Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 2501 - 2600 of 9686
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Acrocheilus alutaceus Chiselmouth Species Fish G5 S4 18873
Saxifraga nidifica var. nidifica Swamp Saxifrage Variety Plant G5 SNR 84888
Phlox rigida Stiff Phlox Species Plant G5 SNR 56503
Oryzopsis asperifolia White-grained Mountain-ricegrass Species Plant G5 SNR 50186
Eueretagrotis perattentus Two-spot Dart Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S3 28455
Townsendia florifera Showy Townsend-daisy Species Plant G5 SNR 43518
Buteo swainsoni Swainson's Hawk Species Bird G5 S5B 19372
Draba cana Hoary Draba Species Plant G5 SNR 56708
Anaplectoides prasina Green Arches Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S4 28764
Potentilla rivalis Brook Cinquefoil Species Plant G5 SNR 43739
Stenotus lanuginosus Woolly Golden-weed Species Plant G5 SNR 43930
Calidris fuscicollis White-rumped Sandpiper Species Bird G5 SNA 19971
Carex emoryi Emory's Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 57222
Suwallia pallidula Yellow Sallfly Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 29445
Lycopus uniflorus Northern Bugleweed Species Plant G5 SNR 50686
Ammannia coccinea Scarlet Ammannia Species Plant G5 SNR 44228
Physa skinneri Glass Physa Species Invertebrate G5 SNA 32478
Argia emma Emma's Dancer Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 29837
Poa cusickii Cusick's Bluegrass Species Plant G5 SNR 50986
Yoraperla brevis Least Roachfly Species Invertebrate G5 S4 20527
Rhithrogena morrisoni A Mayfly Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 32831
Arabis lyallii Lyall's Rockcress Species Plant G5 SNR 57782
Eriogonum pusillum Low Buckwheat Species Plant G5 SNR 44709
Plectrocnemia crassicornis A Caddisfly Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 20928
Carex viridula Little Green Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 58073
Polites draco Draco Skipper Species Invertebrate G5 S4 30593
Lycopodium sitchense Sitka Clubmoss Species Plant G5 S2 51512
Helodium blandowii Blandow's Helodium Species Plant G5 S2 34146
Epilobium angustifolium Fireweed Species Plant G5 SNR 51759
Woodsia oregana Western Cliff Fern Species Plant G5 SNR 45195
Polygonum punctatum Dotted Smartweed Species Plant G5 SNR 58608
Euphilotes battoides Square-dotted Blue Species Invertebrate G5 S4 31418
Carex disperma Softleaf Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 52049
Elymus multisetus Big Squirrel-tail Species Plant G5 SNR 45444
Arphia conspersa Speckle-winged Rangeland Grasshopper Species Invertebrate G5 S4 21928
Cladonia uncialis Thorn Cladonia Species Fungi Sensitive G5 S1 36769
Cleome lutea Yellow Spiderflower Species Plant G5 SNR 58820
Antennaria luzuloides Silvery Brown Pussytoes Species Plant G5 SNR 45699
Paonias excaecata Blind-eyed Sphinx Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S5 22196
Collema furfuraceum Scurffy Jelly Lichen Species Fungi G5 S3 38074
Fragaria virginiana Virginia Strawberry Species Plant G5 SNR 45915
Polygonum minimum Leafy Dwarf Knotweed Species Plant G5 SNR 39227
Lotus unifoliolatus American Bird's-foot Trefoil Species Plant G5 SNR 46083
Kochia americana Perennial Summer-cypress Species Plant G5 SNR 39459
Lonicera ciliosa Orange Honeysuckle Species Plant G5 SNR 59559
Hydroptila argosa A Micro-caddisfly Species Invertebrate G5 S4 74037
Festuca subulata Nodding Fescue Species Plant G5 SNR 52960
Branchinecta paludosa Circumpolar Fairy Shrimp Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 23148
