Bibliography and Citations

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Meyer S.E, Quinney D.L, Weaver J..  1994.  Population biology of Lepidium papilliferum, a Snake River Plains endemic, abstract.
Drewek, Jr. J..  1970.  Population characteristics and behavior of introduced bighorn sheep in Owyhee County, Idaho.  
Magoun AJ.  1985.  Population characteristics, ecology, and management of wolverines in northwestern Alaska.  :178p.+appendixes.
Beecham JJ.  1983.  Population characteristics of black bears in west central Idaho.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  47(2):405-412.
Wunderle, Jr. J.M.  1995.  Population characteristics of black-throated blue warblers wintering in three sites on Puerto Rico.  Auk.  112:931-946.
Heekin P.E.  1992.  Population characteristics of mountain quail in west-central Idaho, Final Report.  
Young JA, Evans RA.  1978.  Population dynamics after wildfires in sagebrush grasslands.  Journal of Range Management.  31(4):283-289.  Available from
Paragamian VL, Pyper BJ, Daigneault MJ, Beamesderfer RCP.  2008.  Population dynamics and extinction risk of burbot in the Kootenai River, Idaho, USA and British Columbia, Canada. American Fisheries Society Symposium.  59.   American Fisheries Society.   p. 213-234.  Available from
Maxwell B..  1990.  The population dynamics and growth of salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis and thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus).  :232.
Meyer S.E, Quinney D.L, Weaver J..  2005.  Population dynamics of Lepidium papilliferum (Brassicaceae), a Snake River Plains endemic, modeled using stochastic environmental variables.  Draft.  
Fuhrmann K.  2005.  Population dynamics of Mexican free-tailed bats at Lava Beds.  Park Science.  23(2):52-53.  Available from
Hill J.L, Gray K.L.  2004.  Population dynamics of Spalding's silene (Silene spaldingii) in Canyon Grasslands at the Garden Creek Ranch, Craig Mountain, Idaho, 2003 field season.  
Hill J.L, Gray K.L.  2005.  Population dynamics of Spalding's silene (Silene spaldingii) in Canyon Grasslands at the Garden Creek Ranch, Craig Mountain, Idaho, 2004 field season.  
Hill J.L.  2006.  Population dynamics of Spalding's silene (Silene spaldingii) in Canyon Grasslands at the Garden Creek Ranch, Craig Mountain, Idaho, 2005 field season.  
Hill J..  2006.  Population dynamics of Spalding's silene (Silene spaldingii Wats.) in Canyon Grasslands at Garden Creek Ranch Craig Mountain, Idaho. 2006 field season progress report.  
Hill J.L.  2007.  Population Dynamics of Spalding's silene (Silene spaldingii Wats.) in Canyon Grasslands at Garden Creek Ranch, Craig Mountain, Idaho. 2006 Field Season.  
Egoscue H.J.  1975.  Population dynamics of the kit fox in western Utah.  Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences.  74(3):122-127.
Knight R.B, Eberhardt L.L.  1985.  Population dynamics of Yellowstone grizzly bears.  Ecology.  66:323-334.
Johnson D.R, Smith G.W, Olson R.M.  1976.  Population ecology and habitat requirements of Townsend ground squirrels.  
Finch D.M.  1991.  Population ecology, habitat requirements, and conservation of neotropical migratory birds.  
Berg K.S.  1986.  Population ecology of Menzies' wallflower, Erysimum menziesii (Hook.) Wetts., an endangered California mustard.  :45pp.
De Jong T.J, Klinkhamer P.GL.  1988.  Population Ecology of the Biennials Cirsium Vulgare and Cynoglossum Officinale in a Coastal Sand-Dune Area.  Journal of Ecology.  76(2):366-382.
Redmond RL, Jenni DA.  1986.  Population ecology of the long-billed curlew (Numenius americanus) in western Idaho.  Auk.  103(4):755-767.  Available from
Redmond R.L, Jenni D.A.  1986.  Population ecology of the long-billed curlew (NUMENIUS AMERICANUS) in western Idaho.  Auk.  103:755-767.
Nichols J.D, Hines J.E.  1987.  Population ecology of the mallard. VIII. Winter distribution patterns and survival rates of winter-banded mallards.