Bibliography and Citations

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Lichthardt J, Pekas KM.  2021.  Monitoring of Canyon Grasslands in Craig Mountain WMA, Nez Perce County, Idaho: 21-year results.  
Mancuso M., Miller J..  2003.  Monitoring Mulford's milkvetch (Astragalus mulfordiae) on the Owyhee Front: 2003 results.  
Mancuso M..  2001.  Monitoring mulford's milkvetch (Astragalus mulfordiae) in the Boise foothills: 2000 results.  
Mancuso M..  2002.  Monitoring mulford's milkvetch (Astragalus mulfordiae) in the Boise foothills: 2001 results.  
Mancuso M, Brabec M.  2019.  Monitoring Mulford’s milkvetch (Astragalus mulfordiae) in the Boise Foothills: 2019 results.  
Shelly J.S, Kaye T..  1990.  Monitoring: methods and case studies, bibliography, unpublished.  
Herrick JE, Van Zee JW, Havstad KM, Burkett LM, Whitford WG.  2005.  Monitoring manual for grassland, shrubland and savanna ecosystems. Volume I: quick start. I.  Las Cruces (NM): USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range.    Available from
Herrick JE, Van Zee JW, Havstad KM, Burkett LM, Whitford WG.  2009.  Monitoring manual for grassland, shrubland and savanna ecosystems. Volume II: Design, supplementary methods and interpretation. II.  Las Cruces (NM): USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range.    Available from
Mancuso M., Kinter L..  2007.  Monitoring Malheur prince's plume (Stanleya confertiflora) on Bureau of Land Management lands in southwestern Idaho: 2006 results.  
Chung-MacCoubrey A.L.  2003.  Monitoring long-term reuse of trees by bats in pinyon-juniper woodlands of New Mexico.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  31(1):73-79.
Mancuso M..  2002.  Monitoring Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass) in southwestern Idaho: 2001 results.  
Mancuso M.  2003.  Monitoring Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass) in southwestern Idaho 2002 results.    Available from
Farris CA, Neuenschwander LF, Boudreau SL.  1998.  Monitoring initial plant succession following fire in a subalpine spruce-fir forest. Fire in ecosystem management: shifting paradigm from suppression to prescription. Proceedings, 20th Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference.  No. 20.  Pruden TL, Brennan LA, editors. Tall Timbers Research, Inc..   p. pages 298-305.  Available from
Robertson I.C.  2010.  Monitoring harvester ant colonies located within slickspot peppergrass habitat.  Order Number 10181AM221:10pp.plus15pp.appendices.
Robertson I.C.  2011.  Monitoring harvester ant colonies located within slickspot peppergrass habitat: 2011 update.  Prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  
Mittlehauser G., Hazen J..  1990.  Monitoring harlequin ducks at Acadia.  Park Science.  10(1):18.
Mancuso M..  2000.  Monitoring habitat integrity for Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass): 1999 results.  
Mancuso M..  2001.  Monitoring habitat integrity for Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass): 2000 results.  
Eberhardt L.L, Howard R.R, Blanchard B.M.  1986.  Monitoring grizzly bear population trends.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  50(4):613-618.
Pekas K, Lichthardt J.  2014.  Monitoring for Jessica’s aster (Symphyotrichum jessicae) on US Army Corps of Engineers land near Dworshak Reservoir: 2014 Summary.  
Nichols JD, Williams BK.  2006.  Monitoring for conservation.  Trends in Ecology & Evolution.  21(12):668–673.  Available from
F. Rocchio J, Crawford RC.  2009.  Monitoring desired ecological conditions on Washington State wildlife areas using an ecological integrity assessment framework.  
Mancuso M..  2011.  Monitoring Davis Peppergrass (Lepidium Davisii) on BLM Lands in.  
Mancuso M..  2000.  Monitoring data for Astragalus mulfordiae collected during the 2000 field season.  
Mancuso M..  2001.  Monitoring data for Astragalus mulfordiae collected during the 2001 field season.