Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 6701 - 6800 of 9686
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Abies concolor White Fir Species Plant G5 SNR 45940
Chenopodium incanum var. occidentale Variety Plant G5T2T4 SNR 92242
Streptanthus cordatus Perennial Twistflower Species Plant G5 SNR 46015
Cerastium arvense ssp. velutinum Field Chickweed Subspecies Plant G5T4? SNR 92372
Cordylanthus ramosus Much-branded Bird's-beak Species Plant G5 SNR 46098
Sisyrinchium montanum var. montanum Strict Blue-eyed-grass Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 92462
Rosa woodsii Woods' Rose Species Plant G5 SNR 46230
Astragalus atratus var. owyheensis Owyhee Mourning Milkvetch Variety Plant G4G5T3 S3 92599
Oxytropis lagopus Hare's-foot Point-vetch Species Plant G4G5 SNR 46366
Musineon divaricatum var. hookeri Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 92708
Coreopsis tinctoria Golden Tickseed Species Plant G5 SNR 46484
Artemisia campestris var. borealis Pacific Wormwood Variety Plant G5T5? SNR 92790
Trifolium parryi Parry's Clover Species Plant G5 SNR 46583
Bromus ciliatus var. ciliatus Fringed Brome Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 93217
Senecio rapifolius Idaho Ragwort Species Plant G4? SNR 46716
Utricularia macrorhiza Greater Bladderwort Species Plant G5 SNR 46876
Agrostis oregonensis Oregon Bentgrass Species Plant G5 SNR 46971
Rigiopappus leptocladus Bristle-head Species Plant G5 SNR 47177
Saxifraga adscendens Ascending Saxifrage Species Plant G5 S2 47565
Hedysarum occidentale Western Sweet-vetch Species Plant G5 SNR 47691
Helianthus ciliaris Blue-weed Sunflower Species Plant G5 SNR 47797
Stipa pinetorum Pine Needlegrass Species Plant G4 S2 47891
Wyethia invenusta Coville's Mule's-ears Species Plant G3G4 SNR 48018
Artemisia michauxiana Michaux's Wormwood Species Plant G5 SNR 48162
Platanthera stricta Slender Bog Orchid Species Plant G5 SNR 48300
Chorizanthe watsonii Watson's Spineflower Species Plant G5 SNR 48465
Lomatium gormanii Gorman's Desert-parsley Species Plant G4 SNR 48575
Cryptogramma cascadensis Cascade Rockbrake Species Plant G5 SNR 48731
Chenopodium leptophyllum Narrowleaf Goosefoot Species Plant G5 SNR 48842
Centaurium exaltatum Tall Centaury Species Plant G5 SNR 49003
Equisetum palustre Marsh Horsetail Species Plant G5 SNR 49079
Penstemon albertinus Alberta Beardtongue Species Plant G4G5 SNR 49169
Navarretia divaricata Mountain Navarretia Species Plant G5 SNR 49401
Moneses uniflora One-flower Wintergreen Species Plant G5 SNR 49505
Castilleja miniata Greater Red Indian-paintbrush Species Plant G5 SNR 49607
Carex amplifolia Bigleaf Sedge Species Plant G4 SNR 49798
Nemophila kirtleyi Snake Canyon Nemophila Species Plant G4 S3 49920
Oxalis trilliifolia Trillium-leaved Wood-sorrel Species Plant G5 S1 50049
Lonicera caerulea Western Honeysuckle Species Plant G5 SNR 50234
Grindelia nana Idaho Gumweed Species Plant G5 SNR 50334
Penstemon gairdneri Gairdner's Beardtongue Species Plant G4 SNR 50471
Equisetum telmateia Giant Horsetail Species Plant G5 SNR 50676
Penstemon diphyllus Two-leaf Beardtongue Species Plant G4 SNR 50804
Arnica gracilis Slender Leopardbane Species Plant G5? SNR 51092
Danthonia intermedia Vasey Oatgrass Species Plant G5 SNR 51249
Bacopa rotundifolia Roundleaf Water-hyssop Species Plant G5 S1 51348
Scutellaria nana Dwarf Skullcap Species Plant G4 S3 51660
