Species Conservation Status
The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists.
- BLM - Bureau of Land Management Sensitive Species of Special Concern
- USESA - United States Endangered Species Act
- USFS1 - US Forest Service Northern Region Sensitive Species
- USFS4 - US Forest Service Intermountain Region Sensitive Species
- GRank - Global Species Rank learn more
- SRank - State Species Rank learn more
- SGCN - Species of Greatest Conservation need identified in the Idaho State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP)
- IDAPA - Classification of wildlife defined in IDAPA 13.01.06
Scientific Name | Common Name | Taxa | Category | USESA | BLM | USFS1 | USFS4 | GRank | SRank | SGCN | ID |
Perideridia gairdneri ssp. borealis | Gairdner's Yampah | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 90812 | |||||
Boltonia asteroides var. recognita | White Doll's-daisy | Variety | Plant | G5T3T5 | SNR | 83413 | |||||
Sagittaria rigida | Sessile-fruit Arrowhead | Species | Plant | G5 | S1 | 53389 | |||||
Townsendia florifera | Showy Townsend-daisy | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 43518 | |||||
Symphoricarpos oreophilus | Mountain Snowberry | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 67749 | |||||
Veronica serpyllifolia | Thyme-leaf Speedwell | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 41603 | |||||
Pinus contorta var. murrayana | Murray's Lodgepole Pine | Variety | Plant | G5T4? | SNR | 87421 | |||||
Langloisia setosissima ssp. setosissima | Spotted Langloisia | Subspecies | Plant | G4G5T4T5 | SNR | 89698 | |||||
Veronica wormskjoldii var. wormskjoldii | Alpine Speedwell | Variety | Plant | G4G5T4T5 | SNR | 93216 | |||||
Astragalus argophyllus var. martinii | Silverleaf Milkvetch | Variety | Plant | G5T4 | SNR | 85778 | |||||
Gentianella amarella | Northern Gentian | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 55833 | |||||
Minuartia rubella | Boreal Stitchwort | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 46017 | |||||
Sitta canadensis | Red-breasted Nuthatch | Species | Bird | G5 | S4 | 19786 | |||||
Gnaphalium uliginosum | Low Cudweed | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 54025 | |||||
Cryptantha fendleri | Fendler's Cat's-eye | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 44140 | |||||
Cottus greenei | Shoshone Sculpin | Species | Fish | 2 | G2 | S4 | 17754 | ||||
Symphyotrichum foliaceum var. parryi | Leafy-bracted Aster | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 88144 | |||||
Crepis bakeri | Baker's Hawk's-beard | Species | Plant | G4 | S2 | 48613 | |||||
Arnica angustifolia ssp. tomentosa | Alpine Arnica | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 91368 | |||||
Mertensia paniculata var. paniculata | Tall Bluebells | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 84036 | |||||
Juncus balticus var. balticus | Baltic Rush | Variety | Plant | G5TNR | SNR | 86364 | |||||
Senecio streptanthifolius | Cleftleaf Ragwort | Species | Plant | G5 | S3 | 56337 | |||||
Rhamnus alnifolia | Alderleaf Buckthorn | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 46650 | |||||
Elymus x saundersii | Species | Plant | GNA | SNA | 79272 | ||||||
Cirsium foliosum | Leafy Thistle | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 52227 | |||||
Artemisia tilesii | Tilesius Wormwood | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 39214 | |||||
Corydalis caseana | Sierra Corydalis | Species | Plant | G5 | S3 | 42349 | |||||
Daucus pusillus | Southwestern Carrot | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 50260 | |||||
Ivesia baileyi | Bailey's Ivesia | Species | Plant | G5 | S3 | 40521 | |||||
Phlox diffusa ssp. longistylis | Spreading Phlox | Subspecies | Plant | G5T4 | SNR | 88715 | |||||
Festuca kingii | Spike Fescue | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 58991 | |||||
Potentilla flabelliformis | Graceful Cinquefoil | Species | Plant | G5? | SNR | 49284 | |||||
Eleocharis acicularis var. acicularis | Least Spikerush | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 91965 | |||||
Hymenopappus filifolius | Fineleaf Woollywhite | Species | Plant | G5 | S4 | 54738 | |||||
Eriogonum shockleyi | Shockley's Buckwheat | Species | Plant | G5 | S3 | 44877 | |||||
Dodecatheon pulchellum ssp. cusickii | Few-flower Shootingstar | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 82985 | |||||
Penstemon lyallii | Lyall's Beardtongue | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 52904 | |||||
Hesperostipa comata | Needle-and-Thread | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 43084 | |||||
Eriogonum umbellatum var. umbellatum | Sulphur-flower Wild Buckwheat | Variety | Plant | G5T4T5 | SNR | 86981 | |||||
Tyrannus savana | Fork-tailed Flycatcher | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 16992 | |||||
Castilleja cervina | Deer Indian-paintbrush | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 57005 | |||||
Antennaria rosea | Rosy Pussytoes | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 47431 | |||||
Lupinus aridus ssp. aridus | Arid-soil Lupine | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 85241 | |||||
Rubus pubescens | Dwarf Red Blackberry | Species | Plant | G5 | S1 | 39898 | |||||
Utricularia intermedia | Flatleaf Bladderwort | Species | Plant | G5 | S3 | 55311 | |||||
Scutellaria lateriflora | Mad-dog Skullcap | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 45630 | |||||
Pylodictis olivaris | Flathead Catfish | Species | Fish | G5 | SNA | 19177 | |||||
