Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Petersen K.L, Best. L.B.  1991.  Nest-site selection by sage thrashers in southeastern Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  51(3):261-266.
Ash S.R.  1991.  A new Jurassic flora from the Wallowa terrane in Hells Canyon, Oregon and Idaho.  Oregon Geology.  53(2):27-33.
McClendon T, Redente EF.  1991.  Nitrogen and phosphorus effects on secondary succession dynamics on a semi-arid sagebrush site.  Ecology.  72(6):2016-2024.  Available from
Ineich I., Zug G.R.  1991.  Nomenclatural status of EMOIA CYANURA (Lacertilia, Scincidae) populations in the Central Pacific.  Copeia.  1991:1132-1136.
Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Idaho Department of Fish and Game.  1991.  Nongame and wildlife observation forms for 1991.  
Patla S..  1991.  Northern goshawk monitoring project report #2.  
Bowler P.A.  1991.  Notes on a site visit to the Indian Bathtub, Hot Creek and the adjacent Bruneau River on August 13, 1989.
Soreng R.J.  1991.  Notes on new infraspecific taxa and hybrids in North American Poa (Poaceae).  Phytologia.  71(5):390-413.
Wagner D.H.  1991.  Noteworthy collections - Oregon.  Madrono.  38:145-146.
USDI Bureau of Land Management.  1991.  Notice of Realty Action, Classification of public lands for state indemnity selection.  
Korpimaki E., Norrdahl K..  1991.  Numerical and functional responses of kestrels, short-eared owls, and long-eared owls to vole densities.  Ecology.  72(3):814-826.
Bauer K.L.  1991.  Observations on the developmental biology of Cicindela arenicola Rumpp (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae).  Great Basin Naturalist.  51(3):226-235.
Munts M.A, Powers L.R.  1991.  Observations on the occurrence and nesting of the great gray owl (Stix nebulosa Forster) in Valley county, Idaho.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  27:37-44.
Lydeard C., Wooten M.C.  1991.  Occurrence of GAMBUSIA AFFINIS in the Savannah and Chattahoochee drainages: previously undescribed geographic contacts between G. AFFINIS and G. HOLBROOKI.  Copeia.  1992:1111-1116.
Barnard J.  1991.  Old growth forests may yield anti-cancer drug.  Idaho Statesman.  
Langenstein S., Bowler p.  1991.  On-going macroinvertebrate analysis using the biotic condition index and the appearance of Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray) in Box Canyon Creek, southern Idaho.
[Anonymous].  1991.  Owyhee herd provides bighorns for transplant. News Release, November 18.  
[Anonymous].  1991.  Pacific yew environmental impact statement.  
Levine E..  1991.  Peregrine falcon productivity in the tri-state region of Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana, 1988-1990.  
National Wildlife Federation.  1991.  Petition for a rule to list the lynx as endangered. Draft.  
Silver RD, MacFarlane A, Sauber M, Sandell CI, Hitt SM, Galvin P, Schulke T, Hoffman SW, Wotkyns S, Hirsch S et al..  1991.  Petition for listing of the isolated regional population of northern goshawks in the southwestern United States and for designation of the critical habitat of this isolated population.  
Tipperman M..  1991.  Petition to the Washington Department of Wildlife, Olympia, WA, to list the lynx of the north-central Washington Cascades as an endangered species and to designate critical habitat.  
Livezey B.C.  1991.  A phylogenetic analysis and classification of recent dabbling ducks (tribe Anatini) based on comparative morphology.  Auk.  108:471-507.
Decker D.M, Wozencraft W.C.  1991.  Phylogenetic analysis of recent procyonid genera. Journal of Mammalogy.  Journal of Mammalogy.  72:42-55.
Mayden R.L, Rainboth W.J, Buth D.G.  1991.  Phylogenetic systematics of the cyprinid genera MYLOPHARODON and PTYCHOCHEILUS: comparative morphometry.  Copeia.  1991:819-834.