Bibliography and Citations

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Hill J.L.  2011.  Conservation of the Palouse Prairie Ecosystem - Phase 3. Site Assessment of Potential Remnants of Palouse Grassland in Latah County, Idaho. 2010 Progress Report and Final Report (2008-2010).  
Hill J., Lichthardt J., Gray K..  2009.  Palouse Grassland Remnants Project.  
Hilken T.O, Miller R.F.  1980.  Medusahead (Taeniatherum asperum Nevski): A review and annotated bibliography.  
Hilden O., Helo. P..  1981.  The great gray owl, Strix nebulosa: a bird of the northern Taiga.  Ornis Fenn.  58(4):159-166.
Hildebrand T..  1998.  1997 Inventory for Spiranthes diluvialis Sheviak in Western Nebraska a final report volume I.  
High MAnn.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  High, Mary Ann..  
Higgs K.  Submitted.  No description.  Higgs, Ken.  
Higgins P.D, Spomer G.G.  1976.  Soil temperature effects on root respiration and the ecology of alpine and subalpine plants.  Botanical Gazette.  137(2):110-120.
Higgins LC.  1971.  A revision of Cryptantha subgenus Oreocarya.  Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series.  8(4):1-63.
Hiesey W.M, Nobs. M.A.  1970.  Genetic and transplant studies on contrasting species and ecological races of the Achillea millefolium complex.  Botanical Gazette.  131(3):245-259.
Hiers J.K, Evans J.P.  1997.  Effects of Anthracnose on dogwood mortality and forest composition of the Cumberland Plateau (U.S.A.).  Conservation Biology.  11(6):1430-1435.
Hicks L.L.  1983.  Snag management: options and incentives for private landowners.  
Hickman J.  Submitted.  No description.  Hickman, Jerry.  
Hickey M.BC.  1992.  Effect of radiotransmitters on the attack success of hoary bats, Lasiurus cinereus.  Journal of Mammalogy.  73(2):344-346.
Hickerson J..  1986.  Oryzopsis hymenoides.  
Hickerson J..  1986.  Amelanchier utahensis.  
Hickerson J..  1986.  Amelanchier alnifolia.  
Hicke JA, Logan J..  2009.  Mapping whitebark pine mortality caused by a mountain pine beetle outbreak with high spatial resolution satellite imagery.  International Journal of Remote Sensing.  30(17):4427–4441.  Available from
Hibbs D.E, Giordano P.A.  1996.  Vegetation characteristics of alder-dominated riparian buffer strips in the Oregon Coast Range.  Northwest Science.  70(3):213-222.
Hibben C.R.  1992.  Anthracnose in a coastal disjunct population of Pacific dogwood in Idaho: an evaluation based on comparisons with the disease in eastern flowering dogwood.  
Hibben C.R.  1988.  Dogwood anthracnose in northeastern United States.  Plant Disease.  72(3):199-203.
Hibben C.R.  1993.  Anthracnose in a coastal disjunct population of Pacific dogwood in Idaho: an evaluation based on comparisons with the disease in eastern flowering dogwood; Informal report presented at Seventh Regional Dogwood Workshop, May 5-7, 1993, Chattanooga, TN; Abs.
Hibbard E.A.  1956.  Range and spread of the gray and the fox squirrels in North Dakota.  Journal of Mammalogy.  37:525-31.
Heyerdahl EK, Miller RF, Parsons RA.  2006.  History of fire and Douglas-fir establishment in a savanna and sagebrush–grassland mosaic, southwestern Montana, USA.  Forest Ecology and Management.  230:107–118.
Hewlett R.M, Howard G.L, Pearson L.C.  1963.  Ecological life history studies in Artemisia.  Journal of Idaho Academy of Science.  4:50-58.