Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 701 - 800 of 9916
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Danaus plexippus Monarch Species Invertebrate Candidate G4 S2 Tier 3 21608
Acipenser transmontanus White Sturgeon Species Fish 2 G4 S2 15794
Hesperapis kayella A Miner Bee Species Invertebrate GNR S2 Tier 3 1475435
Sullivantia hapemanii var. hapemanii Hapeman's Sullivantia Variety Plant G3T3 S2 87074
Acuclavella merickeli A Harvestmen Species Invertebrate GNR S2 1474051
Stipa viridula Green Needlegrass Species Plant 4 G5 S2 56639
Acrolophitus pulchellus Idaho Point-headed Grasshopper Species Invertebrate 2 G1G3 S2 Tier 2 28349
Macropis nuda A Miner Bee Species Invertebrate GNR S2 1476085
Stylocline filaginea Stylocline Species Plant G5 S2 42693
Mimulus breviflorus Short-flower Monkeyflower Species Plant Sensitive G4 S2 42904
Protogygia postera A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S2 1474864
Euglesa conventus Alpine Peaclam Species Invertebrate G5 S2 21544
Camissonia boothii ssp. boothii Booth Evening Primrose Subspecies Plant 3 G5T4 S2 90366
Leptodactylon glabrum Bruneau River Prickly Phlox Species Plant 3 G2 S2 44300
Cicindela decemnotata montevolans A Tiger Beetle Subspecies Invertebrate GNR S2 Tier 2 23076
Phacelia minutissima Least Phacelia Species Plant 2 Sensitive G3 S2 46154
Physaria obdeltata Middle Butte Bladderpod Species Plant 4 G2 S2 93768
Homoglaea californica A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S2 1474175
Sorex nanus Dwarf Shrew Species Mammal G4 S2 18888
Camissonia pterosperma Winged-seed Evening Primrose Species Plant 4 G4 S2 48636
Cryptomastix mullani blandi An Oregonian Subspecies Invertebrate G4T1 S2 82268
Sympistis pudorata A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S2 1474610
Proserpinus flavofasciata Yellow-banded Day Sphinx Moth Species Invertebrate G4G5 S2 20813
Astragalus bisulcatus var. bisulcatus Two-grooved Milkvetch Subspecies Plant 4 G5T5 S2 84365
Physaria prostrata Prostrate Bladderpod Species Plant G2G3 S2 54873
Ribes howellii Howell's Gooseberry Species Plant G4 S2 40649
Saxifraga adscendens Ascending Saxifrage Species Plant G5 S2 47565
Penstemon laxus Idaho Beardtongue Species Plant 2 G2 S2 56183
Valvata utahensis Desert Valvata Species Invertebrate G2 S2 30930
Salix pedicellaris Bog Willow Species Plant G5 S2 44158
Calamagrostis tweedyi Cascade Reedgrass Species Plant 2 Sensitive G3 S2 59466
Ametropus ammophilus A Mayfly Species Invertebrate G4 S2 23489
Tuckermannopsis subalpina Arboreal Wrinkle Lichen Species Fungi G4G5 S2 37971
Mitella trifida Pacific Bishop's-cap Species Plant G5 S2 54116
Lesquerella multiceps Manyhead Bladderpod Species Plant G3 S2 60882
Carex sheldonii Sheldon's Sedge Species Plant G4 S2 39628
Diadasia australis A Chimney Bee Species Invertebrate GNR S2 1475529
Juncus brevicaudatus Narrow-panicle Rush Species Plant G5 S2 55959
Carex comosa Bristly Sedge Species Plant 3 Sensitive G5 S2 47990
Urocitellus endemicus Southern Idaho Ground Squirrel Species Mammal 2 G2T1 S2 Tier 1 80667
Abagrotis nanalis A Moth Species Invertebrate G4 S2 30539
Trifolium plumosum ssp. amplifolium Plumed Clover Subspecies Plant 3 G4T2 S2 84298
Pseudanarta singula A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S2 1474882
Camassia cusickii Cusick's Camas Species Plant 4 Sensitive G4 S2 60106
Cassiope mertensiana ssp. mertensiana Mertens' Mountain Heather Variety Plant G5T5 S2 91351
Pseudocyphellaria anomala Pseudocyphellaria Lichen Species Fungi G2G4 S2 36312
Anaxyrus boreas Western Toad Species Amphibian 2 Sensitive Sensitive G4 S2 Tier 2 17288
Hemphillia camelus Pale Jumping-slug Species Invertebrate G4 S2 Tier 3 26101
