Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Hopwood J, Vaughan M, Shepherd M, Biddinger D, Mader E, Black SHoffman, Mazzacano C.  2012.  Are neonicotinoids killing bees? A review of research into the effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on bees, with recommendations for action   Available from
Stagliano DM, Maxell BA.  2010.  Aquatic invertebrate species of concern: updated distributions, vital watersheds and predicted sites within USFS Northern Region lands.    Available from
Stagliano DM, Stephens GM, Bosworth WR.  2007.  Aquatic invertebrate species of concern on USFS Northern Region lands.    Available from
Ott DS, Maret TR.  2003.  Aquatic assemblages and their relation to temperature variables of least-disturbed streams in the Salmon River Basin, central Idaho, 2001.    Available from
Steiger M.  2011.  Annual Slickspot Peppergrass Conservation Agreement/Candidate Conservation Agreement Implementation/Survey Report 2011.  
Steiger M.  2010.  Annual Slickspot Peppergrass Conservation Agreement (CA)/ Candidate Conservation Agreement (CCA) Implementation/Survey Report 2010.  
Myler CD, G. Minshall W.  2000.  Annual monitoring report: Bruneau hot-spring springsnail (Pyrgulopsis bruneauensis).    Available from
Whitfield M.B.  1994.  Annual bald eagle productivity report: Idaho portion of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  
Whitfield etal..  2004.  Annual bald eagle productivity final report 2004: Idaho portion of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  
Whitfield etal..  2003.  Annual bald eagle productivity final report 2002: Idaho portion of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  
Whitfield etal..  2001.  Annual bald eagle productivity final report 2001: Idaho portion of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  
Whitfield etal..  2000.  Annual bald eagle productivity final report 2000: Idaho portion of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  
Whitfield etal..  1997.  Annual bald eagle productivity final report 1997: Idaho portion of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  
Whitfield M.B.  1996.  Annual bald eagle productivity final report 1996: Idaho portion of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  
Whitfield M.B.  1995.  Annual bald eagle productivity final report 1995: Idaho portion of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  
Shepherd M.  1992.  Animal element occurrences.  
[Anonymous].  2007.  Analysis of the management situation for the Jarbidge Resource Management Plan.  
Sullivan JP, Nations CS.  2009.  Analysis of slickspot peppergrass (Lepidium papilliferum) population trends on Orchard Training Area and rangewide implications.    Available from
Corn PStephen, Adams MJ, Battaglin WA, Gallant AL, James DL, Knutson M, Langtimm CA, Sauer JR.  2005.  Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative: concepts and implementation.    Available from
McDonald M.  1996.  Amphibian inventory of the Jarbidge and Snake River Resource Areas. Final report.    Available from
Greystone Environmental Consultants, Inc..  2005.  Amphibian and reptile survey report for Blackfoot Bridge Project Environmental Impact Statement, final.  
Elzinga C..  2003.  Alkali primrose data analysis.  BLM agreed, and funded this data analysis project..  
Arno SF, Scott JH, Hartwell MG.  1995.  Age-class structure of old growth ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir stands and its relationship to fire history.    Available from
Yensen E.  2000.  Additional surveys for southern Idaho ground squirrels, Spermophilus brunneus endemicus.  Unpublished report prepared for U. S Fish and Wildlife Service, Snake River Basin Office.  
Bormann BT, Cunningham PG, Brookes MH, Manning VW, Collopy MW.  1994.  Adaptive ecosystem management in the Pacific Northwest.  General Technical Report.