Bibliography and Citations

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Schmidt B.  2012.  Damele Slickspot Peppergrass Bladed Fenceline Monitoring Report 2012.  
Uchytil R.  1989.  Salix scouleriana.  
Uchytil R.J.  1989.  Betula glandulosa.  
Uchytil R.  1989.  Salix lemmonii.  
Uchytil R.  1989.  Salix lasiandra.  
Uchytil R.  1989.  Salix exigua.  
Uchytil R.  1989.  Salix amygdaloides.  
Uhl CH.  1977.  Cytogeography of Sedum lanceolatum and its relatives.  Rhodora.  79:95-114.
Uhler F.M.  1940.  The western ring-necked snake in Idaho.  Copeia.  1940(2):136.
Uliczka H., Angelstam P..  2000.  Assessing conservation values of forest stands based on specialised lichens and birds.  Biological Conservation.  95:343-351.
Ulliman M.J.  1995.  Habitat conservation assessment and strategies for Columbian sharp-tailed grouse.  
Ulmschneider H.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Ulmschneider, Helen..  
Ulmschneider H..  2006.  Surveying for pygmy rabbits. Draft protocol.  
Ulmschneider H..  2002.  2002 field survey results for pygmy rabbit in Owyhee County–email message and CD containing shapefiles.  
Ulmschneider H., Mancuso M..  2000.  Correspondence regarding Physaria didymocarpa var. lyrata.  
Ulmschneider H..  1990.  Post-nesting ecology of the long-eared owl (Asio otus) in southwestern Idaho.  :106pp..
Ulmschneider H..  1988.  Flammulated owl ecology: habitat, nesting biology and migration.  
Ulmshneider H, Hays D, Roberts H, Rachlow J, Forbes T, Himes J, Sequin E, Haworth M, Katzner T, Kozlowski A et al..  2008.  Surveying for pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis).  
United States Air Force.  2002.  Lepidium papilliferum seed collection at Juniper Butte Range. Final Report.  
United States Air Force.  2002.  Survey and mapping report for slickspot habitat and slickspot peppergrass at Juniper Butte Range. Volume I.  
United States Air Force.  2002.  Survey and mapping report for slickspot habitat and slickspot peppergrass at Juniper Butte Range. Volumes I and II.  
United States Air Force.  2002.  Final: Vegetation management environmental assessment at Juniper Butte Range.  
United States Air Force.  1997.  Defending the planet: the environment and mission at Mountain Home Air Force Base.  
University C, eBird.  2013.  eBird Basic Dataset, Version: EBD_relNov-2013.  :652,985records.  Available from
University of Idaho.  1936.  Photo of a Mirabilis macfarlanei specimen.