Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 3301 - 3400 of 9686
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Lupinus x alpestris Species Plant GNA SNA 79324
Pastinaca sativa Wild Parsnip Species Plant GNR SNA 53991
Setophaga pinus Pine Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 16673
Anchusa officinalis Common Bugloss Species Plant GNR SNA 61088
Cerastium fontanum Common Mouse-ear Chickweed Species Plant GNR SNA 43969
Pheucticus ludovicianus Rose-breasted Grosbeak Species Bird G5 SNA 16932
Vicia sativa ssp. sativa Spring Vetch Subspecies Plant GNRTNR SNA 83033
Lotus corniculatus Garden Bird's-foot-trefoil Species Plant GNR SNA 61316
Erucastrum gallicum Common Dogmustard Species Plant G5 SNA 61814
Tharsalea phlaeas American Copper Species Invertebrate G5 SNA 26419
Vicia tetrasperma Lentil Vetch Species Plant GNR SNA 55588
Elymus repens Creeping Wild Rye Species Plant GNR SNA 39306
Noctua pronuba Large Yellow Underwing Moth Species Invertebrate GNR SNA 70981
Mniotilta varia Black-and-white Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 19904
Arion rufus Chocolate Arion Species Invertebrate G4G5 SNA 29343
Verbascum thapsus Common Mullein Species Plant GNR SNA 57813
Arion hortensis Garden Arion Species Invertebrate G5 SNA 21193
Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare Common Mouse-ear Chickweed Subspecies Plant GNRTNR SNA 92719
Porcellio scaber An Isopod Species Invertebrate GNR SNA 1474042
Silene vulgaris Maiden's-tears Species Plant GNR SNA 59335
Hibiscus trionum Flower-of-an-Hour Species Plant GNR SNA 42337
Zenaida asiatica White-winged Dove Species Bird G5 SNA 15494
Bromus hordeaceus Soft Brome Species Plant GNR SNA 59837
Silene latifolia Bladder Campion Species Plant GNR SNA 60059
Forda marginata An Aphid Species Invertebrate GNR SNA 1473048
Arabis hastatula Hells Canyon Rockcress Species Plant G2 SNA 49899
Apera spica-venti Silky Bentgrass Species Plant GNR SNA 60354
Betula x sargentii Species Plant GNA SNA 79166
Marisa cornuarietis Giant Rams-horn Species Invertebrate G5 SNA 24373
Sternula antillarum Least Tern Species Bird G4 SNA 16408
Salvia pratensis Meadow Sage Species Plant GNR SNA 60825
Euphydryas chalcedona bakeri Chalcedon Checkerspot Subspecies Invertebrate G5TU SNA 81507
Galinsoga parviflora Small-flower Quickweed Species Plant G4G5 SNA 54385
Oncorhynchus kisutch Coho Salmon Species Fish 2 G4 SNA 17203
Physa skinneri Glass Physa Species Invertebrate G5 SNA 32478
Petrorhagia saxifraga Pink-saxifrage Species Plant GNR SNA 44488
Echinargus isola Reakirt's Blue Species Invertebrate G5 SNA 26049
Agrostis gigantea Giant Bentgrass Species Plant G4G5 SNA 61707
Salvelinus namaycush Lake Trout Species Fish G5 SNA 17608
Setophaga caerulescens Black-throated Blue Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 17879
Sturnus vulgaris European Starling Species Bird G5 SNA 18168
Ranunculus acris var. acris Tall Buttercup Variety Plant G5T5 SNA 90321
Setophaga pensylvanica Chestnut-sided Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 18840
Polygonum arenastrum Oval-leaf Knotweed Species Plant G5? SNA 39841
Ixobrychus exilis Least Bittern Species Bird G4G5 SNA 19842
Hylocichla mustelina Wood Thrush Species Bird G5 SNA 20053
Neophilaenus lineatus Lined Spittlebug Species Invertebrate GNR SNA 30769
Gyraulus crista Star Gyro Species Invertebrate G5 SNA 31221
Marrubium vulgare Common Hoarhound Species Plant GNR SNA 48240
