Bibliography and Citations

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Barnard J.  1991.  Old growth forests may yield anti-cancer drug.  Idaho Statesman.  
Everett R., Hessburg P., Lehmkuhl J., Jensen M., Bourgeron P..  1994.  Old forests in dynamic landscapes: Dry-site forests of eastern Oregon and Washington.   Journal of Forestry.  92(1):22-25.
Braun CE, Oedekoven OO, Aldridge CL.  2002.  Oil and gas development in western North America: effects on sagebrush steppe avifauna with particular emphasis on sage-grouse. Transactions of the 67th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference; 2002 Apr 3–7.  Wildlife Management Institute, Publications Department, editor. Dallas (TX): Wildlife Management Institute, Washington, DC.   p. 337-349.  Available from
[Anonymous].  1990.  The official World Wildlife Fund guide to endangered species of North America: plants, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, mussels, crustaceans, snails, insects, and arachnids. 2 Volumes.  
Associated Press.  1993.  Official says idea to aid salmon could further endanger snails.  Idaho Statesman.  40954
H. Cordell K, Betz CJ, Green G, Owens M.  2005.  Off-highway vehicle recreation in the United States, regions, and states: a national report from the National Survey on Recreation and the Environment (NSRE).    Available from
Cook PS, O'Laughlin J.  2008.  Off-highway vehicle and snowmobile management in Idaho.    Available from
Shafer ABA, Cullingham CI, Cote S.D, Coltman DW.  2010.  Of glaciers and refugia: a decade of study sheds new light on the phylogeography of northwestern North America.  Molecular Ecology.  19:4589-5621.
Lee V.R.  1983.  Oenothera psammophila (Nels. & Macbr.) Wagner, Stockhouse & Klein ined. in the Fremont County, Idaho, sand dune system.  :151pp..
Logan E.R.  1967.  The Odonata of Idaho.  :164pp..
Abbott J.C.  In Press.  Odonata Central: Odonata records for the State of Idaho.    Available from
Bick G.H.  1983.  Odonata at risk in conterminous United States and Canada.  Odonatologica.  12(3):209-226.
Mancuso M..  2003.  Occurrence updates, field surveys, and monitoring for rare species in the Bear River Range, Caribou-Targhee National Forest.  
Salogga D.S.  1982.  Occurrence, symptoms and probable cause, Discula species, of Cornus leaf anthracnose.  :167pp..
Wicklow-Howard M..  1989.  The occurrence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae in burned areas of the Snake River Birds of Prey Area, Idaho.  Mycotaxon.  34:253-257.
Owen W.R, Hoffman J.T, Hennen J.F, Smithman L.C.  1994.  The occurrence of Uromyces punctatus on Astragalus mulfordiae, a rare vascular plant from western Idaho and eastern Oregon.  Plant Disease.  78:1217.
Durrant SD.  1935.  Occurrence of the spotted bat in Utah.  Journal of Mammalogy.  16(3):226.  Available from
Clough GC, Albright JJ.  1987.  Occurrence of the northern bog lemming, Synaptomys borealis, in the Northeastern United States.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  101(4):611-613.  Available from
Lydeard C., Wooten M.C.  1991.  Occurrence of GAMBUSIA AFFINIS in the Savannah and Chattahoochee drainages: previously undescribed geographic contacts between G. AFFINIS and G. HOLBROOKI.  Copeia.  1992:1111-1116.
Soderstrom L..  1988.  The occurrence of epixylic bryophyte and lichen species in an old natural and a managed forest stand in northeastern Sweden.  Biological Conservation.  45:169-178.
Lester GT, Clark WH.  2002.  Occurrence of Corophium spinicorne Stimpson, 1857 (Amphipoda: Corophiidae) in Idaho, USA.  Western North American Naturalist.  62(2):230–233.  Available from
Geier-Hayes K.  1987.  Occurrence of conifer seedlings and their microenvironments on disturbed sites in central Idaho.  Research Paper.  
Stern MA, Rosenberg GA.  1985.  Occurrence of a breeding upland sandpiper at Sycan Marsh, Oregon.  Murrelet.  66(1):34-35.
Cossel, Jr. JO, Peterson CR, Bean BM.  2000.  The occurrence, distribution and relative abundance of amphibians and reptiles on the Idaho Army National Guard Orchard Training Area, Ada County, Idaho [partial Draft].  
Wiggins DA, Morris RD, Nisbet I.CT, Custer TW.  1984.  Occurrence and timing of second clutches in common terns.  Auk.  101(2):281-287.