Galium bifolium Low Mountain Bedstraw Species Plant G5 SNR 39655
Epilobium oregonense Oregon Willow-herb Species Plant G5 SNR 59817
Ammospiza leconteii LeConte's Sparrow Species Bird G5 SNA 15530
Wormaldia gabriella A Caddisfly Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 74204
Myosotis verna Spring Forget-me-not Species Plant G5 SNR 46568
Aeshna sitchensis Zigzag Darner Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 23432
Townsendia exscapa Silky Townsend-daisy Species Plant G5 SNR 39955
Penstemon humilis Lowly Beardtongue Species Plant G5 SNR 60033
Thryomanes bewickii Bewick's Wren Species Bird G5 S3 15745
Toxicodendron pubescens Eastern Poison-oak Species Plant G5 SNR 46864
Eriogonum vimineum Wicker-stem Wild Buckwheat Species Plant G5 SNR 60293
Mimus polyglottos Northern Mockingbird Species Bird G5 S1B 15981
Symphyotrichum eatonii Eaton's Aster Species Plant G5 SNR 47056
Euxoa intrita A Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S4 24118
Cinclus mexicanus American Dipper Species Bird G5 S3 16187
Oenothera flava Long-tubed Evening-primrose Species Plant G5 SNR 53809
Salix geyeriana Geyer's Willow Species Plant G5 SNR 47254
Utricularia minor Lesser Bladderwort Species Plant G5 SNR 40593
Sterna forsteri Forster's Tern Species Bird G5 S2B 16406
Oenothera elata Hooker's Evening-primrose Species Plant G5 SNR 54069
Calidris pugnax Ruff Species Bird G5 SNA 16598
Spiraea splendens Rose Meadowsweet Species Plant G5 SNR 47737
Typha angustifolia Narrowleaf Cattail Species Plant G5 SNR 61170
Turdus migratorius American Robin Species Bird G5 S5 16895
Euphorbia robusta Rocky Mountain Spurge Species Plant G5 SNR 54527
Ranunculus flammula Lesser Spearwort Species Plant G5 SNR 47929
Datana ministra Yellow-necked Caterpillar Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S4 25483
Danthonia unispicata Few-flowered Oatgrass Species Plant G5 SNR 41250
Ctenopharyngodon idella Grass Carp Species Fish G5 SNA 17202
Ceanothus velutinus Tobacco Ceanothus Species Plant G5 SNR 54788
Sorex navigator Western Water Shrew Species Mammal G5 S4 17403
Mimulus moschatus Muskflower Species Plant G5 SNR 55009
Lithophragma tenellum Slender Woodland-star Species Plant G5 SNR 48511
Idia lubricalis Glossy Black India Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S5 26036
Carex aquatilis Water Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 41739
Sambucus nigra Common Elderberry Species Plant G5 SNR 62077
Buteo lineatus Red-shouldered Hawk Species Bird G5 SNA 17607
Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye Salmon Species Fish G5 SU 1867123
Seiurus aurocapilla Ovenbird Species Bird G5 SNA 17872
Carex mariposana Mariposa Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 55429
Chaenactis stevioides Desert Pincushion Species Plant 4 G5 S2 49045
Vertigo modesta Cross Vertigo Species Invertebrate G5 S4 26676
Elymus trachycaulus Slender Wild Rye Species Plant G5 SNR 55731
Setophaga palmarum Palm Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 18379
Viola sempervirens Redwoods Violet Species Plant G5 S3 55908
Antennaria pulcherrima Handsome Pussytoes Species Plant G5 SNR 49431
Bruceia pulverina A Tiger Moth Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 27404
Calidris pusilla Semipalmated Sandpiper Species Bird G5 S1M 18611
Carex misandra Few-flowered Sedge Species Plant G5 SNA 49670
Antheraea polyphemus Polyphemus Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S5 27775
Martes americana American Marten Species Mammal G5 S5 18839
Hieracium canadense Canada Hawkweed Species Plant G5 SNR 56286