Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Jenks M.D, Bonnichsen B., Godchaux M.M.  1998.  Geologic map of the Grand View - Bruneau area, Owyhee county, Idaho: digitally revised version.  
[Anonymous].  1979.  Geologic map of the Grangeville Quadrangle, Idaho.  
Worl R.G, al. et.  1991.  Geologic map of the Hailey 1 x 2 quadrangle, Idaho.  
[Anonymous].  1979.  Geologic map of the Hamilton Quadrangle, Idaho.  
[Anonymous].  1979.  Geologic map of the Idaho Falls Quadrangle, Idaho.  
Kuntz M.A, al et.  1994.  Geologic map of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory and adjoining areas, eastern Idaho.  
[Anonymous].  1979.  Geologic map of the Pocatello Quadrangle, Idaho.  
[Anonymous].  1979.  Geologic map of the Preston Quadrangle, Idaho.  
[Anonymous].  1979.  Geologic map of the Pullman Quadrangle, Idaho.  
[Anonymous].  1979.  Geologic map of the Sandpoint Quadrangle, Idaho and Washington.  
[Anonymous].  1979.  Geologic map of the Twin Falls Quadrangle, Idaho.  
Fitzgerald J.F.  1982.  Geology and basalt stratigraphy of the Weiser embayment, west-central Idaho.  
Asher R.R.  1968.  Geology and mineral resources of a portion of the Silver City region, Owyhee County, Idaho.  
Bond J.G.  1963.  Geology of the Clearwater Embayment.  
[Anonymous].  0.  Geology of the Jordan Valley Quadrangle, Oregon-Idaho.  
Haskins D.M, al. et.  1998.  A geomorphic classification system.  
Kaye T.n, Kuykendall K..  2001.  Germination and propagation techniques for restoring rare Pacific Northwest prairie plants.  
Lesica P..  1988.  Germination requirements and seedling biology of Spalding's Catchfly (Silene spaldingii).  
Palouse Prairie Foundation.  2005.  Giant Palouse earthworm (Driloleirus americanus).  
Kondla N.G.  2005.  Gillett's checkerspot in the southern headwaters at risk (SHARP) project area, Alberta.  
Albrecht N.  2009.  GIS shapefile compiling marten and fisher detections from all forest carnivore hair snare surveys in northern Idaho from 2004 to 2009. 3052 presence/absence records in attribute table.  
Bureau of Land Management.  2012.  GIS shapefiles and corresponding rare plant observation forms for 2011 and 2012, submitted in 2012.  
Evenson E.B, Cotter J.FP, Clinch J.M.  1982.  Glaciation of the Pioneer Mountains: A proposed model for Idaho.  
Bradley AF.  1990.  Glacier Park rare plants in Fire Effects.  
Mancuso M, Lehman R.  2020.  Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments: Establishing GLORIA Long-Term Alpine Monitoring in the Lemhi Mountains, Idaho.