Idaho BLM Special Status Plant Risk Assessment Surveys, 2020

Publication Type:



Institute for Applied Ecology, Corvallis, Oregon, p.36 pp, plus pdf maps (2020)

Call Number:



BLM, Bureau of Land Management, Idaho, Special Status Plant, survey


From April to August 2020, the Institute for Applied Ecology conducted Special Status Plant (SSP) Risk Assessment surveys contributing to the operational objectives of the Plant Conservation and Restoration Program (PCRP). The objective of this project contract was to produce a quantitative assessment of select SSP in Idaho including estimates of population sizes, potential threats, and habitat quality assessments, in a standardized manner. In collaboration with BLM district partners, 100 SSP species “Element Occurrences” (EOs), Sub-occurrences and/or other designated sites were identified for visitation. <br>

An ESRI Survey123 application was used for collecting rare plant observation form entries, including GPS points and photos. In certain situations, data were collected on paper datasheets and transferred post-survey to the digital form. Survey forms for all visits were submitted to BLM for incorporation into the spatial database (See SA Code: N20BLM01IDUS for incorporation of Survey123 data). <br>

Report for ‘Idaho BLM Special Status Plant Risk Assessment Surveys’ includes following sections: Contacts, Methods, Survey Equipment, Survey Protocol, Results, and Summary.


Reference Code: U20IAE01IDUS <br>

Full Citation: Bahm M, Schomaker L. 2020. Idaho BLM Special Status Plant Risk Assessment Surveys, 2020. Institute for Applied Ecology, Corvallis, Oregon, p.36 pp, plus pdf maps <br>


Keywords: Idaho, BLM, Bureau of Land Management, Special Status Plant, survey <br>