Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 6701 - 6800 of 9916
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Ipomopsis minutiflora Small-flower Standing-cypress Species Plant G4 SNR 47916
Thalictrum occidentale var. occidentale Western Meadowrue Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 88309
Taraxacum eriophorum Wool-bearing Dandelion Species Plant G4 SNR 58806
Ecclisocosmoecus scylla A Caddisfly Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 24680
Erigeron bloomeri Bloomer's Fleabane Species Plant G5 SNR 41225
Petrobia latens Brown Wheat Mite Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1474080
Halictus confusus A Sweat Bee Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1475929
Swertia perennis Felwort Species Plant G5 SNR 48208
Cerastium arvense ssp. strictum Field Chickweed Subspecies Plant SNR 88471
Erigeron jonesii Jones' Fleabane Species Plant G3G4 SNR 59042
Carex xerantica Dryland Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 41453
Cystobranchus salmositicus A Leech Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1474114
Iliamna rivularis Streambank Globemallow Species Plant G5 SNR 52632
Kybos ziona A Leafhopper Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1475994
Cleptes purpuratus A Cuckoo Wasp Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1472926
Phyllodoce glanduliflora Yellow Mountain-heath Species Plant G4G5 SNR 48506
Artemisia arbuscula ssp. thermopola Dwarf Sagebrush Subspecies Plant G5T3Q SNR 88683
Paronychia jamesii James' Nailwort Species Plant G4 SNR 52835
Lasioglossum cooleyi A Sweat Bee Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 1476054
Lindernia dubia Yellowseed False Pimpernel Species Plant G5 SNR 59519
Cryptantha affinis Slender Cat's-eye Species Plant G4 SNR 42034
Phacelia sericea Silky Scorpionweed Species Plant G5 SNR 53095
Macropsis delongi A Leafhopper Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476086
Tachysphex alpestris A Crabronid Wasp Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473019
Dodecatheon jeffreyi Jeffrey's Shootingstar Species Plant G5 SNR 49029
Potentilla brevifolia Short-leaf Cinquefoil Species Plant G4 SNR 59782
Sympetrum illotum Cardinal Meadowhawk Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 25949
Goodyera oblongifolia Giant Rattlesnake-plantain Species Plant G5? SNR 42281
Hieracium gracile var. gracile Alpine Hawkweed Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 83328
Aquilegia flavescens Yellow Columbine Species Plant G5 SNR 53283
Melissodes dagosa A Bee Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476118
Labops utahensis A Leaf Bug Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473051
Phlox hoodii ssp. muscoides Moss Phlox Subspecies Plant G5T5? SNR 89256
Eurybia merita Arctic Aster Species Plant G5 SNR 60009
Nephus ornatus A Ladybird Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 26248
Carex ebenea Ebony Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 42474
Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii Douglas-fir Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 83584
Impatiens noli-tangere Western Jewel-weed Species Plant G4G5 SNR 53535
Anoplius tenebrosus A Spider Wasp Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473083
Nama aretioides Purple Fiddleleaf Species Plant G4G5 SNR 49420
Ipomopsis congesta ssp. viridis Ball-head Standing-cypress Subspecies Plant G5TNR SNR 89437
Opuntia fragilis Brittle Prickly-pear Species Plant G4G5 SNR 60217
Pacifastacus leniusculus Signal Crayfish Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 26555
Trichophorum caespitosum Tufted Clubrush Species Plant G5 SNR 42793
Festuca brachyphylla ssp. brachyphylla Shortleaf Fescue Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 83741
Anelsonia eurycarpa Dagger-pod Species Plant G4G5 SNR 53734
Nomada texana A Bee Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476240
Bembix amoena A Thread-waisted Wasp Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473115
Tiquilia nuttallii Rosette Tiquilia Species Plant G5 SNR 49654
