Bibliography and Citations

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Kearns CAnn, Inouye DWilliam.  1993.  Techniques for Pollination Biologists. Boulder (CO): University Press of Colorado.  
Kearney T.H, Peebles R.H, collaborators.  1960.  Arizona Flora. Second Edition.  
Keane RE, Tomback D.F, Aubry C.A, Bower A.D, Campbell E.M, Cripps C.L, Jenkins M.B, Mahalovich M.F, Manning M., McKinney S.T et al..  2012.  A range-wide restoration strategy for whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis).  General Technical Report.  
Keane RE, Ryan KC, Veblen TT, Allen CD, Logan J, Hawkes B.  2002.  Cascading effects of fire exclusion in Rocky Mountain ecosystems: a literature review.    Available from
Keane R.E, Parsons R.A..  2010.  Restoring Whitebark Pine Forests of the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA. Research Report.  Ecological Restoration.  28(1):56-70,15pp..
Keane RE, Tomback DF, Aubry CA, Bower AD, Campbell EM, Cripps CL, Jenkins MB, Mahalovich MF, Manning M, McKinney ST et al..  2012.  A range-wide restoration strategy for whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis).    Available from
Keane RE.  2012.  Whitebark-Limber Pine Information System (WLIS).  :1818records.
Kaye T., Massey S., Messinger W., Meinke R., Magee T..  1990.  Haplopappus radiatus inventory and cytogeographic survey.  
Kaye T.n, Meinke R..  1992.  Population monitoring and pollination biology of Snake River goldenweed, Haplopappus radiatus. 1991 Progress Report.  
Kaye T., Fredricks N., Gamon J..  1991.  Population monitoring for fringed-pinesap (Pleuricospora fimbriolata) on the Gifford Pinchot National Forest.  
Kaye T.N, Kirkland M..  1993.  1992 Progress report: population monitoring and preliminary model of Snake River Goldenweed, Haplopappus radiatus.  
Kaye T.N.  1992.  Status report update for Mirabilis macfarlanei.  
Kaye T.N.  1999.  From flowering to dispersal: reproductive ecology of an endemic plant, Astragalus australis var. olympicus (Fabaceae).  American Journal of Botany.  86:1248-1256.
Kaye T.andRMeinke.  1992.  Long-Term Monitoring for Mirabilis Macfarlanei in Hell's Canyon, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest.  
Kaye T.N.  1995.  Evaluation of population monitoring for Mirabilis macfarlanei, 1990-1995.  
Kaye T.n, Kuykendall K..  2001.  Germination and propagation techniques for restoring rare Pacific Northwest prairie plants.  
Kaye T., Messinger W., Massey S., Kephart S., Flanagan D..  1990.  Eriogonum crosbyae and E. prociduum inventory, reproduction and taxonomic assessment.  
Kaye T., Messinger W., Massey S..  1990.  Population monitoring plan, habitat analysis, and breeding system of Mirabilis macfarlanei.  
Kaye T.N, Gisler S., Kirkland M..  1994.  Population monitoring and preliminary model of Snake River goldenweed, Haplopappus radiatus. Third Year Progress Report.  
Kaye T.N.  1991.  Inventory of the vascular flora of Dungeness Spit, Clallam County, Washington.  Douglasia Occasional Papers.  4:1-25.
Kay CE.  1997.  Is aspen doomed? Journal of Forestry.  95(5):4-11.  Available from
Kay CE.  2001.  The condition and trend of aspen communities on BLM administered lands in central Nevada with recommendations for management. Final Report.    Available from
Kawano S, Ihara M;, Suzuki M.  1968.  Biosystematic studies on Maianthemum (Liliaceae-Polygonatae) II. Geography and ecological life history.  Japanese Journal of Botany.  20(1):35-65.
Kawano S, Suzuki M, Kojima S.  1971.  Biosystematic studies on Maianthemum (Liliaceae - Polygonatae). V. Variation in gross morphology, karyology, and ecology of North American populations of M. dilatatum sensu lato.  Botanical Magazine.  84(955):299-318.
Kawamichi T..  1976.  Hay territory and dominance rank of pikas (OCHOTONA PRINCEPS).  Journal of Mammalogy.  57:133-148.