Bibliography and Citations

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Ownbey M..  1940.  Monograph of the genus Calochortus.  Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden.  27(4):371-560.
Shultz L.M.  2009.  Monograph of Artemisia subgenus Tridentatae.  American Society of Plant Taxonomists, Systematic Botany Monographs.  89:1-129.
Warren R.W.  1995.  Monitoring wildlife species of special concern.  
Mancuso M.  2014.  Monitoring white pine blister rust in whitebark pine communities on the Sawtooth National Recreation Area, Idaho.  Prepared for Sawtooth National Forest, Twin Falls, Idaho.  
Burgan R.E, Hartford R.A.  1993.  Monitoring vegetation greenness with satellite data.  
Murphy C..  2004.  Monitoring Ute ladies'-tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) on the South Fork Snake River, Idaho: conservation status and third year results of habitat monitoring.  
Murphy C..  2002.  Monitoring Ute ladies' tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) on the South Fork Snake River, Idaho.
O'Shea TJ, Bogan MA, Ellison LE.  2003.  Monitoring trends in bat populations of the United States and territories: status of the science and recommendations for the future.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  3(1):16-29.  Available from;accessed
O'Shea T.J, Bogan M.A.  2003.  Monitoring trends in bat populations of the United States and territories: problems and prospects.    Available from
Mancuso M..  2001.  Monitoring Tobias' saxifrage (Saxifraga bryophora var. tobiasiae) on the Payette National Forest: first year results.  
Mancuso M.  2008.  Monitoring Tobias' saxifrage (Saxifraga bryophora var. tobiasiae) on the Payette National Forest: 2007 results.  
Winward ÁH.  2000.  Monitoring the Vegetation Reources in Riparian Areas. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR.  Ogden (UT): USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.  
Murphy C..  2001.  Monitoring the habitat of Ute ladies' tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) on the South Fork Snake River, Idaho - methods and first year results.  
Murphy C..  2003.  Monitoring the habitat of Ute ladies' tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) on the South Fork Snake River, Idaho- Second Year Results.  
Lichthardt J., Gray K..  2005.  Monitoring the effects of cattle on Idaho phlox (Phlox idahonis): second-year results.  
Idaho Conservation Data Center.  2008.  Monitoring the effects of cattle on Idaho phlox (Phlox idahonis): Sixth-year (2007) results.  
Lesica P., Elliott J.C.  1987.  Monitoring study of bitterroot milkvetch in Lemhi County, Idaho.  
Mancuso M.  2013.  Monitoring smooth brome (Bromus inermis) within the Christ’s paintbrush (Castilleja christii) population at Mount Harrison, Idaho.  
Pekas KM, Lichthardt J.  2012.  Monitoring Silene spaldingii (Spalding’s catchfly) on BLM land in the Lower Salmon River Canyon.  
Lesica P..  1988.  Monitoring Silene spaldingii on Wild Horse Island: 1988 progress report.  
Lesica P..  1988.  Monitoring Silene spaldingii on Dancing Prarie Preserve: 1988 progress report.  
Patla SM.  2005.  Monitoring results of the northern goshawk nesting areas in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem: Is decline in occupancy related to habitat change? Journal of Raptor Research.  39(3):324-334.
Louhaichi M, Pyke DA, Shaff SE, Johnson DE.  2013.  Monitoring restoration impacts to endemic plant communities in soil inclusions of arid environments.  International Journal of Agriculture and Biology.  15(4):767-771.  Available from
Pierson K..  2002.  Monitoring report summary for 1997-2001: Road paving effects on Castilleja christii (Christ's Indian Paintbrush) on the Sawtooth National Forest.  
Ecosystem Research Institute.  1993.  Monitoring Report for Vat Creek Wetland Mitigation Project. Prepared for HECLA Mining Company.