Bibliography and Citations

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Bodie W., Taylor E., McCoy M..  1992.  California bighorn ecology. Distribution, inventory, and habitat selection.  
Bodie W., Taylor E., McCoy M..  1990.  California bighorn sheep ecology. Distribution, inventory, habitat selection, and bighorn sheep/cattle interactions.  
Bodie W., Taylor E., McCoy M..  1991.  California bighorn sheep ecology. Distribution, inventory, habitat selection, and bighorn sheep/cattle interactions.  
Bock C.E, Lepthien L.W.  1976.  Population growth in the cattle egret.  Auk.  93:164-166.
Bock C.E, Lynch J.F.  1970.  Breeding bird populations of burned and unburned conifer forest in the Sierra Nevada.  Condor.  72:182-189.
Bock C.E, Smith H.M, Bock J.H.  1990.  The effect of livestock grazing upon abundance of the lizard, Sceloporus scalaris, in southeastern Arizona.  Journal of Herpetology.  24(4):445-446.
Bock C.E, Saab V.A, Rich T.D, Dobkin D.S.  1993.  Effects of livestock grazing on Neotropical migratory landbirds in western North America. RM-229.  
Bock CE, Bock JH.  1974.  On the geographical ecology and evolution of the three-toed woodpeckers, Picoides tridactylus and P. arcticus.  American Midland Naturalist.  92(2):397-405.
Bock CE, Webb B.  1984.  Birds as grazing indicator species in southeastern Arizona.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  48(3)
Bock CE, Saab VA, Rich TD, Dobkin DS.  1993.  Effects of livestock grazing on neotropical migratory landbirds in western North America. Status and management of neotropical migratory birds.  Finch DM, Stangel PW, editors. 1992 Sept 21-25; Estes Park (CO): U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.   p. 296-309.  Available from
Boccard B..  1980.  Important fish and wildlife habitats of Oregon.  
Boccard B..  1980.  Important Fish and Wildlife Habitats of Idaho: An Inventory.
Boccard B..  1980.  Important fish and wildlife habitats of Idaho.  
Boccard B..  1979.  Idaho Concept Plan: Unique Wildlife Ecosystems Program.  
Boardman C.M.  1977.  Mosses not previously reported from western Pennsylvania.  Bryologist.  80:351-352.
Boal W..  1994.  Unusual parental behaviors by male northern goshawks.  Journal of Raptor Research.  28(2):120-121.
Boal C.W, Bacorn J.E.  1994.  Siblicide and cannibalism in northern goshawk nests.  Auk.  111:748-750.
Boag T..  1987.  Food habits of bull char, Salvelinus confluentus, and rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, coexisting in a foothills stream in northern Alberta.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  101(1):56-62.
Blus L.J, Henny C.J, Anderson A., Fitzner R.E.  1985.  Reproduction, mortality, and heavy metal concentrations in great blue herons from three colonies in Washington and Idaho.  Colonial Waterbirds.  8(2):110-116.
Blus LJ, Henny CJ, Hoffman DJ, Grove RA.  1995.  Accumulation in and effects of lead and cadmium on waterfowl and passerines in northern Idaho.  Environmental Pollution.  89(3):311-318.  Available from
Blus LJ, Henny CJ, Mulhern BM.  1987.  Concentrations of metals in mink and other mammals from Washington and Idaho.  Environmental Pollution.  44(4):307-318.  Available from
Blouin F.  2004.  Vagrant shrew (Sorex vagrans). Pp 99-107 in Blouin, F., B. N. Taylor, and R. W. Quinlan, editors. Species selection and habitat suitability index models. 2.  Blouin F, Taylor BN, Quinlan RW, editors. Edmonton, AB (Canada): Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, Fish and Wildlife Division.    Available from
Blossey B..  2002.  Replacement of native North American Phragmites australis by introduced invasive genotypes.  
Blomdahl L.  Submitted.  Professional Background Information.  Blomdahl, Larry.  
Bloedel S.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Bloedel, Steve..