Species Conservation Status
The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists.
- BLM - Bureau of Land Management Sensitive Species of Special Concern
- USESA - United States Endangered Species Act
- USFS1 - US Forest Service Northern Region Sensitive Species
- USFS4 - US Forest Service Intermountain Region Sensitive Species
- GRank - Global Species Rank learn more
- SRank - State Species Rank learn more
- SGCN - Species of Greatest Conservation need identified in the Idaho State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP)
- IDAPA - Classification of wildlife defined in IDAPA 13.01.06
Scientific Name | Common Name | Taxa | Category | USESA | BLM | USFS1 | USFS4 | GRank | SRank | SGCN | ID |
Astragalus gilviflorus var. gilviflorus | Threeleaf Milkvetch | Variety | Plant | G5T5? | SNR | 92637 | |||||
Helodium blandowii | Blandow's Helodium | Species | Plant | G5 | S2 | 34146 | |||||
Pica hudsonia | Black-billed Magpie | Species | Bird | G5 | S5 | 18735 | |||||
Viola praemorsa ssp. flavovirens | Upland Yellow Violet | Subspecies | Plant | G5T2T4 | SNR | 83258 | |||||
Astragalus vallaris | Snake Canyon Milkvetch | Species | Plant | G5 | S3 | 53234 | |||||
Carex siccata | Dry-spike Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 62087 | |||||
Carex teneriformis | Sierran Slender Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 51333 | |||||
Lepus townsendii | White-tailed Jackrabbit | Species | Mammal | G5 | S4 | 15559 | |||||
Fragaria virginiana ssp. platypetala | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5? | SNR | 87287 | ||||||
Panicum dichotomiflorum | Spreading Panicgrass | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 46888 | |||||
Phacelia glandulosa var. glandulosa | Glandular Scorpionweed | Variety | Plant | G4T4? | SNR | 85634 | |||||
Androsace occidentalis | Western Rock-jasmine | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 55747 | |||||
Phlox hoodii | Hood's Phlox | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 42626 | |||||
Festuca viridula | Mountain Fescue | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 53885 | |||||
Asclepias incarnata | Swamp Milkweed | Species | Plant | G5 | S2? | 40672 | |||||
Lomatium simplex var. simplex | Umbrella Desert-parsley | Variety | Plant | G5T3T5 | SNR | 89654 | |||||
Cerastium alpinum var. alpinum | Alpine Chickweed | Variety | Plant | G5?TNR | SNR | 87966 | |||||
Claytonia sibirica | Siberian Springbeauty | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 58147 | |||||
Trifolium microcephalum | Small-head Clover | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 45066 | |||||
Collema furfuraceum | Scurffy Jelly Lichen | Species | Fungi | G5 | S3 | 38074 | |||||
Cymopterus nivalis | Snow Wavewing | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 56270 | |||||
Myriophyllum sibiricum | Common Water-milfoil | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 43232 | |||||
Populus x jackii | Balm-of-Gilead | Species | Plant | GNA | SNA | 78780 | |||||
Trifolium beckwithii | Beckwith's Clover | Species | Plant | G4G5 | SNR | 52110 | |||||
Alosa sapidissima | American Shad | Species | Fish | G5 | SNA | 16293 | |||||
Charadrius semipalmatus | Semipalmated Plover | Species | Bird | G5 | S1M | 17538 | |||||
Dodecatheon hendersonii ssp. hendersonii | Henderson's Shootingstar | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 90151 | |||||
Carex bolanderi | Bolander's Sedge | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 50086 | |||||
Agrostis exarata var. minor | Variety | Plant | G5TNRQ | SNR | 86309 | ||||||
Thermopsis rhombifolia | Roundleaf Thermopsis | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 54629 | |||||
Eupatorium maculatum | Spotted Joe-pyeweed | Species | Plant | G5 | S1 | 41301 | |||||
Catabrosa aquatica | Brook Grass | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 43874 | |||||
Bouteloua curtipendula var. curtipendula | Sideoats Grama | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 92195 | |||||
Verbena stricta | Hoary Vervain | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 52791 | |||||
Rudbeckia hirta | Black-eyed-Susan | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 39525 | |||||
Glyceria striata var. stricta | Fowl Mannagrass | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 90717 | |||||
Sporobolus airoides | Alkali Sacaton | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 61412 | |||||
Dichanthelium acuminatum var. fasciculatum | Western Witchgrass | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 86867 | |||||
Viola renifolia | Kidneyleaf White Violet | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 56841 | |||||
Caulanthus pilosus | Hairy Wild-cabbage | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 55212 | |||||
Solidago simplex ssp. simplex | Sticky Goldenrod | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 92784 | |||||
Astragalus newberryi var. newberryi | Newberry's Milkvetch | Variety | Plant | G5T5? | SNR | 89232 | |||||
Artemisia tripartita | Three-tip Sagebrush | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 59613 | |||||
Sphaeromeria potentilloides | Cinquefoil Tansy | Species | Plant | G5 | S1 | 49054 | |||||
Heuchera cylindrica var. cylindrica | Poker Alumroot | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 87466 | |||||
Musineon lineare | Rydberg's Musineon | Species | Plant | G2 | S1 | 44643 | |||||