Primula cusickiana | Wallowa Primrose | Species | Plant | 5 | G4 | SNR | 50996 | ||||
Madia exigua | Little Tarweed | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 41133 | |||||
Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata | Basin Big Sagebrush | Subspecies | Plant | G5T4T5 | SNR | 89325 | |||||
Draba oreibata | Subalpine Whitlow-grass | Species | Plant | G4 | S3 | 59763 | |||||
Elymus lanceolatus | Streamside Wild Rye | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 49913 | |||||
Camissonia claviformis ssp. cruciformis | Brown-eye Suncup | Subspecies | Plant | G5T4 | SNR | 92499 | |||||
Eriogonum umbellatum var. devestivum | Variety | Plant | G5T1T3 | SNR | 87630 | ||||||
Arabis lyallii | Lyall's Rockcress | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 57782 | |||||
Dicentra uniflora | One-flower Bleedinghearts | Species | Plant | G4? | SNR | 48075 | |||||
Poa glauca ssp. rupicola | Timberline Bluegrass | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 83622 | |||||
Mimulus guttatus | Common Large Monkeyflower | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 53639 | |||||
Potentilla rivalis | Brook Cinquefoil | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 43739 | |||||
Achnatherum occidentale | Western Needlegrass | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 76940 | |||||
Carex atherodes | Awned Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 41841 | |||||
Cathartes aura | Turkey Vulture | Species | Bird | G5 | S5B | 17687 | |||||
Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa | Black Cottonwood | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 89872 | |||||
Asplenium septentrionale | Northern Spleenwort | Species | Plant | G4G5 | S1 | 60443 | |||||
Lupinus pusillus ssp. pusillus | Small Lupine | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 85973 | |||||
Ceanothus sanguineus | Oregon-tea | Species | Plant | G4G5 | SNR | 56052 | |||||
Orobanche corymbosa | Flat-top Broomrape | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 46237 | |||||
Chenopodium pratericola | Desert Goosefoot | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 48841 | |||||
Sorex merriami | Merriam's Shrew | Species | Mammal | G5 | S4 | 19993 | |||||
Lewisia columbiana var. wallowensis | Columbia Lewisia | Variety | Plant | G4T4 | SNR | 84221 | |||||
Tetraphis pellucida | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 36924 | ||||||
Aspidotis densa | Indian's-dream | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 54224 | |||||
Minuartia nuttallii | Nuttall's Sandwort | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 44425 | |||||
Isoetes bolanderi var. bolanderi | Bolander's Quillwort | Variety | Plant | G4T4 | SNR | 88325 | |||||
Ranunculus macounii | Macoun's Buttercup | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 61121 | |||||
Erythronium grandiflorum ssp. chrysandrum | White Glacierlily | Subspecies | Plant | G5TNR | SNR | 91532 | |||||
Ipomopsis aggregata ssp. aggregata | Scarlet Skyrocket | Subspecies | Plant | G5T4T5 | SNR | 86562 | |||||
Lysimachia hybrida | Lance-leaf Loosestrife | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 56566 | |||||
Scolochloa festucacea | Sprangletop | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 52508 | |||||
Stanleya pinnata | Desert Prince's-plume | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 39446 | |||||
Arceuthobium laricis | Larch Dwarf-mistletoe | Species | Plant | G4? | SNR | 42675 | |||||
Aquilegia caerulea var. caerulea | Colorado Blue Columbine | Variety | Plant | G5T3T5 | SNR | 90475 | |||||
Erysimum inconspicuum | Small-flower Prairie Wallflower | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 50484 | |||||
Physocarpus capitatus | Pacific Ninebark | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 40714 | |||||
Arabis sparsiflora var. subvillosa | Elegant Rockcress | Variety | Plant | G5T3T5 | SNR | 88948 | |||||
Mimulus nanus ssp. nanus | Washoe Monkeyflower | Subspecies | Plant | G5T4 | SNR | 92116 | |||||
Astragalus alpinus var. alpinus | Alpine Milkvetch | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 84869 | |||||
Carex emoryi | Emory's Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 57222 | |||||
Peteria thompsoniae | Spine-noded Milkvetch | Species | Plant | 4 | G4 | S2 | 47611 | ||||
Lepus americanus | Snowshoe Hare | Species | Mammal | G5 | S3 | 18768 | |||||
Oenothera elata ssp. hirsutissima | Hooker's Evening-primrose | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 83188 | |||||
Suaeda occidentalis | Slender Seepweed | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 61861 | |||||
Polygonum punctatum var. confertiflorum | Dotted Smartweed | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 87204 | |||||
Cyperus erythrorhizos | Red-root Flatsedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 59949 | |||||
Ipomopsis tenuituba ssp. tenuituba | Slender-trumpet Standing-cypress | Subspecies | Plant | G4G5TNR | SNR | 92693 | |||||
Leymus salinus ssp. salinus | Salinas Lyme Grass | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 85539 | |||||
Musineon divaricatum var. hookeri | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 92708 | ||||||
Rorippa palustris ssp. fernaldiana | Marsh Yellowcress | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 85548 | |||||
Tyrannus forficatus | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 15341 | |||||
Lathyrus ochroleucus | Pale Vetchling Peavine | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 40202 |