Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Mancuso M..  1991.  Special Plant Survey Forms for field work done on the Targhee NF and in Yellowstone National Park during the 1991 field season.  
Moseley B..  1991.  Special Plant Survey Forms for field work done on the Targhee NF and in Yellowstone National Park during the 1991 field season.  
Gray K..  1991.  Special plant survey forms for rare plant species found on the Clearwater NF, Lochsa RD during the 1991 field season.  
Hill J..  1991.  Special plant survey forms for rare plant surveys conducted in the Wapshilla Ridge vicinity during the 1991 field season.  
Mancuso M..  1991.  Special Plant Survey Forms for rare plant surveys done in Military Reserve Park, spring 1991.  
Bernatas S..  1991.  Special Plant Survey Forms for rare plant surveys done in Military Reserve Park, spring 1991.  
Lichthardt J..  1991.  Special plant survey forms for the 1991 field season.  
Bernatas S., Lorain C., Wellner C..  1991.  Species list for Grave Peak Research Natural Area.  
Lorain C.C.  1991.  Species management guide for Grindelia howellii (Howell's gumweed), on the St. Joe National Forest.  
Lorain C.C.  1991.  Species management guide for Mimulus clivicola (bank monkeyflower) on the Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests.  
Elliott CL, Flinders JT.  1991.  Spermophilus columbianus.  Mammalian Species.  372:1-9.  Available from,
Anonymous.  1991.  State will close two streams to fishing to save cutthroat.  Idaho Statesman.  21 November:4C.
Marshall D..  1991.  Status of the black-backed woodpecker in Oregon and Washington, Draft.  
R. Goudie I.  1991.  The status of the harlequin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) in eastern North America.  
Knight T..  1991.  Status report for Astragalus yoder-williamsii.  
Breault AM, Savard J-P.  1991.  Status report on the distribution and ecology of harlequin ducks in British Columbia.  Technical Report Series No. 110.    Available from
Schassberger L.A.  1991.  Status review of Lesquerella carinata and Lesquerella paysonii, U.S.D.A. Forest Service - Region 1, Deerlodge National Forest, Montana.  
Roe L.S.  1991.  Status review of Mertensia bella, U.S.D.A. Forest Service - Region 1, Lolo National Forest, Montana.  
Yensen E., Luscher M.P, Boyden S..  1991.  Structure of burrows used by the Idaho ground squirrel.  Northwest Science.  :93-100.
Yensen E, Luscher MP, Boyden S.  1991.  Structure of burrows used by the Idaho ground squirrel, Spermophilus brunneus.  Northwest Science.  :93-100.
Johnson D.R.  1991.  Structure of small mammal communities in the cedar/hemlock and spruce/subalpine fir habitats, Kaniksu National Forest, Idaho.  
Powers L.R.  1991.  A study of the nesting biology of flammulated owls in portions of the Sublett Mountains in south central Idaho.  
Lorain C.C.  1991.  Study plan: long-term demographic and community monitoring of Cornus nuttallii (Pacific dogwood), in Idaho.  
Mancuso M., Moseley R.K.  1991.  Summary of 1991 surveys for threatened, endangered and sensitive plants in the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.  
Ragotzkie K..  1991.  Summary of results from nocturnal tape playback surveys for boreal owls on the Powell RD, Clearwater NF.