Potentilla gracilis var. brunnescens | Fanleaf Cinquefoil | Variety | Plant | G5T3T5 | SNR | 83512 | |||||
Delphinium depauperatum | Slim Larkspur | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 42800 | |||||
Arabis hirsuta var. glabrata | Western Hairy Rockcress | Variety | Plant | G5T3T5 | SNR | 91294 | |||||
Abies grandis | Grand Fir | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 51639 | |||||
Acipenser transmontanus | White Sturgeon | Species | Fish | 2 | G4 | S2 | 15794 | ||||
Lupinus argenteus var. argenteus | Silvery Lupine | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 89772 | |||||
Helianthella uniflora | Rocky Mountain Rockrose | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 60322 | |||||
Paxistima myrsinites | Oregon Boxleaf | Species | Plant | G4G5 | SNR | 47122 | |||||
Lomatium farinosum var. farinosum | Coeur d'Alene Desert-parsley | Variety | Plant | G4G5T3T5 | SNR | 85875 | |||||
Oenanthe sarmentosa | Water-parsley | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 45284 | |||||
Draba maguirei var. maguirei | Maguire's Whitlow-grass | Variety | Plant | G3T2 | SNR | 84076 | |||||
Lomatium nuttallii | Nuttall's Desert-parsley | Species | Plant | G3 | SNR | 40936 | |||||
Crepis runcinata ssp. glauca | Naked-stem Hawk's-beard | Subspecies | Plant | G5T4T5 | SNR | 91820 | |||||
Rorippa calycina | Persistent-sepal Yellowcress | Species | Plant | G3 | SNR | 49681 | |||||
Ranunculus sceleratus var. multifidus | Cursed Crowfoot | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 88226 | |||||
Sparganium eurycarpum | Large Bur-reed | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 47794 | |||||
Delphinium occidentale ssp. occidentale | Subspecies | Plant | G4TNR | SNR | 86463 | ||||||
Eriastrum wilcoxii | Wilcox's Eriastrum | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 56458 | |||||
Potentilla biennis | Biennial Cinquefoil | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 43475 | |||||
x Elyhordeum macounii | Species | Plant | GNA | SNA | 79583 | ||||||
Phyllodoce empetriformis | Pink Mountain-heath | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 61038 | |||||
Lathyrus nevadensis ssp. cusickii | Sierra Nevada Peavine | Subspecies | Plant | G5T3T4 | SNR | 88803 | |||||
Brickellia microphylla var. microphylla | Littleleaf Brickell-bush | Variety | Plant | G5TNR | SNR | 84716 | |||||
Silene parryi | Parry's Campion | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 54827 | |||||
Penstemon janishiae | Janish's Penstemon | Species | Plant | 3 | G4 | S2 | 44088 | ||||
Lepidium ramosissimum var. bourgeauanum | Bourgeau's Pepper-grass | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 92404 | |||||
Larus marinus | Great Black-backed Gull | Species | Bird | G5 | SNA | 18489 | |||||
Grindelia nana var. nana | Idaho Gumweed | Variety | Plant | G5TNR | SNR | 83052 | |||||
Muhlenbergia mexicana | Mexican Muhly | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 53052 | |||||
Antennaria arcuata | Meadow Pussytoes | Species | Plant | G3 | S1 | 39727 | |||||
Carex tribuloides var. tribuloides | Blunt Broom Sedge | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 90907 | |||||
Cymopterus longipes | Long-stalk Spring-parsley | Species | Plant | G4? | SNR | 61653 | |||||
Festuca minutiflora | Small-flower Fescue | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 48572 | |||||
Olsynium douglasii var. inflatum | Dougla's Blue-eyed-grass | Variety | Plant | G4G5T3T4 | SNR | 87068 | |||||
Charadrius vociferus | Killdeer | Species | Bird | G5 | S4B,S4N | 16540 | |||||
Erigeron cronquistii | Cronquist's Daisy | Species | Plant | G2 | SNR | 57098 | |||||
Cirsium pulcherrimum | Wyoming Thistle | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 59833 | |||||
Potentilla pectinisecta | Comb-leaf Cinquefoil | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 46606 | |||||
Descurainia pinnata ssp. nelsonii | Nelson's Western Tansy-mustard | Subspecies | Plant | G5T3T5 | SNR | 85368 | |||||
Ranunculus alismifolius | Water-plantain Buttercup | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 49233 | |||||
Epilobium ciliatum ssp. watsonii | Fringed Willowherb | Subspecies | Plant | G5T3T5 | SNR | 87739 | |||||
Tetraneuris acaulis | Stemless Four-nerve-daisy | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 57900 | |||||
Zigadenus venenosus | Meadow Deathcamas | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 44843 | |||||
Corylus cornuta var. californica | Pacific Beaked Hazelnut | Variety | Plant | G5T5? | SNR | 83676 | |||||
Poa abbreviata | Northern Bluegrass | Species | Plant | G5 | S1 | 53706 | |||||
Apocynum androsaemifolium var. woodsonii | Spreading Dogbane | Variety | Plant | G5TNR | SNR | 91456 | |||||
Navarretia breweri | Yellow Navarretia | Species | Plant | G4G5 | SNR | 51865 | |||||
Regulus satrapa | Golden-crowned Kinglet | Species | Bird | G5 | S5 | 16028 | |||||
Dolichonyx oryzivorus | Bobolink | Species | Bird | G5 | S2B | Tier 2 | 17303 | ||||
Platanthera dilatata var. dilatata | Leafy White Orchis | Variety | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 89976 | |||||
Atriplex confertifolia | Shadscale | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 60532 | |||||
Cryptantha echinella | Prickly Cat's-eye | Species | Plant | G4 | SNR | 47395 | |||||
Caltha leptosepala ssp. howellii | Two-flower Marsh-marigold | Subspecies | Plant | G5T5 | SNR | 86041 | |||||
Senecio hydrophilus | Great Swamp Ragwort | Species | Plant | G5 | SNR | 58674 |