Aphididae Family
Idaho Species
Species in this classification. To view subspecies, varieties and populations select the species.
Scientific Name | Common Name | Echelon | ID |
Cinara thatcheri | A Giant Conifer Aphid | Species | 1475602 |
Diuraphis holci | An Aphid | Species | 1475665 |
Drepanaphis idahoensis | An Aphid | Species | 1475674 |
Drepanaphis knowltoni | An Aphid | Species | 1475676 |
Eucallipterus tiliae | Linden Aphid | Species | 1475744 |
Geoica setulosa | An Aphid | Species | 1475916 |
Illinoia crystleae | An Aphid | Species | 1475970 |
Illinoia davidsoni | An Aphid | Species | 1475972 |
Macrosiphum euphorbiae | Potato Aphid | Species | 1476088 |
Microsiphoniella acophorum | An Aphid | Species | 1476159 |
Mindarus victoria | An Aphid | Species | 1476160 |
Myzus lythri | An Aphid | Species | 1476179 |
Nasonovia cynosbati | An Aphid | Species | 1476183 |
Nasonovia houghtonensis | An Aphid | Species | 1476185 |
Nasonovia polemonii | An Aphid | Species | 1476187 |
Nearctaphis kachena | An Aphid | Species | 1476189 |
Pleotrichophorus pullus | An Aphid | Species | 1476527 |
Prociphilus americanus | An Aphid | Species | 1476588 |
Protaphis middletonii | An Aphid | Species | 1476589 |
Rhopalosiphum cerasifoliae | Chokecherry Aphid | Species | 1476600 |
Rhopalosiphum parvae | An Aphid | Species | 1476601 |
Schizolachnus curvispinosus | An Aphid | Species | 1476604 |
Sitobion avenae | English Grain Aphid | Species | 1476610 |
Smynthurodes betae | An Aphid | Species | 1476611 |
Aphis chrysothamni | An Aphid | Species | 1476789 |
Aphis oenotherae | An Aphid | Species | 1476790 |
Aphis salicariae | An Aphid | Species | 1476791 |
Artemisaphis artemisicola | An Aphid | Species | 1476800 |
Bipersona ochrocentri | An Aphid | Species | 1476804 |
Capitophorus rusticatus | An Aphid | Species | 1476814 |
Cinara curvipes | Bow-legged Fir Aphid | Species | 1476825 |
Eriosoma ulmi | European Elm Leafcurl Aphid | Species | 1476888 |