Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Clifton C., Thomas A.E.  1988.  A Bibliography of Related Topics with Emphasis on the Intermountain West.  
Cline J.F, Ursek D.W., Rickard W.H.  1977.  Plants and Soil of a Sagebrush community on the Hanfor Reservation.  Northwest Science.  51:60-70.
Clough GC, Albright JJ.  1987.  Occurrence of the northern bog lemming, Synaptomys borealis, in the Northeastern United States.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  101(4):611-613.  Available from
Clyde R, Senger D, Senger S.  1972.  Notes on the bat Plecotus townsendi in western Washington.  Murrelet.  53(1):10-11.  Available from
Coalition I.Bruneau Va.  1995.  Habitat maintenance and conservation plan for the Bruneau hot springsnail.  
Coan E..  1981.  James Graham Cooper: pioneer western naturalist.
Coan E., Roth B..  1987.  The malacological taxa of Henry Hemphill.  Veliger.  29:332-339.
Coates S.  2015.  Long-billed Curlew survey data from 2015.  
Coates K.P, Schemnitz S.D.  1994.  Habitat use and behavior of male mountain sheep in foraging associations with wild horses.  Great Basin Naturalist.  54(1):86-90.
Coates S.  2020.  Yellow-billed cuckoo broadcast-call survey data 2020 from IDFG regions 5 and 6.  
Coates D.J.  1988.  Genetic diversity and population genetic structure in the rare Chittering grass wattle, Acacia anomala Court.  Australian Journal of Botany.  36:273-286.
Coates S.  2019.  Yellow-billed cuckoo broadcast-call survey data 2019 from IDFG region 3, 4, 5 and 6.  
Coates M, Benedict E, Stephens CL.  1970.  An unusual aggregation of the newt Taricha granulosa granulosa.  Copeia.  1970(1):176-178.  Available from
Coates D.J, Sokolowski R.E.  1989.  Geographic patterns of genetic diversity in karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor F. Muell.).  Australian Journal of Botany.  37:145-156.
Coates S.  2021.  Long-billed curlew survey data from 2016 - 2021.  
Coates S.  2021.  Yellow-billed cuckoo broadcast-call survey data 2021 from IDFG regions 5 and 6.  
Cobb B..  1963.  A field guide to the ferns and their related families of Northeastern and Central North America.
Cobb V.A.  1996.  Idaho native species account: western rattlesnake.  
Cochnauer T..  1993.  In the biological footsteps of Lewis and Clark.  Idaho Wildlife.  :18-19.
Cochnauer T, Claire C.  2009.  Evaluate status of Pacific lamprey in the Clearwater River and Salmon River drainages, Idaho.    Available from
Cochran JF, Anderson SH.  1987.  Comparison of habitat attributes at sites of stable and declining long-billed curlew populations.  Great Basin Naturalist.  47(3):459-466.  Available from
Cochrane A..  1994.  Population monitoring of Allotropa virgata in the Sibling Timber Sale, Nez Perce National Forest: fourth and fifth year results (1993 and 1994).  
Cochrane A..  1991.  Rare plant species observation reports for USFS Region 1 Sensitive plant species on the Red River RD, Nez Perce NF.  
Cochrane A..  2003.  Email correspondence to Kimberly McConnaghy: Monitoring notes on Salmon twin bladderpod (PHYSARIA DIDYMOCARPA LYRATA) at Williams Creek shale pit.  
Cochrane A..  2007.  Population status for Salmon twin bladderpod (Physaria didymocarpa var. lyrata).