Eriophorum viridicarinatum Green Keeled Cotton-grass Species Plant G5 S2 47893
Oreortyx pictus Mountain Quail Species Bird 2 Sensitive Sensitive G5 S2 Tier 2 18753
Betula pumila Swamp Birch Species Plant Sensitive G5 S2? 50046
Asclepias incarnata Swamp Milkweed Species Plant G5 S2? 40672
Ericameria nauseosa var. graveolens Heavy Gray Rabbitbrush Variety Plant G5T5 S2? 84149
Plegadis chihi White-faced Ibis Species Bird G5 S2B Tier 2 18080
Chlidonias niger Black Tern Species Bird 2 G4 S2B Tier 2 19458
Aechmophorus occidentalis Western Grebe Species Bird G5 S2B Tier 2 19787
Amphispiza bilineata Black-throated Sparrow Species Bird 2 G5 S2B 16298
Vireo plumbeus Plumbeous Vireo Species Bird G5 S2B 15754
Numenius americanus Long-billed Curlew Species Bird 2 G5 S2B Tier 2 15609
Aechmophorus clarkii Clark's Grebe Species Bird G5 S2B Tier 2 18337
Dolichonyx oryzivorus Bobolink Species Bird G5 S2B Tier 2 17303
Setophaga ruticilla American Redstart Species Bird G5 S2B 16289
Sterna forsteri Forster's Tern Species Bird G5 S2B 16406
Empidonax minimus Least Flycatcher Species Bird G5 S2B 19368
Anas discors Blue-winged Teal Species Bird G5 S2B 19873
Ardea alba Great Egret Species Bird G5 S2B 17856
Athene cunicularia Burrowing Owl Species Bird 2 G4 S2B Tier 2 80477
Podiceps grisegena Red-necked Grebe Species Bird G5 S2B 16128
Larus delawarensis Ring-billed Gull Species Bird G5 S2B,S2N Tier 3 Breeding population only 15595
Nycticorax nycticorax Black-crowned Night-Heron Species Bird G5 S2B,S2N 18945
Lophodytes cucullatus Hooded Merganser Species Bird G5 S2B,S2N 18752
Limosa fedoa Marbled Godwit Species Bird G5 S2M 16536
Tringa flavipes Lesser Yellowlegs Species Bird G5 S2M 15296
Calidris melanotos Pectoral Sandpiper Species Bird G5 S2M 18488
Calidris bairdii Baird's Sandpiper Species Bird G5 S2M 20080
Podiceps auritus Horned Grebe Species Bird G5 S2N 16689
Larus argentatus Herring Gull Species Bird G5 S2N 18996
Rallus limicola Virginia Rail Species Bird G5 S2N,S3B 19936
Prophysaon dubium Papillose Taildropper Species Invertebrate G4 S2Q Tier 1 32628
Hemphillia skadei Skade's Jumping-slug Species Invertebrate GNR S2Q Tier 2 1474112
Melanoplus Species Group Spur-throated Grasshopper Species Group Species Invertebrate GNR S2Q Tier 3 1473949
Rhodiola integrifolia ssp. integrifolia Alpine Sedum Subspecies Plant G5T5 S2S3 89264
Aspicilia rogeri Rim Lichen Species Fungi 3 G2G3 S2S3 35826
Mentzelia mollis Smooth Stickleaf Species Plant 2 G2 S2S3 47593
Carex magellanica ssp. irrigua Poor Sedge Subspecies Plant Sensitive G5T5 S2S3 91293
Oncorhynchus mykiss pop. 13 Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS) Population Fish Threatened 1 Endangered G5T2T3Q S2S3 Tier 1 79812
Carex chordorrhiza String-root Sedge Species Plant Sensitive G5 S2S3 56716
Phlox mollis Soft Phlox Species Plant G2G3 S2S3 50574
Damasonium californicum Fringed Waterplantain Species Plant 4 G4 S2S3 41285
Orthotrichum striatum A Moss Species Plant G4G5 S2S3 33284
Cleomella hillmanii Hillman's Rhombo-pod Species Plant G4G5 S2S3 60468
Dryopteris cristata Crested Shield-fern Species Plant Sensitive G5 S2S3 61511
Lomatium andrusianum Andrus' lomatium Species Plant S2S3 1913564
Rhodiola integrifolia Entire-leaf Stonecrop Species Plant G5 S2S3 42727
Allium anceps Two-headed Onion Species Plant 4 G4 S2S3 61257
Tripterocladium leucocladulum Naked Rhizomnium Moss Species Plant 3 G3 S2S3 34097
Epipactis gigantea Giant Helleborine Species Plant 3 Sensitive G4 S2S3 55447
Salicornia rubra Red Glasswort Species Plant 4 G5 S2S3 39774
Drasteria petricola Little Arches Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474430
Thlaspi idahoense var. aileeniae Stanley Thlaspi Variety Plant G3G4T3 S3 83006