Bibliography and Citations

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Brittell J.D, Poelker R.J, Sweeney S.J, Koehler G.M.  1989.  Native cats of Washington.  
Wallace RL, Zaroban DW.  2013.  Native Fishes of Idaho. Bethesda (Maryland): American Fisheries Society.    Available from
Birkenstein L.R, Tomlinson R.E.  1981.  Native names of Mexican birds.  
Macgrath L.K.  1971.  Native orchids of Kansas.  Transaction of the Kansas Academy of Science.  74(3-4):287-309.
Magrath L.K.  1971.  Native orchids of Kansas.  Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science.  74(3-4):287-309.
Correll DSteward.  1978.  Native orchids of North America, north of Mexico. Stanford (CA): Stanford University Press.  
Luer CA.  1975.  The native orchids of the United States and Canada, excluding Florida. The New York Botanical Garden.  
U. S. Forest Service.  2012.  Native Plant Materials Policy - A Strategic Framework.  
Wilson B.L., Brainerd R., Huso M., Kuykendall K., Lytjen D., Newhouse B., Otting N., Sundberg S., Zika P..  1999.  Native Plant Society of Oregon.  Native Plant Society of Oregon.  Occasional Paper No. 1:29pp..
Merigliano M.F, Lesica P..  1998.  The native status of reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) in the Inland Northwest, USA.  Natural Areas Journal.  18(3):223-230.
Eckberg J, Lee-Mäder E, Hopwood J, Jordan SFoltz, Borders B.  2017.  Native Thistles: A Conservation Practitioner’s Guide. Plant Ecology, Seed Production Methods, and Habitat Restoration Opportunites.    Available from
Johnson FD, Burlison VH, Guernsey RL.  1961.  Native trees of Idaho.  
Woods C.N.  0.  Native trees of the Intermountain Region.  
Behnke RJ.  1992.  Native trout of western North America. American Fisheries Society Monograph no. 6.  Bethesda (MD): American Fisheries Society (AFS).  
Tisdale E.W.  1986.  Native vegetation of Idaho.  Rangelands.  8(5):202-207.
Spalding MG, Smith JP, Forrester DJ.  1994.  Natural and experimental infections of EUSTRONGYLIDES IGNOTUS: effects on growth and survival of nestling wading birds.  Auk.  111(2):328-336.  Available from
Cain S.A.  1968.  Natural area preservation: national urgency.  Bioscience.  18(5):399-401.
Shanklin J.F.  1968.  Natural area project - an historical review of the activities and accomplishments of the committee on natural areas. Reprinted from Journal of Forestry 66(11).  Journal of Forestry.  66(11):notpaged.
Shanklin JF.  1960.  Natural area selection policy.  Journal of Forestry.  58(9)
Shanklin J.F.  1957.  Natural area values. Reprinted from Proceedings, Society of American Foresters, Syracuse, New York.  
Noss R.  1988.  The natural areas movement.  Earth First! Journal.  (February 2, 1988):25-26.
Franklin J.F, Trappe J.M.  1968.  Natural areas: needs, concepts, and criteria.  Journal of Forestry.  :456-461.
Buckman RE, Quintus RL.  1972.  Natural Areas of the Society of American Foresters.
Evenden A.G, Kimball S.F.  1996.  Natural Areas Source Book.  
McLaughlin S.P.  1989.  Natural floristic areas of the western United States.  Journal of Biogeography.  16:239-248.