Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 3701 - 3800 of 9686
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Symphoricarpos rotundifolius var. parishii Roundleaf Snowberry Variety Plant G5T5 S3 92985
Trimerotropis gracilis Thomas' Slender Grasshopper Species Invertebrate G5 S4 28382
Ophraella americana A Leaf Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 72944
Selasphorus calliope Calliope Hummingbird Species Bird G5 S4B 15563
Lathyrus sulphureus Brewer's Peavine Species Plant G5 SNR 56664
Euxoa perexcellens A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474560
Lupinus polyphyllus Large-leaf Lupine Species Plant G5 SNR 43709
Rhodiola integrifolia ssp. integrifolia Alpine Sedum Subspecies Plant G5T5 S2S3 89264
Utacapnia lemoniana Wasatch Snowfly Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 25766
Ethmia albistrigella A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476737
Rhadinopsylla fraterna A Flea Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473714
Euthamia occidentalis Western Fragrant Goldenrod Species Plant G5 SNR 55015
Apium graveolens Wild Celery Species Plant GNR SNA 41821
Machaeranthera pinnatifida ssp. pinnatifida Lacy Tansy-aster Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 87495
Ixobrychus exilis Least Bittern Species Bird G4G5 SNA 19842
Dolerus aericeps A Sawfly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1475667
Trichophorum pumilum Rolland Bulrush Species Plant 2 G5 S1 50584
Enoclerus acerbus A Checkered Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473214
Acronicta radcliffei Radcliffe's Dagger Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S3 32417
Veronica persica var. persica Bird's-eye Speedwell Variety Plant GNRTNR SNA 83541
Acronicta dactylina Fingered Dagger Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S5 22989
Seiurus aurocapilla Ovenbird Species Bird G5 SNA 17872
Trifolium eriocephalum Woolly-head Clover Species Plant G5 SNR 59354
Anthophora ursina A Digger Bee Species Invertebrate GNR S4 1475191
Eriogonum meledonum Guardian Buckwheat Species Plant Sensitive G2 S2 46193
Dodecatheon pulchellum ssp. pulchellum Few-flower Shootingstar Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 91313
Euxoa messoria Reaper Dart Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S5 68181
Matriella teresa A Mayfly Species Invertebrate G4 SNR 29190
Sphinx drupiferarum Wild Cherry Sphinx Moth Species Invertebrate G3G5 S3 20409
Eupalopsellus olandicus A Mite Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1474064
Sparganium emersum Simplestem Bur-reed Species Plant G5 SNR 57387
Eremogone congesta Capitate Sandwort Species Plant G5 SNR 44401
Calochortus macrocarpus var. maculosus Green-band Mariposa Lily Subspecies Plant 2 G5T2 S2 89792
Geothlypis trichas Common Yellowthroat Species Bird G5 S5B 16670
Osmia proxima A Mason Bee Species Invertebrate G4G5 SNR 1476438
Dolerus borealis A Sawfly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476827
Oplopanax horridus Devil's-club Species Plant G4G5 SNR 53235
Tritoxa cuneata A Picture-winged Fly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473810
Schoenoplectus heterochaetus Slender Bulrush Species Plant G5 SNR 40053
Symphyotrichum campestre var. campestre Western Meadow Aster Variety Plant G5T4T5 SNR 85914
Halictus ligatus A Sweat Bee Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1475934
Cosmobarius americana A Weevil Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1472949
Cerastium siculum Dry Chickweed Species Plant GNR SNA 51338
Amphispiza bilineata Black-throated Sparrow Species Bird 2 G5 S2B 16298
Sphagnum mendocinum Peatmoss Species Plant Sensitive G4G5 S1 33723
Scutellaria nana var. nana Dwarf Skullcap Variety Plant G4T4 S3 84123
Lasionycta promulsa A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474691
Oxytheca dendroidea Tree-like Oxytheca Species Plant G4 S3 60053
Lewisia columbiana Columbian Bitterroot Species Plant G4 SNR 46894
Tiarella trifoliata var. unifoliata Threeleaf Foamflower Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 91849
