Bibliography and Citations

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Gustafsson L., Fiskesjo A., Hallingback T., Ingelog T., Peterson. B..  1992.  Semi-natural deciduous broadleaved woods in southern Sweden - habitat factors of importance to some bryophyte species.  Biological Conservation.  59:175-181.
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Gurney AB.  1971.  North American grasshoppers of the genus Argiacris, including two new species from Idaho (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Catantopinae).  Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington.  73(3):292-303.  Available from
Gurney AB, Strohecker H.F, Helfer J.R.  1964.  A synopsis of the North American Acridine grasshoppers of the Genus-group Chrysochraontes (Orthoptera: Acrididae).  Transactions of the American Entomological Society.  89(1/2):119-139.  Available from
Gurevitch J..  1988.  Variation in leaf dissection and leafy energy budgets among populations of Achillea from an altitudinal gradient.  American Journal of Botany.  75(9):1298-1306.
Guretzky J.A, Louda. S.M.  1997.  Evidence for natural biological control: insects decrease survival and growth of a native thistle.  Ecological Applications.  7(4):1330-1340.
Guppy C.S, Shepard J.H, Kondla. N.G.  1994.  Butterflies and skippers of conservation concern in British Columbia.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  108(1):31-40.
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Gunnell F., Phillips. T.A.  1972.  Wildlife analysis of the White Cloud, Boulder and Pioneer Mountains.  
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Guiguet C.J.  1955.  Mountain quail.  
Guettler BL.  2007.  Secondary fire effects on Symphoricarpos albus-Rosa spp. plant association in the canyon grasslands of north-central Idaho.  Rangeland Ecology and Management.  Master of Science:66.
Guertin D.S, Pfannmuller. L.A.  1985.  Colonial waterbirds in Minnesota: an update of their distribution and abundance.  Loon.  57:67-78.
Guerrant, Jr. E.O.  1991.  Ex-situ conservation collection of Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii) from Idaho, at the Berry Botanic Garden.  
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Guenther G.  2023.  Email correspondence and attachments of RPOR for Ipomopsis congesta ssp. crebrifolia, Pyrrocoma integrifolia, and Primula incana .  
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Gruver J.C, Keinath D.A.  2012.  Townsend's big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii): a technical conservation assessment.  
Grumbine R.E.  1994.  What is ecosystem management? Conservation Biology.  8(1):27-38.
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