Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
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Leonard WP, Chichester L, Ovaska K.  2003.  Prophysaon dubium Cockerell, 1890, the papillose taildropper (Gastropoda: Arionidae): distribution and anatomy.  Nautilus.  117(2):62-67.  Available from
Maestrelli J.R.  1973.  Propagation of barn owl in captivity.  Auk.  90:426-428.
Reynolds TD.  1983.  Pronghorn responses to hunting coyotes.  Great Basin Naturalist.  43(1):88-92.  Available from
Clary WP, Beale DM.  1983.  Pronghorn reactions to winter sheep grazing, plant communities, and topography in the Great Basin.  Journal of Range Management.  36(6):749-752.  Available from
Marks JS.  1983.  Prolonged incubation by a long-eared owl.  Journal of Field Ornithology.  54(2):199-200.  Available from
Lesica P., Steele B.M.  1994.  Prolonged dormancy in vascular plants and implications for monitoring studies.  Natural Areas Journal.  14:209-212.
Johnston KM, Freund KA, Schmitz OJ.  2012.  Projected range shifting by montane mammals under climate change: implications for Cascadia’s national parks.  Ecosphere.  3(11):article97.
Peacock S.  2011.  Projected 21st century climate change for wolverine habitats within the contiguous United States.  Environmental Research Letters.  6(1):014007.  Available from
Ricciardi A, Hoopes MF, Marchetti MP, Lockwood JL.  2013.  Progress toward understanding the ecological impacts of nonnative species.  Ecological Monographs.  83(3):263–282.
Brooks H.C, Vallier T.L.  1967.  Progress report on the geology of part of the Snake River Canyon, Oregon and Idaho.  Ore Bin.  29(12):233-266.
Han X, Gill MJ, Hamilton H, Vergara SG, Young BE.  2020.  Progress on national biodiversity indicator reporting and prospects for filling indicator gaps in Southeast Asia.  Environmental and Sustainability Indicators.  5(2020):Article100017.  Available from
Marzluff J.M, Vekasy M.S, Kochert M.N, Steenhof K..  1997.  Productivity of golden eagles wearing backpack radiotransmitters.  Journal of Raptor Research.  31(3):223-227.
Sutton D.A.  1995.  Problems of taxonomy and distribution in four species of chipmunks.  Journal of Mammalogy.  76:843-850.
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Bowker M.A, Miller M.E, Belnap J., Sisk T.D, Johnson N.C.  2008.  Prioritizing conservation effort through the use of biological soil crusts as ecosystem function indicators in an arid region.  Conservation Biology.  22(6):1533-1543.
Holmgren NH, Kelso S.  2001.  Primula cusickiana (Primulaceae) and its varieties.  Brittonia.  53(1):154-156.
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Eggler W.A.  1941.  Primary succession on volcanic deposits in southern Idaho.  Ecological Monographs.  11(3):277-298.
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Giuliano W.M, Litvaitis J.A, Stevens C.L.  1989.  Prey selection in relation to sexual dimorphism of fishers (Martes pennanti) in New Hampshire.  Journal of Mammalogy.  70(3):639-641.
Plumpton D.L, Lutz R.S.  1993.  Prey selection and food habits of burrowing owls in Colorado.  Great Basin Naturalist.  53:299-304.
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