Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 401 - 500 of 9686
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Mergus serrator Red-breasted Merganser Species Bird G5 S1M 19224
Calidris alba Sanderling Species Bird G5 S1M 16902
Tringa solitaria Solitary Sandpiper Species Bird G5 S1M 19563
Charadrius semipalmatus Semipalmated Plover Species Bird G5 S1M 17538
Calidris pusilla Semipalmated Sandpiper Species Bird G5 S1M 18611
Pluvialis squatarola Black-bellied Plover Species Bird G5 S1M 17343
Calidris alpina Dunlin Species Bird G5 S1M 16570
Anas penelope Eurasian Wigeon Species Bird G5 S1N 15402
Calcarius lapponicus Lapland Longspur Species Bird G5 S1N 15783
Clangula hyemalis Long-tailed Duck Species Bird G5 S1N 17717
Zonotrichia albicollis White-throated Sparrow Species Bird G5 S1N 17284
Larus glaucescens Glaucous-winged Gull Species Bird G5 S1N 16368
Cyanocitta cristata Blue Jay Species Bird G5 S1N 16060
Podiceps nigricollis Eared Grebe Species Bird G5 S1N,S2B 15293
Porzana carolina Sora Species Bird G5 S1N,S4B 18239
Prophysaon coeruleum Blue-gray Taildropper Species Invertebrate G3G4 S1Q Tier 1 29888
Phacelia inconspicua Obscure Phacelia Species Plant 2 Sensitive G2 S1S2 44757
Ipomopsis congesta ssp. crebrifolia Compact Gilia Subspecies Plant 2 G5T3T4 S1S2 90624
Stephanomeria paniculata Stiff-branch Wire-lettuce Species Plant G5 S1S2 54395
Plantago eriopoda Saline Plantain Species Plant G5 S1S2 40655
Gentianella tenella Slender Gentian Species Plant G4G5 S1S2 56123
Carex podocarpa Short-stalk Sedge Species Plant G5 S1S2 49502
Abronia mellifera var. owyhensis Sand Verbena Variety Plant G4T1T2 S1S2 1481320
Juncus hemiendytus var. abjectus Dejected Rush Variety Plant 2 G5T5 S1S2 91332
Astragalus yoder-williamsii Mud Flat Milkvetch Species Plant 3 G3 S1S2 58511
Calliergonella cuspidata Calliergonella Moss Species Plant G5 S1S2 36212
Abronia mellifera White Sand Verbena Species Plant G4 S1S2 41694
Porella roellii A Liverwort Species Plant G4 S1S2 36627
Downingia insignis Harlequin Calicoflower Species Plant 3 G4 S1S2 42304
Parnassia kotzebuei Kotzebue's Grass-of-Parnassus Species Plant G5 S1S2 43877
Abronia mellifera var. lanceolata Sand Verbena Variety Plant G4T1T2 S1S2 1481321
Gentianella tenella ssp. tenella Slender Gentian Subspecies Plant G4G5T4 S1S2 90492
Sedum valens Salmon River Stonecrop Species Plant 3 G1G2 S1S2 400018
Monarda fistulosa var. menthifolia Mintleaf Bergamot Variety Plant G5T5 S1S2 91352
Eryngium alismifolium Inland Coyote-thistle Species Plant G4 S1S2 49825
Ammannia robusta Grand Redstem Species Plant G5 S1S2 56863
Silene spaldingii Spalding's Silene Species Plant Threatened 1 G2 S1S2 42699
Parnassia kotzebuei var. kotzebuei Kotzebue's Grass-of-Parnassus Variety Plant G4T4 S1S2 87853
Chaenactis cusickii Cusick's False Yarrow Species Plant 2 G3 S1S2 49928
Agoseris lackschewitzii Pink Agoseris Species Plant 4 Sensitive G4 S1S2 61302
Abronia mellifera var. pahoveorum Boise sand-verbena Variety Plant G4T1T2 S1S2 1373084
Pekania pennanti Fisher Species Mammal 2 G5 S2 Tier 2 18029
Romanzoffia sitchensis Sitka Mistmaiden Species Plant G4 S2 45039
Thamnolia subuliformis Whiteworm Lichen Species Fungi G5 S2 34906
Ameletus suffusus A Mayfly Species Invertebrate G4 S2 29940
Eriogonum meledonum Guardian Buckwheat Species Plant Sensitive G2 S2 46193
Euphydryas gillettii Gillette's Checkerspot Species Invertebrate G3 S2 Tier 3 21341
Artemisia sp. 1 Bruneau big sagebrush Species Plant GNR S2 68127
Nucifraga columbiana Clark's Nutcracker Species Bird G5 S2 Tier 3 16032
Sympistis seth A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S2 1474615
Penstemon compactus Cache Penstemon Species Plant 2 Sensitive G2 S2 44988
