Bibliography and Citations

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Aegilops triuncialis
DiTomaso JM, Brooks ML, Allen EB, Minnich R, Rice PM, Kyser GB.  2006.  Control of invasive weeds with prescribed burning!.  Weed Technology.  20(2):535–548.  Available from
Aegolius funereus
Hayward GD.  1987.  Betalights: an aid in the nocturnal study of owl foraging habitat and behavior.  Journal of Raptor Research.  21(3):98-102.  Available from
Hayward G.D, Hayward P.H.  1993.  Boreal owl (Aegolius funereus).  Birds of North American Online.  (63)  Available from
Shepherd JF, E. Cassirer F.  1992.  Boreal owl (Aegolius funereus) surveys on the Avery and St. Maries Ranger Districts, Idaho Panhandle National Forests, 1992.  
Groves C.  1988.  Boreal owl (Aegolius funereus) surveys on the Sawtooth and Boise National Forests.  
Musil D, Stutz WR.  1989.  Boreal owl winter survey: Nez Perce and Clearwater National Forests, Idaho.  
Jehl, Jr. JR, Johnson NK.  1994.  A century of avifaunal change in western North America. International Symposium at the Centennial Meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Society; 17 April 1993.  Sacramento (CA): Cooper Ornithological Society.    Available from
Korpimäki E.  1987.  Clutch size, breeding success and brood size experiments in Tengmalm's owl Aegolius funereus: a test of hypotheses.  Ornis Scandinavica.  18(4):277-284.
Korpimäki E.  1988.  Costs of reproduction and success of manipulated broods under varying food conditions in Tengmalm's owl.  Journal of Animal Ecology.  57(3):1027-1039.
Korpimäki E.  1988.  Diet of breeding Tengmalm's owls Aegolius funereus: long-term changes and year-to-year variation under cyclic food conditions.  Ornis Fennica.  65(1):21-30.  Available from
Korpimäki E.  1988.  Effects of age on breeding performance of Tengmalm's owl Aegolius funereus in western Finland.  Ornis Scandinavica.  19(1):21-26.
Korpimäki E.  1988.  Effects of territory quality on occupancy, breeding performance and breeding dispersal in Tengmalm's owl.  Journal of Animal Ecology.  57(1):97-108.
Hayward GD, Garton EO.  1983.  First nesting record for boreal owl in Idaho.  Condor.  85(4):501.  Available from
Hayward GD, Verner J.  1994.  Flammulated, boreal, and great gray owls in the United States: a technical conservation assessment.    Available from
Hayward GD, Garton EO, Hayward PH.  1985.  Habitat requirements and distribution of the boreal owl in central Idaho.