Bromus sterilis Poverty Brome Species Plant GNR SNA 42040
Rorippa microphylla One-row Watercress Species Plant GNR SNA 42287
Eragrostis mexicana ssp. mexicana New Mexico Lovegrass Subspecies Plant G5T5 SNA 87810
Icterus galbula Baltimore Oriole Species Bird G5 SNA 15617
Carex misandra Few-flowered Sedge Species Plant G5 SNA 49670
Melanitta perspicillata Surf Scoter Species Bird G5 SNA 15889
Centaurea jacea Brown Starthistle Species Plant GNR SNA 43231
Arabis x divaricarpa Hybrid Rockcress Species Plant GNA SNA 78968
Oncorhynchus mykiss pop. 22 Steelhead (Snake River - B Run) Population G5TNRQ SNA 79657
Cuscuta approximata var. urceolata Variety Plant GNRTNR SNA 88865
Sonchus arvensis ssp. uliginosus Field Sowthistle Subspecies Plant GNRTNR SNA 89090
Tadarida brasiliensis Brazilian Free-tailed Bat Species Mammal G5 SNA 17154
Fumaria officinalis ssp. officinalis Drug Fumitory Subspecies Plant G5TNR SNA 89283
Phleum pratense Meadow Timothy Species Plant GNR SNA 44424
Sagina procumbens Procumbent Pearlwort Species Plant G5 SNA 55453
Chenopodium botrys Jerusalem-oak Species Plant GNR SNA 45338
Synthliboramphus antiquus Ancient Murrelet Species Bird G4 SNA 18329
Lepidium draba Whitetop Species Plant GNR SNA 55929
Saponaria officinalis Bouncing-bet Species Plant GNR SNA 56464
Aphodius distinctus Maculated Dung Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNA 71753
Didelphis virginiana Virginia Opossum Species Mammal G5 SNA 19794
Phragmatobia assimilans Large Ruby Tiger Species Invertebrate G4G5 SNA 20690
Ceutorhynchus obstrictus A Weevil Species Invertebrate GNR SNA 1475584
Aseptis paviae An Aseptis Moth Species Invertebrate GNR SNA 1473996
Rorippa austriaca Austrian Yellowcress Species Plant GNR SNA 51923
Rumex crispus ssp. crispus Curly Dock Subspecies Plant GNRTNR SNA 93003
Achillea ptarmica False Sneezewort Species Plant GNR SNA 48717
Euglesa waldeni Walden Peaclam Species Invertebrate GNR SNA 1474063
Bassia hyssopifolia Five-horn Smotherweed Species Plant GNR SNA 59210
Salsola kali ssp. tragus Russian-thistle Subspecies Plant GNRTNR SNA 87720
Asperugo procumbens German Madwort Species Plant GNR SNA 49562
Populus x jackii Balm-of-Gilead Species Plant GNA SNA 78780
Verbascum blattaria White Moth Mullein Species Plant GNR SNA 60455
x Elyhordeum macounii Species Plant GNA SNA 79583
Kochia prostrata Prostrate Summer-Cypress Species Plant GNR SNA 50331
Sander canadensis Sauger Species Fish G5 SNA 16776
Vitis vinifera European Grape Species Plant G4 SNA 44373
Holcus lanatus Common Velvetgrass Species Plant GNR SNA 54769
Phalaropus fulicarius Red Phalarope Species Bird G5 SNA 61935
Lychnis chalcedonica Maltese-cross Campion Species Plant GNR SNA 44828
Pristiloma chersinella Black-footed Tightcoil Species Invertebrate G3G4 SNA 26877
Plutella xylostella Diamondback Moth Species Invertebrate GNR SNA 68365
Centaurea stoebe ssp. micranthos Spotted Knapweed Subspecies Plant GNR SNA 55677
Tarache flavipennis A Dagger Moth Species Invertebrate GNR SNA 1475020
Poa trivialis Scribner Bluegrass Species Plant GNR SNA 45617
Setophaga fusca Blackburnian Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 18518
Phleum pratense ssp. pratense Meadow Timothy Subspecies Plant GNRTNR SNA 90638
Rorippa sylvestris Creeping Yellowcress Species Plant G5 SNA 56092
Veronica biloba Two-lobe Speedwell Species Plant GNR SNA 56278
Calypte costae Costa's Hummingbird Species Bird G5 SNA 19136
Aphis spiraecola Spirea Aphid Species Invertebrate GNR SNA 1475223