Carex pellita Woolly Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 52048
Sparganium natans Small Bur-reed Species Plant G5 SNR 52121
Heterocodon rariflorum Western Pearl-flower Species Plant G5 SNR 52354
Arceuthobium tsugense Hemlock Dwarf-mistletoe Species Plant G5 SNR 52509
Anemone multifida Hudson Bay Anemone Species Plant G5 SNR 52729
Trifolium latifolium Twin Clover Species Plant G4 SNR 52843
Najas flexilis Slender Naiad Species Plant G5 SNR 52959
Petradoria pumila Grassy Rock-goldenrod Species Plant G5 SNR 53101
Osmorhiza occidentalis Western Sweet-cicely Species Plant G4G5 SNR 53206
Tetradymia glabrata Littleleaf Horsebrush Species Plant G5 SNR 53414
Lomatium donnellii Donnell's Desert-parsley Species Plant G5 SNR 53591
Silene oregana Oregon Catchfly Species Plant G5 SNR 53667
Juncus drummondii Drummond's Rush Species Plant G5 SNR 53879
Ranunculus acris Tall Buttercup Species Plant G5 SNR 54106
Cicuta maculata Spotted Water-hemlock Species Plant G5 SNR 54199
Smelowskia calycina Alpine Smelowskia Species Plant G5 SNR 54467
Salvia dorrii Gray Ball Sage Species Plant G5 SNR 54707
Astragalus calycosus King's Milkvetch Species Plant G5 SNR 54824
Tringa flavipes Lesser Yellowlegs Species Bird G5 S2M 15296
Brickellia grandiflora Tassel Flower Species Plant G5 SNR 54899
Ardea herodias Great Blue Heron Species Bird G5 S5B 15430
Lathyrus bijugatus Latah Tule-pea Species Plant G4 SNR 55119
Icterus galbula Baltimore Oriole Species Bird G5 SNA 15617
Ranunculus gmelinii Small Yellow Water-crowfoot Species Plant G5 SNR 55232
Empidonax oberholseri Dusky Flycatcher Species Bird G5 S4B 15770
Camissonia contorta Dwarf Contorted Suncup Species Plant G5 SNR 55330
Melanitta perspicillata Surf Scoter Species Bird G5 SNA 15889
Apocynum cannabinum Clasping-leaf Dogbane Species Plant G5 SNR 55464
Catharus ustulatus Swainson's Thrush Species Bird G5 S5B 16003
Eriogonum heracleoides Parsnip-flower Wild Buckwheat Species Plant G5 SNR 55621
Podiceps grisegena Red-necked Grebe Species Bird G5 S2B 16128
Carex leporinella Sierran Hare Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 55767
Piranga olivacea Scarlet Tanager Species Bird G5 SNA 16258
Cirsium subniveum Western Thistle Species Plant G4 SNR 55858
Larus glaucescens Glaucous-winged Gull Species Bird G5 S1N 16368
Pedicularis racemosa Leafy Lousewort Species Plant G5 SNR 56061
Calidris alpina Dunlin Species Bird G5 S1M 16570
Xerophyllum tenax Western Turkeybeard Species Plant G5 SNR 56139
Cottus beldingii Paiute Sculpin Species Fish G5 S4 16679
Camissonia scapoidea Paiute Suncup Species Plant G5 SNR 56225
Aspidoscelis tigris Tiger Whiptail Species Reptile G5 S4 16838
Juncus regelii Regel's Rush Species Plant G4? SNR 56310
Frasera speciosa Showy Green-gentian Species Plant G4G5 SNR 56412
Tadarida brasiliensis Brazilian Free-tailed Bat Species Mammal G5 SNA 17154
Thuja plicata Western Red Cedar Species Plant G5 SNR 56501
Grus americana Whooping Crane Species Bird Endangered G1 SNA 17471
Astragalus tenellus Loose-flower Milkvetch Species Plant G5 SNR 56794
Loxia curvirostra Red Crossbill Species Bird G5 S4 17578
Calochortus eurycarpus Big-pod Mariposa Lily Species Plant G4 SNR 56923
Hordeum pusillum Little Barley Species Plant G5 SNR 57084
Botaurus lentiginosus American Bittern Species Bird G4 S1B Tier 2 17802
Strix varia Barred Owl Species Bird G5 S4 17953
Sparganium emersum Simplestem Bur-reed Species Plant G5 SNR 57387