Bibliography and Citations

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Kaye T.N, Gisler S., Kirkland M..  1994.  Population monitoring and preliminary model of Snake River goldenweed, Haplopappus radiatus. Third Year Progress Report.  
Bernatas S., Moseley R.K.  1995.  Population monitoring data for Lepidium davisii at Mountain Home Air Force Base, 1991-1995.  
Bernatas S., Moseley R.K.  1995.  Population monitoring data for Lepidium davisii at Mountain Home Air Force Base, 1991-1995.  
Kaye T., Fredricks N., Gamon J..  1991.  Population monitoring for fringed-pinesap (Pleuricospora fimbriolata) on the Gifford Pinchot National Forest.  
Cochrane A..  1994.  Population monitoring of Allotropa virgata in the Sibling Timber Sale, Nez Perce National Forest: fourth and fifth year results (1993 and 1994).  
Neiwert M., Hildreth J., Mangold D.M.  2001.  Population monitoring of Davis' peppergrass (Lepidium davisii) Small Arms Range, Mountian Home Air Force Base, Idaho: 1991-1999.  
Lichthardt J..  1994.  Population monitoring of disjunct Pacific Dogwood (Cornus nuttallii) on the Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests: Three-year Summary.  
Lichthardt J.J.  1992.  Population monitoring of disjunct Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii) on the Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests: second year data.  
Lichthardt J..  1996.  Population monitoring of disjunct Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii) on the Clearwater National Forest: five-year summary.  
Lichthardt J..  2000.  Population monitoring of disjunct Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii) on the Clearwater National Forest: nine-year summary.  
Lichthardt J..  1998.  Population monitoring of disjunct pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii) on the Clearwater National Forest: seven-year summary.  
Lichthardt J..  1996.  Population monitoring of Henderson's sedge (Carex hendersonii Bailey) in the Big Smith Timber Sale, Lochsa Ranger District: Third-year report.  
Bernatas S., Moseley R.K, Strickler K..  1995.  Population monitoring of Lepidium davisii (Davis' peppergrass), Small Arms Range, Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho: 1991-1995, Final Report.  
Holmes R.N.  1987.  Population monitoring of Phacelia verna: A federal candidate species.  Northwest Science.  61(1):44-49.
Kaye T., Messinger W., Massey S..  1990.  Population monitoring plan, habitat analysis, and breeding system of Mirabilis macfarlanei.  
Allen D.B, Yundt S.P, Flatter B.J.  1995.  Population of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in the Payette River drainage in the Cascade Resource Area of the Bureau of Land Management.  
Sharp DE, Dubovsky JA, Kruse KL.  2004.  Population status and harvests: Mid-Continent and Rocky Mountain populations of sandhill cranes 2004.    Available from
Cochrane A..  2007.  Population status for Salmon twin bladderpod (Physaria didymocarpa var. lyrata).  
Sherman P.W, Gavin T.A.  1999.  Population status of northern Idaho ground squirrels (Spermophilus brunneus brunneus) in early-May, 1999.  
Steenhof K, Kochert MN, Yensen E, Gage KL.  2004.  Population status of Piute ground squirrels in the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservaton Area, 2003.  
Powers LR, Howard R, Trost CH.  1975.  Population status of the ferruginous hawk in southeastern Idaho and northern Utah.  Raptor Research Report.  
Yensen E..  1980.  Population status of the Idaho ground squirrel.  
Turner FB.  1960.  Population structure and dynamics of the western spotted frog, Rana p. pretiosa Baird & Girard, in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming.  Ecological Monographs.  30(3):251-278.
Gibbons J.W.  1968.  Population structure and survivorship in the painted turtle, Chrysemys picta.  Copeia.  1968(2):260-268.
Britten HB, Rust RW.  1996.  Population structure of a sand dune-obligate beetle, Eusattus muricatus, and its implications.  Conservation Biology.  10(2):647-652.  Available from