Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 6401 - 6500 of 9686
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Luzula comosa Pacific Woodrush Species Plant G4G5 SNR 48592
Carex vicaria Western Fox Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 50844
Utricularia macrorhiza Greater Bladderwort Species Plant G5 SNR 46876
Rumex salicifolius var. transitorius Willow Dock Variety Plant G5TNR SNR 90092
Chaenactis macrantha Large-flowered Chaenactis Species Plant G4 SNR 49067
Trifolium gymnocarpon ssp. plummerae Hollyleaf Clover Subspecies Plant G5T4 SNR 86210
Lathyrus nevadensis Sierra Nevada Peavine Species Plant G5 SNR 41074
Allium parvum Dwarf Onion Species Plant G5 SNR 59914
Elymus trachycaulus Slender Wild Rye Species Plant G5 SNR 55731
Polemonium acutiflorum Tall Jacob's-ladder Species Plant G5 SNR 52168
Juncus tracyi Tracy's Rush Species Plant G5 SNR 46089
Juncus drummondii Drummond's Rush Species Plant G5 SNR 53879
Butorides virescens Green Heron Species Bird G5 SNA 16901
Alnus rubra Red Alder Species Plant G5 SNR 44885
Prunella vulgaris ssp. vulgaris Self-heal Subspecies Plant G5TU SNR 88541
Lomatium rollinsii Rollins's Desert-parsley Species Plant G3 S3 43217
Potamogeton pusillus ssp. pusillus Slender Pondweed Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 92149
Sullivantia hapemanii Purpus' Sullivantia Species Plant G3 S2 57523
Aquilegia flavescens var. flavescens Yellow Columbine Variety Plant G5T4T5 SNR 84006
Asclepias incarnata ssp. incarnata Purple Milkweed Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 86798
Egretta caerulea Little Blue Heron Species Bird G5 SNA 19700
Populus x hinckleyana Goat Canyon Cottonwood Species Plant GNA SNA 79041
Trifolium latifolium Twin Clover Species Plant G4 SNR 52843
Ranunculus gmelinii var. limosus Small Yellow Water-crowfoot Variety Plant G5T4T5 SNR 89163
Bromus sitchensis Alaska Brome Species Plant G5 SNR 60659
Packera indecora Plains Ragwort Species Plant G5 SNR 41843
Sambucus racemosa var. racemosa European Red Elder Variety Plant G5T4T5 SNR 92758
Pellaea glabella ssp. simplex Smooth Cliffbrake Subspecies Plant G5T4? SNR 84602
Isoetes melanopoda Blackfoot Quillwort Species Plant G5 SNR 58751
Ammospermophilus leucurus White-tailed Antelope Squirrel Species Mammal G5 S4 17612
Eucephalus engelmannii Engelmann's Aster Species Plant G4G5 SNR 48054
Gnaphalium viscosum Winged Cudweed Species Plant G5 SNR 50393
Gilia inconspicua Shy Gilia Species Plant G5 SNR 58307
Oxytropis lagopus Hare's-foot Point-vetch Species Plant G4G5 SNR 46366
Erigeron austiniae Sagebrush Fleabane Species Plant G4G5 SNR 39218
Rhinanthus minor ssp. minor Little Yellow-rattle Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 89721
Packera cana Silvery Ragwort Species Plant G5 SNR 56336
Eriogonum baileyi var. praebens Bailey's Buckwheat Variety Plant G5T4 SNR 85783
Astragalus salmonis Trout Creek Milkvetch Species Plant G3G4 S3 40631
Lomatium donnellii Donnell's Desert-parsley Species Plant G5 SNR 53591
Eleocharis tenuis Slender Spike-rush Species Plant G5 SNA 51698
Eriogonum umbellatum Sulphur-flower Wild Buckwheat Species Plant G5 SNR 45723
Callitriche hermaphroditica Autumnal Water-starwort Species Plant G5 SNR 42676
Gambusia affinis Western Mosquitofish Species Fish G5 SNA 17918
Navarretia divaricata ssp. divaricata Mountain Navarretia Subspecies Plant G5T3T5 SNR 88165
Machaeranthera canescens Hoary Tansy-aster Species Plant G5 S5 59459
Lesquerella occidentalis Western Bladderpod Species Plant G4 S3 42781
Rorippa curvipes var. curvipes Rocky Mountain Yellowcress Variety Plant G5T5? SNR 91755
Aythya collaris Ring-necked Duck Species Bird G5 S4B,S4N 15746
Androsace septentrionalis ssp. subulifera Pygmy-flower Rock-jasmine Subspecies Plant G5T5? SNR 83600
Allium bisceptrum var. bisceptrum Patis Onion Variety Plant G4G5T3T5 SNR 86388