Euxoa tristicula A Moth Species Invertebrate G4 S4 26694
Macropsis ferrugineoides A Sawfly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 70181
Carex nigricans Black Alpine Sedge Species Plant G5 SNR 55754
Agrotis vancouverensis A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S4 1474156
Glycyrrhiza lepidota Wild Licorice Species Plant G5 SNR 42643
Luzula parviflora ssp. parviflora Small-flower Woodrush Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNR 88246
Notonecta kirbyi A Backswimmer Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 24144
Tachysphex tarsinus A Thread-waisted Wasp Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476582
Megasemum asperum A Long-horned Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473311
Rumex acetosella Sheep Sorrel Species Plant GNR SNA 53891
Najas guadalupensis Southern Naiad Species Plant G5 SNR 40682
Thermopsis gracilis var. gracilis Slender False Lupine Variety Plant G4T3T4 SNR 86499
Calidris pusilla Semipalmated Sandpiper Species Bird G5 S1M 18611
Coelioxys erysimi A Leafcutting Bee Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1475450
Limonius ectypus Western Field Wireworm Species Invertebrate GNR S5 1476082
Peraphyllum ramosissimum Wild Crab Apple Species Plant 3 G4 S2 49451
Acanthoscelides pauperculus A Leaf Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR S5 1473059
Autographa mappa Wavy Chestnut Y Moth Species Invertebrate G4 S4 30422
Xestia homogena A Moth Species Invertebrate G4 S3 79610
Capsula subflava Subflava Sedge Borer Moth Species Invertebrate G4 S3 21409
Potamogeton strictifolius Straightleaf Pondweed Species Plant G5 SNR 58149
Simyra insularis Henry's Marsh Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S5 1474925
Hackelia diffusa var. arida Spreading Stickseed Variety Plant G4TNR SNR 90406
Saxifraga adscendens Ascending Saxifrage Species Plant G5 S2 47565
Anas querquedula Garganey Species Bird G5 SNA 17448
Epeorus albertae A Mayfly Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 27695
Pyrausta subsequalis A Grass Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S4 71168
Podalonia violaceipennis A Thread-waisted Wasp Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476923
Endochironomus subtendens A Midge Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473906
Potamogeton alpinus Northern Pondweed Species Plant G5 SNR 56277
Acroptilon repens Russian Knapweed Species Plant GNR SNA 43233
Oenothera caespitosa ssp. marginata Tufted Evening-primrose Subspecies Plant G5T3T5 SNR 88828
Trupanea bisetosa A Fruit Fly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476673
Trifolium repens White Clover Species Plant GNR SNA 52113
Hippelates particeps A Grass Fly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473402
Hygrohypnum styriacum Snow Brook Moss Species Plant GU SNR 37649
Silene repens ssp. australis Creeping Catchfly Subspecies Plant G5TNR SNR 84773
Spizella arborea American Tree Sparrow Species Bird G5 S3N 19294
Dichanthelium acuminatum Tapered Rosette Grass Species Plant G5 SNR 60816
Chionaspis pinifoliae Pine Needle Scale Species Invertebrate GNR S4 1475587
Ranunculus inamoenus var. inamoenus Graceful Buttercup Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 92423
Montia parvifolia Little-leaf Miner's-lettuce Species Plant G4G5 SNR 50090
Acronicta innotata Unmarked Dagger Moth Species Invertebrate G5 S3 31493
Brickellia oblongifolia var. oblongifolia Narrowleaf Brickell-bush Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 83068
Cercyonis pegala Common Wood-Nymph Species Invertebrate G5 S5 22367
Epidemas cinerea A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474450
Piptatherum exiguum Little Ricegrass Species Plant G5 SNR 58893
Andrena capricornis A Miner Bee Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1475085
Artemisia douglasiana Douglas' Wormwood Species Plant G5 SNR 45787
Astragalus newberryi var. castoreus Newberry's Milkvetch Variety Plant 4 G5T5 S2 90936