulea Little Blue Heron Species Bird G5 SNA 19700
Salix bebbiana Bebb's Willow Species Plant G5 SNR 48646
Hypoprepia inculta A Tiger Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S4 28975
Sedum lanceolatum Lanceleaf Stonecrop Species Plant G5 SNR 48897
Astragalus tenellus Loose-flower Milkvetch Species Plant G5 SNR 56794
Delphinium nuttallianum Nuttall's Larkspur Species Plant G5 SNR 42212
Ranunculus inamoenus Graceful Buttercup Species Plant G5 SNR 50451
Nestotus stenophyllus Narrowleaf Mock Goldenweed Species Plant G5 SNR 49122
Hordeum pusillum Little Barley Species Plant G5 SNR 57084
Galba obrussa Golden Fossaria Species Invertebrate G5 S4 29716
Petasites frigidus Arctic Butter-bur Species Plant G5 S1 50663
Skwala americana American Springfly Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 20528
Veronica scutellata Marsh-speedwell Species Plant G5 SNR 57386