Species Conservation Status
The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists.
- BLM - Bureau of Land Management Sensitive Species of Special Concern
- USESA - United States Endangered Species Act
- USFS1 - US Forest Service Northern Region Sensitive Species
- USFS4 - US Forest Service Intermountain Region Sensitive Species
- GRank - Global Species Rank learn more
- SRank - State Species Rank learn more
- SGCN - Species of Greatest Conservation need identified in the Idaho State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP)
- IDAPA - Classification of wildlife defined in IDAPA 13.01.06
Scientific Name | Common Name | Taxa | Category | USESA | BLM | USFS1 | USFS4 | GRank | SRank | SGCN | ID |
Trifolium fragiferum | Strawberry-head Clover | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 44460 | |||||
Lithobates catesbeianus | American Bullfrog | Species | Amphibian | G5 | SNA | 19636 | |||||
Xema sabini | Sabine's Gull | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 19941 | |||||
Myriophyllum aquaticum | Parrot's-feather | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 54511 | |||||
Fragaria x ananassa var. cuneifolia | Strawberry | Variety | Plant | GNA | SNA | 78848 | |||||
x Pseudelymus saxicola | Species | Plant | GNA | SNA | 79597 | ||||||
Procambarus clarkii | Red Swamp Crawfish | Species | Invertebrate | G5 | SNA | 30194 | |||||
Salvelinus alpinus oquassa | Sunapee Trout | Subspecies | Fish | G5T3T4Q | SNA | 81082 | |||||
Pacifastacus leniusculus trowbridgii | A Crayfish | Subspecies | Invertebrate | G5T5 | SNA | 82161 | |||||
Caragana arborescens | Siberian Peashrub | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 56063 | |||||
Bromus commutatus | Hairy Brome | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 56232 | |||||
Dracocephalum thymiflorum | Thyme-leaf Dragon-head | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 56427 | |||||
Misopates orontium | Lesser Snapdragon | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 40344 | |||||
Gavia pacifica | Pacific Loon | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 15897 | |||||
Aulacorthum solani | Foxglove Aphid | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | SNA | 1475294 | |||||
Lynx canadensis | Canada Lynx | Species | Mammal | Threatened | 1 | Threatened | G5 | SNA | 16860 | ||
Brevicoryne brassicae | Mealy Cabbage Aphid | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | SNA | 1475550 | |||||
Alopecurus pratensis | Meadow Foxtail | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 58718 | |||||
Oreochromis aureus | Blue Tilapia | Species | Fish | G5 | SNA | 17588 | |||||
Armoracia rusticana | Horseradish | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 50357 | |||||
Festuca ovina | Ovina Fescue | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 53303 | |||||
Pectinatella magnifica | Magnificent Bryozoan | Species | Other | GNR | SNA | 28072 | |||||
Arion distinctus | Darkface Arion | Species | Invertebrate | G5 | SNA | 28397 | |||||
Matricaria discoidea | Pineapple-weed Chamomile | Species | Plant | G5 | SNA | 61126 | |||||
Cerastium glomeratum | Sticky Mouse-ear Chickweed | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 44859 | |||||
Equisetum x litorale | Hybrid | Species | Plant | GNA | SNA | 78660 | |||||
Cepaea nemoralis | Grovesnail | Species | Invertebrate | G5 | SNA | 20770 | |||||
Catostomus columbianus palouseanus | Bridgelip Sucker | Subspecies | G5TNR | SNA | 80529 | ||||||
Aplocera plagiata | St. John's-Wort Looper | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | SNA | 68271 | |||||
Prunus mahaleb | Perfumed Cherry | Species | Plant | G5 | SNA | 46931 | |||||
Phalaris canariensis | Common Canary Grass | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 40304 | |||||
Melanitta fusca | White-winged Scoter | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 15373 | |||||
Calystegia pellita | Hairy Bindweed | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 56770 | |||||
Aphis pomi | Green Apple Aphid | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | SNA | 1475220 | |||||
Chenopodium botryodes | Low Goosefoot | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 41015 | |||||
Charadrius montanus | Mountain Plover | Species | Bird | G3 | SNA | 16542 | |||||
Vermivora chrysoptera | Golden-winged Warbler | Species | Bird | G4 | SNA | 16819 | |||||
Penstemon palmeri var. palmeri | Scented Beardtongue | Variety | Plant | G4G5T3T5 | SNA | 91476 | |||||
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | Chinook Salmon | Species | Fish | 2 | G5 | SNA | 17129 | ||||
Eremopyrum triticeum | Annual False Wheatgrass | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 51809 | |||||
Panicum miliaceum | Proso Millet | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 42412 | |||||
Junonia coenia | Common Buckeye | Species | Invertebrate | G5 | SNA | 26241 | |||||
Gypsophila paniculata | Tall Baby's-breath | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 49548 | |||||
Schinia tobia | A Flower Moth | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | SNA | 1474019 | |||||
Amatitlania nigrofasciata | Convict Cichlid | Species | Fish | G5 | SNA | 18064 | |||||
Glechoma hederacea | Ground-ivy | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 49770 | |||||
