Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Burch J.B.  1973.  Freshwater unionacean clams (Mollusca: Pelecypoda) of North America.  
Davidson C..  1996.  Frog and toad calls of the Rocky Mountains and southwest: vanishing voices, draft booklet.  
Wellner C.A.  1976.  Frontiers of forestry research - Priest River Experimental Forest 1911-1976.  
Suding K.N, Collins S.L, Gough L., Clark C., Cleland E.E, Gross K.L, Milchunas D.G, Pennings S..  2005.  Functional and abundance-based mechanisms explain diversity loss due to N fertilization.  
Fogel R..  1994.  Fungi from the Columbia Basin deposited in the University of Michigan Herbarium (MICH).  
Wiclow-Howard M.C.  1994.  Fungi from the Owyhee region of southern Idaho and eastern Oregon.  
Wicklow-Howard M.C, Kaltenecker J..  1994.  Fungi from the Owyhee region of southern Idaho and eastern Oregon.  
Trueblood E..  1972.  Fungi of Owyhee County.  
Wicklow-Howard M.C.  1993.  Fungi of the Owyhee Resource Area: class 1 survey of the fungal flora of the Owyhee Resource Area.  
National Park Service, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Game Fand Parks, Wyoming Uof.  2018.  Fungus that causes white-nose syndrome in bats detected in South Dakota for the first time [multiagency news release].    Available from
National Park Service, Department WGame & Fis, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Wyoming Uof.  2018.  Fungus that causes white-nose syndrome in bats detected in Wyoming for first time [multiagency news release].    Available from
Murray T.B.  1938.  Game birds: upland game birds in Idaho and their future.  
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.  2002.  Game management plan.  
Davidson A..  2010.  GAP anaylsis national land cover data: recent developments.  GAP Analysis Bulletin.  
Conservancy TNature.  1996.  Garden Creek Ranch, a project of The Nature Conservancy of Idaho, year end review FY96.  
Funk SJ.  2013.  Gem to Jordan Valley (Line 234)—transmission line maintenance: special-status plant survey report.  
Hochstatter F..  2007.  The genera Pediocactus Navajoa Toumeya (Cactaceae).  
Hochstatter F..  1995.  The genera Pediocactus - Navajoa - Toumeya: In the shadows of the Rocky Mountains: revised.  
Handley J., Hartman R.L.  2000.  A general floristic survey of the Payette National Forest and vicinity.  
Handley J., Hartman R.L.  2001.  A general floristic survey of the Payette National Forest and vicinity.  
Toone R.A.  1991.  General inventory for northern three-toed woodpeckers (Picoides tridactylis dorsalis) on the Fishlake National Forest, Utah.  
Toone R.A.  1991.  General inventory for southwestern willow flycatchers (Empidonax traillii extimus) on the Fishlake National Forest, Utah.  
Toone R.A.  1991.  General inventory for spotted bats (Euderma maculatum) on the Abajo Mountains, Monticello R.D., Manti-LaSal National Forest, Utah.  
Farrar D.R.  2005.  Genetic and morphological analysis of Guanella Pass Botrychium plants.  
Martinson S..  2001.  Genetic consideration in rare plant conservation.