Bibliography and Citations

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Hewkin J.A.  1993.  Additional comments on northern pygmy-owl fishing.  Oregon Birds.  19(4):112.
Hewitt G.B.  1980.  Plant phenology as a guide in timing grasshopper control efforts on Montana rangeland.  Journal of Range Management.  33(4):297-299.
Hessl A., Spackman S..  1995.  Effects of fire on threatened and endangered plants: an annotated bibliography. USDI National Biological Service Information and Technology Report 2.  
Hess P, Rosentreter R, Milan J, Jorgensen C, Demmer R.  2012.  Sagebrush die off email and photos.  
Heslin L., Bashore T..  2003.  Email relaying Terry Bashore response to various slickspot peppergrass questions obtained from to U. S. Fish and Wildlife personnel.  
Hershler R, Frest TJ.  1996.  A review of the North American freshwater snail genus Fluminicola (Hydrobiidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology No. 583.   Smithsonian Institution Press.    Available from
Hershler R..  1990.  Pyrgulopsis bruneauensis, a new springsnail (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae) from the Snake River plain, southern Idaho.  Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington.  103((4)):803-814.
Hershler R..  0.  A systematic review of the hydrobiid snails of the Great Basin, western United States. Part II. Genera Pristinicola, Colligyrus, and Tryonia.  Veliger.  
Hershler R..  1992.  Letter to Steve Huffaker, fisheries bureau chief, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, regarding a mistaken collection of Bliss Rapids snails on the Snake River by Dr. Hershler.  
Hershler R., Liu. H..  2004.  A molecular phylogeny of aquatic gastropods provides a perspective on biogeographic history of the Snake River Region.  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.  32:927-937.
Hershler R, Frest TJ, Johannes EJ, Bowler PA, Thompson FG.  1994.  Two new genera of Hydrobiid snails (Prosobranchia: Rissooidea) from the northwestern United States.  Veliger.  37(3):221-243.  Available from
Hershler R, Liu H-P, Howard J.  2014.  Springsnails: a new conservation focus in western North America.  BioScience.  64(8):693-700.  Available from
Hershler R, Liu H-P.  2012.  A new species of springsnail (Pyrgulopsis) from the Owyhee River basin, Nevada.  Western North American Naturalist.  72(1):21-31.  Available from
Hershler R, Sada DW.  2002.  Biogeography of Great Basin aquatic snails of the genus Pyrgulopsis. Great Basin aquatic systems history. (Smithsonian contributions to the earth sciences; no. 33).  Hershler R, Madsen DB, Currey DR, editors. Washington (DC): Smithsonian Institution Press.   p. 255-276.  Available from
Hershler R., Ponder. W.F.  1998.  A review of morphological characters of hydrobioid snails.  Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology.  600:1-55.
Hershler R, Liu H-P.  2012.  Molecular phylogeny of the western North American pebblesnails, genus Fluminicola (Rissooidae: Lithoglyphidae), with description of a new species.  Journal of Molluscan Studies.  78(4):321-329.  Available from
Hershler R..  1999.  A systematic review of the Hydrobiid snails (Gastropoda: Rissooidea) of the Great Basin, Western United States. Part II. Genera Colligyrus, Eremopyrgus, Fluminicola, Pristinicola, and Tyronia.  Veliger.  42:306-337.
Hershler R.  1998.  A systematic review of the hydrobiid snails (Gastropoda: Rissooidea) of the Great Basin, western United States. Part I. Genus Pyrgulopsis.  Veliger 41.  41(1):1-132.  Available from
Hershler R, Thompson FG.  1987.  North American Hydrobiidae (Gastropoda: Rissoacea): redescription and systematic relationships of Tryonia Stimpson, 1865 and Pyrgulopsis Call and Pilsbry, 1886.  Nautilus.  101(1):25-32.  Available from
Hershler R., Liu H., Frest T.J., Johannes E.J., Clark. W.H..  2006.  Genetic structure of the western North American aquatic gastropod genus Taylorconcha and description of a second species.  Journal of Molluscan Studies.  72:167-177.
Hershler R, Liu H-P.  2004.  Taxonomic reappraisal of species assigned to the North American freshwater gastropod subgenus Natricola (Rissooidea: Hydrobiidae).  Veliger.  47(1):66-81.  Available from
Hershler R, Liu H-P.  2009.  New species and records of Pyrgulopsis (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae) from the Snake River basin, southeastern Oregon: further delineation of a highly imperiled fauna.  Zootaxa.  2006:1-22.  Available from
Hershler R..  1994.  A review of the North American freshwater snail genus Pyrgulopsis (Hydrobiidae).  Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology.  554:121pp..
Herron GB, Mortimore CA, Rawlings MS.  1985.  Nevada raptors: their biology and management.  
Herron G.B.  1985.  Status of the ferruginous hawk (Buteo regalis) in Nevada.