Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Bowler P.A.  1992.  Letter of August 31 to Dr. Marvin Plenert, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, regarding rationale for the Service's reclassification of the Shoshone sculpin.  
Bowler P.A, Watson C.M, Yearsley J.R, Cirone P.A.  1993.  Assessment of ecosystem quality and its impact on resource allocation in the Middle Snake River sub-basin. Volume XXIV.  
Bowler P.A.  1977.  Ramalina thrausta in North America.  Bryologist.  80:529-532.
Bowler P.A.  1991.  The current status of the Bruneau hot springs snail, an undescribed monotypic genus of freshwater hydrobiid snail, and its declining habitat.
Bowler P.A.  1991.  Notes on a site visit to the Indian Bathtub, Hot Creek and the adjacent Bruneau River on August 13, 1989.
Bowler P.A, Frest T.J.  1996.  The advancing distribution of the New Zealand mud snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray), in North America. In: Program abstracts. 62nd Annual Meeting American Malacological Union.  Chicago (IL; 29 Jun-3 Jul 1996) p. 31.
Bowler pA, Frest T.J.  1992.  The non-native snail fauna of the Middle Snake River, southern Idaho.
Bowler pA, Frest T.J.  1992.  Snake River mollusks: living fossils.  Idaho Wildlife.  12(1):2,29.
Bowler p.  Submitted.  Natural history studies and evaluation for eligibility of the Wiley Reach of the Snake River for National Natural Landmark designation.  
Bowles J.H, Decker F.R.  1927.  A comparative field study of Wright's and Hammond's flycatchers.  Auk.  44:524-528.
Bowles J.H.  1911.  Notes extending the range of certain birds on the Pacific Slope.  Auk.  28:169-178.
Bowles M.L, Hess W.J, DeMauro M.M.  1985.  An assessment of the monitoring program for special floristic elements at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Phase 1. The endangered species.  
Bowles M.L, Hess W.J, DeMauro M.M, Hiebert R.D.  1986.  Endangered plant inventory and monitoring strategies at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.  Natural Areas Journal.  6(1):18-26.
Bowles M.L.  1989.  A status report on endangered and threatened plants of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore: monitoring of species new to the lakeshore and re-monitoring of selected species.  
Bowles M.L, DeMauro M.M, Pavlovic N., Hiebert R.D.  1990.  Effects of anthropogenic disturbances on endangered and threatened plants at the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.  Natural Areas Journal.  10(4):187-200.
Bowley D.R.  1970.  Characterization and comparison of two alpine bogs (Mt. Mansfield, Vermont).  :88pp.
Bowne DR, Bowers MA.  2004.  Interpatch movements in spatially structured populations: a literature review.  Landscape Ecology.  19(1):1-20.  Available from
R. Bowyer T, J. Testa W, Faro JB.  1995.  Habitat selection and home ranges of river otters in a marine environment: effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.  Journal of Mammalogy.  76(1):1-11.  Available from
Boxall PC, Stepney PHR.  1982.  The distribution and status of the barred owl in Alberta.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  96(1):46-50.  Available from
Boyce M.S, Miller R.S.  1984.  Ten-year periodicity in whooping crane census.  Auk.  102:658-66.
Boyd D.K, Ream R.R, Pletscher D.H, Fairchild M.W.  1993.  Variation in denning and parturition dates of a wild gray wolf, Canis lupus, in the Rocky Mountains.  Canadian Field Naturalist.  107:359-360.
Boyd D..  2000.  Where have all the herons gone? Conservation Sciences.  Fall:9-13.
Boyd K, DeHamer E, Lucid M.  2018.  Bombus (Western Bumblebee) habitat seed library: interim performance report.  
Boyd R.S, Woodward R., Walter G..  1993.  Fire effects on a montane Sierra Nevada meadow.  California Fish and Game.  79(3):115-125.
Boyle K.A, Fendley T.T.  1987.  Habitat suitability index models: bobcat.