Bibliography and Citations

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Quinney D..  1994.  Letter to Bob Moseley, Idaho CDC, regarding populations of Lepidium papilliferum occurring in the Orchard Training Area.  
Quinney D..  1991.  Letter to Bob Moseley, Idaho CDC, regarding populations of Lepidium papilliferum occurring in the Orchard Training Area.  
Wellner C..  1988.  Letter to Bob Moseley giving two locations of Trientalis arctica.  
Sieracki P..  1990.  Letter to Bob Moseley giving location of Juncus effusus var. pacificus 020.  
Gray M.E.  1999.  Letter to Bob Moseley from Mary Gray, Environmental/Right-of-Way Program Manager, Idaho Transportation Department, discussing the Section 7 guidelines for Spiranthes diluvialis habitat surveys.  
Blake J..  1988.  Letter to Bob Moseley describing 2 new locations for Trientalis latifolia.  
Stickney P.F.  1989.  Letter to Bob Moseley dated 7 July, containing collection data from the Intermountain Research Station herbarium (MRC).  
Meinke B..  1988.  Letter to Bob Moseley dated 20 May containing collection information for two sites of Mimulus washingtonensis ssp ampliatus.  
Quinney D..  1992.  Letter to Bob Moseley dated 1 September regarding the status of Lepidium papilliferum populations in the Orchard National Guard Training Area.  
Zika P.F.  1991.  Letter to Bob Moseley date 21 April containing collection information for Carex breweri var. paddoensis.  
Frest T.J.  1992.  Letter to Bill Horton, fisheries bureau, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, regarding Frest's recent survey for molluscs in the Auger Falls area of the Snake River.  
Frest T.J.  1992.  Letter to Bill Horton, fisheries bureau, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, and preliminary report concerning Frest's recent survey for molluscs at Minidoka Dam and vicinity on the Snake River.  
Wellner C..  1989.  Letter to Angie Evenden dated 3 March, regarding his collection of Adiantum pedatum var. novum in the Snowy Top RNA.  
Cole E.  1991.  Letter to all interested parties regarding proposed protection of Townsend's big-eared bat at the Mountain Chief Mine and the Electrolyte Mine, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.  
Egoscue H.J.  1985.  Letter to Alison Wilson, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, regarding kit fox in Idaho.  
Hill J.  2018.  Letter regarding rare plant information from The Nature Conservancy at Garden Creek Ranch from 1996-1999.  
King M.  1992.  Letter regarding 1992 yew bark collection program.  
Thor G..  1993.  Letter outlining the IAL Committee for Conservation of Lichens (ICCL) and questionnaire for information concerning lichens and lichen rich habitats.  
Henderson D.M.  1975.  Letter of September 5, 1975, to James Blaisdell, Chairman of Intermountain Research Natural Area Committee, concerning species and work of students in the proposed Sheep Mountain RNA.  
Henderson D..  1974.  Letter of September 4, 1974, to John Emerson, Supervisor, Salmon National Forest, recommending that the Sheep Mountain area be designated a Research Natural Area, and listing many of the rare plants found there.  
Goshawk Scientific Committee.  1992.  Letter of September 15, 1992, to Mrs. Noreen Clough regarding the Committee's response to Mrs. Clough's recommendations.  
Gale R.S.  1986.  Letter of September 10 on letterhead of The Trumpeter Swan Society sent to interested observers regarding trumpeter swans.  
Reynolds G.F.  1991.  Letter of October 31 to forest supervisors regarding a petition to list the northern goshawk as a sensitive species. Includes the Goshawk Sensitive Species Petition Committee Report.  
Hansen H.J.  1989.  Letter of November 30, 1989, to Mr. John Turner, Director of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, regarding a petition to list the Rocky Mountain population of trumpeter swans as a threatened species.  
Wellner C.A.  1978.  Letter of May 9, 1978, to Roger Lund, Zone Planning Officer and RNA liason, Idaho Panhandle National Forests.