Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Rush T.E, Gamon J..  1999.  Management plan for Spalding's catchfly (Silene spaldingii) on Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington.  
Burke TE.  1999.  Management recommendations for terrestrial mollusk species: Prophysaon coeruleum, blue-gray taildropper & Prophysaon dubium, papillose taildropper. V.2.0.    Available from
Larocco J..  1999.  Maps of sharp-tailed grouse leks in the Cascade Resource Area.  
Moseley R.K.  1999.  Maps showing survey routes for Spiranthes diluvialis in Idaho between 1996 - 1998.  
Kaltenecker GS.  1999.  McCall Airport bald eagle territory management plan North Fork Payette River, Idaho.  
Ritter S..  1999.  Memo containing results of a point-count survey for birds on the Double Diamond Ranch, near Oakley, ID. Sent with a letter from Miriam Austin dated July 11, 1999.  
Davis C..  1999.  Memo of August 17, 1999, from Cleve Davis to Karen Rice, Idaho Falls BLM Ecologist, regarding population counts from three Spiranthes diluvialis occurrences (001, 003, 009).  
Evans G.R, Johansen J.R.  1999.  Microbiotic crusts and ecosystem processes.  Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences.  18(2):183-225.
Pierce BM, Bleich VC, Wehausen JD, R. Bowyer T.  1999.  Migratory patterns of mountain lions: implications for social regulation and conservation.  Journal of Mammalogy.  80(3):986-992.  Available from
Roberts H.B.  1999.  The mini-bunny of Idaho's sagebrush foothills.  
Vullo C, Lewis L, Wenger C.R(Dick).  1999.  Miscellaneous BLM bat survey locations around the state of Idaho, 1996–1999 [tables].  
Arbogast B.S.  1999.  Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of the New World flying squirrels (GLAUCOMYS): implications for Pleistocene biogeography.  Journal of Mammalogy.  80:142-155.
Whittall J.B.  1999.  A molecular phylogeny for the Mimulus moschatus alliance (Scrophulariaceae) and its conservation implications.  
McPhail J.D, Taylor E.B.  1999.  Morphological and genetic variation in northwestern longnose suckers, CATOSTOMUS CATOSTOMUS: the Salish sucker problem.  Copeia.  1999:884-893.
Eldridge D.J, Rosentreter R..  1999.  Morphological groups: a framework for monitoring microphytic crusts in arid landscapes.  Journal of Arid Environments.  41:11-25.
Heekin T..  1999.  Mountain quail: Idaho native.  
Gutierrrez R.J, Delehanty DJ.  1999.  Mountain quail (Oreortyx pictus). 457.  Poole A, Gill J., editors. Philadelphia: The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the American Ornithologists' Union.   p. 27.  Available from
Gutiérrez R.J, Delehanty DJ.  1999.  Mountain quail (Oreortyx pictus).  Birds of North America Online.  (457)  Available from
Reese KP, Nelle PJ, Zager P.  1999.  Movements, habitat use, and survival of mountain quail (Oreortyx pictus) during fall and winter in west-central Idaho.  
Rotenberry J.T, Knick S.T.  1999.  Multiscale habitat associations of the sage sparrow: implications for conservation biology.  Conservation Biology.  19:95-103.
Peterson C.99. Museum.  1999.  Museum specimen database on Idaho herps, based on solicitations from North American museums.  
Gillis E.A, Krebs C.J.  1999.  Natal dispersal of snowshoe hares during a cyclic population increase.  Journal of Mammalogy.  80:933-939.
Wilson B.L., Brainerd R., Huso M., Kuykendall K., Lytjen D., Newhouse B., Otting N., Sundberg S., Zika P..  1999.  Native Plant Society of Oregon.  Native Plant Society of Oregon.  Occasional Paper No. 1:29pp..
Sauder J.D, Powers L.R.  1999.  Nesting biology and post-fledging movements of great gray owls (Strix nebulosa) in Valley County, Idaho.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  35(1):8.
Smith BWade.  1999.  Nest-site selection, ectoparasites, and mitigation techniques: studies of burrowing owls and artificial burrow systems in southwestern Idaho [thesis].  Raptor Biology.  :108.