Astragalus gilviflorus Plains Milkvetch Species Plant 4 G5 S2 39497
Caurinella idahoensis Lolo Mayfly Species Invertebrate G3 S2 Tier 2 21948
Diadasia australis A Chimney Bee Species Invertebrate GNR S2 1475529
Peteria thompsoniae Spine-noded Milkvetch Species Plant 4 G4 S2 47611
Eocosmoecus schmidi A Caddisfly Species Invertebrate G4 S2 Tier 3 23443
Crepis bakeri Baker's Hawk's-beard Species Plant G4 S2 48613
Calystegia sepium ssp. angulata Wild Morning Glory Subspecies Plant 3 G5T5 S2 86906
Hemphillia camelus Pale Jumping-slug Species Invertebrate G4 S2 Tier 3 26101
Lepidomeda copei Northern Leatherside Chub Species Fish 2 Sensitive G3 S2 Tier 2 74379
Astragalus drummondii Drummond's Milkvetch Species Plant G5 S2 51695
Ericameria resinosa Columbia Goldenweed Species Plant G4 S2 51866
Castilleja pulchella Beautiful Indian Paintbrush Species Plant G3G4 S2 50466
Cryptomastix mullani blandi An Oregonian Subspecies Invertebrate G4T1 S2 82268
Eriogonum ochrocephalum var. calcareum Calcareous Buckwheat Subspecies Plant 3 G5T3 S2 90066
Ptilidium californicum Pacific Fuzzwort Species Plant G4G5 S2 36795
Psilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimus Dwarf Woolly-heads Variety Plant G4T4? S2 91781
Agonum errans A Ground Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR S2 71561
Cirsium brevifolium Palouse Thistle Species Plant 2 G3 S2 56786
Urocitellus endemicus Southern Idaho Ground Squirrel Species Mammal 2 G2T1 S2 Tier 1 80667
Psathyrotes annua Annual Brittlebrush Species Plant 3 G5 S2 53456
Magnipelta mycophaga Magnum Mantleslug Species Invertebrate G3 S2 Tier 1 30083
Platismatia herrei Herre's Ragged Lichen Species Fungi G3G5 S2 39012
Eriogonum crosbyae Crosby's Buckwheat Species Plant Sensitive G3Q S2 47509
Thelypodium laciniatum var. streptanthoides Purple Thick-leaved Thelypody Subspecies Plant 4 G5T4Q S2 86162
Hierochloe hirta Northern Sweet Grass Species Plant G5 S2 47954
Picoides albolarvatus White-headed Woodpecker Species Bird 2 Sensitive Sensitive G4 S2 Tier 3 15618
Penstemon laxus Idaho Beardtongue Species Plant 2 G2 S2 56183
Erigeron humilis Low Fleabane Species Plant G5 S2 42562
Admetovis similaris A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S2 1474127
Astragalus vexilliflexus Bent-flower Milkvetch Species Plant G4 S2 49828
Percopsis transmontana Sand Roller Species Fish G4 S2 18285
Salix glauca Gray Willow Species Plant G5 S2 44086
Montia parvifolia var. batholithica Batholith Springbeauty Variety Plant GNR S2 1992088
Glossosoma idaho A Caddisfly Species Invertebrate G2G3 S2 Tier 3 22070
Impatiens ecornuta Spurless Touch-me-not Species Plant G3G4 S2 40788
Juncus brevicaudatus Narrow-panicle Rush Species Plant G5 S2 55959
Stipa pinetorum Pine Needlegrass Species Plant G4 S2 47891
Acuclavella sheari A Harvestmen Species Invertebrate GNR S2 1474053
Sullivantia hapemanii Purpus' Sullivantia Species Plant G3 S2 57523
Helicodiscus salmonaceus Salmon Coil Species Invertebrate G3G4 S2 Tier 3 20579
Lewisia kelloggii Idaho Bitterroot Species Plant G3G4 S2 55413
Teucrium canadense var. occidentale American Wood Sage Variety Plant 4 G5T5? S2 91624
Oxyura jamaicensis Ruddy Duck Species Bird G5 S2 15551
Cicindela arenicola Idaho Dune Tiger Beetle Species Invertebrate 2 G1G2 S2 Tier 2 25224
Vulpes macrotis Kit Fox Species Mammal 2 G4 S2 17479
Clemensia umbrata Little White Lichen Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S2 32909
Potentilla gracilis var. owyheensis Owyhee Cinquefoil Variety Plant G5TNR S2 1912301
Astragalus conjunctus Stiff Milkvetch Species Plant 4 G4 S2 40444
Malacothrix torreyi Torrey's Malacothrix Species Plant G4 S2 55881