Castilleja pilosa var. longispica Parrot's-head Indian-paintbrush Variety Plant G4G5T4 SNR 89652
Selaginella wallacei Wallace's Spike-moss Species Plant G5 SNR 60472
Lupinus arbustus ssp. neolaxiflorus Long-spur Lupine Subspecies Plant G5T1T3 SNR 83951
Osmia exigua A Mason Bee Species Invertebrate GUQ SNR 1476379
Ceratagallia artemisia A Leafhopper Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473147
Carex filifolia Thread-leaved Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 49807
Artemisia biennis var. biennis Biennial Wormwood Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 89777
Adalia bipunctata Two-spotted Lady Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 27314
Lomatium juniperinum Juniper Desert-parsley Species Plant G3G5 SNR 43219
Selaginella densa Dense Spike-moss Species Plant G5 SNR 54169
Carex bolanderi Bolander's Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 50086
Galium trifidum ssp. trifidum Small Bedstraw Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 89970
Dryopteris filix-mas Male Fern Species Plant G5 SNR 60966
Cinna latifolia Slender Wood Reedgrass Species Plant G5 SNR 43458
Antennaria media Stony Mountain Pussytoes Species Plant G5 SNR 54410
Eleodes rileyi A Darkling Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473212
Ipomopsis aggregata ssp. weberi Weber's Scarlet Gilia Subspecies Plant G5T2 SNR 90129
Chenopodium incanum Mealy Goosefoot Species Plant G5 SNR 61156
Thalictrum sparsiflorum Few-flower Meadowrue Species Plant G5 SNR 43689
Downingia laeta Great Basin Downingia Species Plant G5 SNR 54658
Stelis manni A Leafcutting Bee Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476560
Longitarsus oregonensis A Leaf Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473244
Mahonia nervosa Long-leaf Oregon-grape Species Plant G5 SNR 61401
Synthyris pinnatifida var. canescens Cut-leaf Kittentail Variety Plant G4T4 SNR 84706
Pseudopanurgus aethiops A Miner Bee Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476592
Camelobaetidius variabilis A Mayfly Species Invertebrate G4 SNR 32097
Oscinella inserta A Grass Fly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473276
Anemone drummondii ssp. drummondii Subspecies Plant G4T4 SNR 90500
Impatiens aurella Pale-yellow Jewel-weed Species Plant G4? SNR 61591
Steatoda triangulosa A Cobweb Weaver Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 28583
Cerastium arvense Mouse-ear Chickweed Species Plant G5 SNR 44100
Arabis glabra var. glabra Tower-mustard Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 84951
Pseudognaphalium canescens Wright's Cudweed Species Plant G5 SNR 55078
Thereva egressa A Stiletto Fly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476624
Megaphorus martinorum A Robber Fly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473309
Lesquerella occidentalis ssp. occidentalis Western Bladderpod Subspecies Plant SNR 90697
Ambrosia acanthicarpa Flat-spine Bursage Species Plant G5 SNR 61883
Pellaea bridgesii Bridge's Cliffbrake Species Plant G4 SNR 44412
Hypericum scouleri ssp. scouleri Western St. John's-wort Subspecies Plant G5T3T5 SNR 85138
Triepeolus occidentalis A Bee Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476657
Euglesa fallax River Peaclam Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 32814
Lupinus aridus ssp. lenorensis Arid-soil Lupine Subspecies Plant G5T1T3Q SNR 90873
Carex micropoda Small-rooted Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 67944
Pontia beckerii Becker's White Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 29146
Draba reptans Carolina Whitlow-grass Species Plant G5 SNR 44664
Descurainia pinnata ssp. nelsonii Nelson's Western Tansy-mustard Subspecies Plant G5T3T5 SNR 85368
Cosmopepla conspicillaris A Stink Bug Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476689
Olibrus rufipes A Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473374
Arabis microphylla Small-leaf Rockcress Species Plant G5 SNR 44867
Amara californica A Sun Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1475059
Equisetum scirpoides Dwarf Scouring-rush Species Plant G5 SNR 55811