Sorbus aucuparia | European Mountain-ash | Species | Plant | G5 | SNA | 59614 | |||||
Malva parviflora | Small Whorled Cheeseweed | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 43388 | |||||
Salmo salar | Atlantic Salmon | Species | Fish | G5 | SNA | 18530 | |||||
Lacinipolia cuneata | Cuneate Arches Moth | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | SNA | 1474120 | |||||
Erysimum repandum | Spreading Wallflower | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 53723 | |||||
Larus glaucoides | Iceland Gull | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 19271 | |||||
Polygonum cuspidatum | Japanese Knotweed | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 44619 | |||||
Poecilia mexicana | Shortfin Molly | Species | Fish | G5 | SNA | 20037 | |||||
Esox lucius x Esox masquinongy | Tiger Muskellunge | Hybrid | Fish | GNA | SNA | 78495 | |||||
Lupinus x alpestris | Species | Plant | GNA | SNA | 79324 | ||||||
Senecio vulgaris | Old-Man-in-the-Spring | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 61801 | |||||
Vicia sativa ssp. sativa | Spring Vetch | Subspecies | Plant | GNRTNR | SNA | 83033 | |||||
Amaranthus retroflexus | Red-root Amaranth | Species | Plant | G5 | SNA | 46143 | |||||
Limax maximus | Giant Gardenslug | Species | Invertebrate | G5 | SNA | 31960 | |||||
Sorghum halepense | Johnson Grass | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 46413 | |||||
Linaria genistifolia | Broom-leaf Toadflax | Species | Plant | G5 | SNA | 39689 | |||||
Myosotis discolor | Yellow-and-blue Forget-me-not | Species | Plant | G5 | SNA | 56168 | |||||
Ranunculus acris var. acris | Tall Buttercup | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNA | 90321 | |||||
Spilonota ocellana | Eye-spotted Bud Moth | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | SNA | 71250 | |||||
Myosotis stricta | Small-flowered Forget-me-not | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 47847 | |||||
Alosa sapidissima | American Shad | Species | Fish | G5 | SNA | 16293 | |||||
Sonchus asper | Spiny-leaf Sowthistle | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 50991 | |||||
Calypte anna | Anna's Hummingbird | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 16505 | |||||
Aythya marila | Greater Scaup | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 17072 | |||||
Orconectes virilis | Virile Crayfish | Species | Invertebrate | G5 | SNA | 25571 | |||||
Galeopsis tetrahit | Brittle-stem Hempnettle | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 58631 | |||||
Passerina cyanea | Indigo Bunting | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 17727 | |||||
Calidris subruficollis | Buff-breasted Sandpiper | Species | Bird | G4 | SNA | 18005 | |||||
Poa annua | Annual Bluegrass | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 59323 | |||||
Larus marinus | Great Black-backed Gull | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 18489 | |||||
Vireo solitarius | Blue-headed Vireo | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 18953 | |||||
Pylodictis olivaris | Flathead Catfish | Species | Fish | G5 | SNA | 19177 | |||||
Anthoxanthum odoratum | Sweet Vernal Grass | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 60815 | |||||
Logfia arvensis | Field Fluffweed | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 54356 | |||||
Nicandra physalodes | Apple-of-Peru | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 54633 | |||||
Betula x sargentii | Species | Plant | GNA | SNA | 79166 | ||||||
Oxytropis riparia | Ruby Valley Crazy-weed | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 55049 | |||||
Euphydryas chalcedona bakeri | Chalcedon Checkerspot | Subspecies | Invertebrate | G5TU | SNA | 81507 | |||||
Megachile rotundata | A Leafcutter Bee | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | SNA | 1476107 | |||||
Elaeagnus angustifolia | Russian Olive | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 56487 | |||||
Apera interrupta | Dense Silky Bentgrass | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 47343 | |||||
Apis mellifera | Western Honey Bee | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | SNA | 23435 | |||||
Alyssum desertorum | Desert Alyssum | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 57712 | |||||
Setophaga pinus | Pine Warbler | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 16673 | |||||
Apium graveolens | Wild Celery | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 41821 | |||||
Pheucticus ludovicianus | Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 16932 | |||||
Cinara cupressi | A Giant Conifer Aphid | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | SNA | 1475593 | |||||
Tharsalea phlaeas | American Copper | Species | Invertebrate | G5 | SNA | 26419 | |||||
Rubus discolor | Himalaya-berry | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 49912 | |||||
Strangesta ptychomphala | A Snail | Species | Invertebrate | GNR | SNA | 1474104 | |||||
Zygophyllum fabago | Syrian Bean-caper | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 43745 | |||||
Eragrostis mexicana ssp. mexicana | New Mexico Lovegrass | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNA | 87810 | |||||
Sisymbrium officinale | Hairy-pod Hedge-mustard | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 60735 | |||||
Coronilla varia | Common Crown-vetch | Species | Plant | GNR | SNA | 44507 |