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus Sticky-leaf Rabbitbrush Species Plant G5 SNR 51169
Aythya valisineria Canvasback Species Bird G5 S3B,S3N 19131
Bubo virginianus Great Horned Owl Species Bird G5 S5 74430
Mertensia platyphylla Broad-leaf Bluebells Species Plant G3? SNR 39921
Descurainia pinnata ssp. intermedia Pinnate Tansy-mustard Subspecies Plant G5T5? SNR 90300
Carex norvegica Scandinavian Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 47090
Townsendia exscapa Silky Townsend-daisy Species Plant G5 SNR 39955
Chenopodium berlandieri var. zschackii Pit-seed Goosefoot Variety Plant G5T4T5 SNR 90311
Antennaria anaphaloides Handsome Pussytoes Species Plant G5 SNR 49261
Castilleja cervina Deer Indian-paintbrush Species Plant G4 SNR 57005
Carex mertensii Merten's Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 41287
Mertensia ciliata var. ciliata Streamside Bluebells Variety Plant G5T5? SNR 88738
Balsamorhiza deltoidea Deltoid Balsamroot Species Plant G5 SNR 60135
Phacelia sericea ssp. ciliosa Blue Alpine Phacelia Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 84181
Carex concinnoides Northwestern Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 52443
Tinca tinca Tench Species Fish G5 SNA 17215
Hedysarum boreale ssp. boreale Boreal Sweet-vetch Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 90835
Castilleja lutescens Stiff Yellow Indian-paintbrush Species Plant G4G5 SNR 43455
Chamaesyce ocellata ssp. arenicola Valley Broomspurge Subspecies Plant G4T4? SNR 92361
Arabis lyallii Lyall's Rockcress Species Plant G5 SNR 57782
Astragalus miser var. miser Timber Milkvetch Variety Plant G5T4? SNR 87013
Orobanche ludoviciana ssp. multiflora Many-flower Broomrape Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 85294
Helodium blandowii Blandow's Helodium Species Plant G5 S2 34146
Ranunculus pensylvanicus Bristly Crowfoot Species Plant G5 SNR 53109
Pseudoroegneria spicata ssp. spicata Bluebunch Wheatgrass Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 89354
Lesquerella multiceps Manyhead Bladderpod Species Plant G3 S2 60882
Lupinus parviflorus Lodgepole Lupine Species Plant G5 SNR 45200
Stellaria crassifolia Fleshy Stitchwort Species Plant G5 SNR 42166
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum var. hesperium Swamp Aster Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 93470
Eurybia sibirica Siberian Aster Species Plant G5 SNR 43924
Senecio integerrimus var. ochroleucus Entire-leaf Ragwort Variety Plant G5T4T5 SNR 84849
Rorippa curvisiliqua var. procumbens Curve-pod Yellowcress Variety Plant G5TNR SNR 87651
Collomia tenella Diffuse Collomia Species Plant G4? SNR 58975
Silene parryi Parry's Campion Species Plant G5 SNR 54827
Podiceps nigricollis Eared Grebe Species Bird G5 S1N,S2B 15293
Phlox kelseyi var. kelseyi Kelsey's Phlox Subspecies Plant G4T4 S3 83153
Pyrrocoma hirta var. hirta Sticky Golden-weed Variety Plant G4G5T3 SNR 91391
Erigeron simplex One-stem Fleabane Species Plant G4 SNR 50626
Lactuca tatarica Tartarian Lettuce Species Plant G5 SNR 46586
Kochia americana Perennial Summer-cypress Species Plant G5 SNR 39459
Polygonum ramosissimum var. prolificum Bushy Knotweed Variety Plant G5T4T5 SNR 89933
Lysimachia hybrida Lance-leaf Loosestrife Species Plant G5 SNR 56566
Salix glauca ssp. glauca Gray Willow Subspecies Plant G5TNR SNR 85991
Collema furfuraceum Scurffy Jelly Lichen Species Fungi G5 S3 38074
Trisetum spicatum Narrow False Oats Species Plant G5 SNR 40902
Castilleja cusickii Cusick's Indian-paintbrush Species Plant G4G5 SNR 44698
Pedicularis contorta var. contorta Curve-beak Lousewort Variety Plant G5T4T5 SNR 88336
Cerastium brachypodum Mouse-ear Chickweed Species Plant G5 SNR 59724
Picea glauca White Spruce Species Plant 4 G5 S1 42988