Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Dzus E.  2001.  Status of the woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in Alberta.    Available from
Breault AM, Savard J-P.  1991.  Status report on the distribution and ecology of harlequin ducks in British Columbia.  Technical Report Series No. 110.    Available from
Kunz TH, Reichard JD.  2010.  Status review of the little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus) and determination that immediate listing under the Endangered Species Act is scientifically and legally warranted.    Available from
Evans E, Thorp R, Jepsen S, Black SHoffman.  2008.  Status review of three formerly common species of bumble bee in the subgenus Bombus.    Available from
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1990.  Status review report Banbury Springs limpet (Lanx n. sp.).  
Tirmenstein D.A.  1987.  Stipa viridula.  Fire Effects Information System [Data base].  
Thompson RS, Hostetler SW, Bartlein PJ, Anderson KH.  1998.  A strategy for assessing potential future changes in climate, hydrology, and vegetation in the western United States.    Available from
Avian Power Line Interaction Committee(APLIC).  2006.  Suggested practices for avian protection on power lines: the state of the art in 2006.    Available from
Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Upper Snake Regional Office.  2010.  A summary of the fish and wildlife resources of the South Fork Snake River.  
Miller KErin G.  2006.  Summer bat occupancy of lava tube caves on the southeast Idaho desert: field work summer 2006.  
Lengas BJ.  1995.  A summer bat survey of the caves and abandoned mines on the Montpelier Ranger District of the Caribou National Forest.  
Miller JJ, Kinter LC.  2019.  Survey and field assessment of Astragalus anserinus (goose creek milkvetch) element occurrences in cassia county, Idaho.  
Miller JJ.  2010.  Survey for Mulford's milkvetch (Astragalus mulfordiae) in the Bruneau Competitive Use Area.  
Makela PD.  1998.  A survey for northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) in the Snake River Resource Area: 1997.  
Yensen E..  2005.  Survey for southern Idaho ground squirrels on Soulen Livestock Company lands.  A report for U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Snake River Basin Office, Boise, ID..  
Reynolds TD, Hinckley CI.  2005.  A survey for yellow-billed cuckoo in recorded historic and other likely locations in Idaho. Final report.    Available from
Soules J, Buchler E.  2005.  A survey of bat use of selected mines in the Pine Creek drainage, Shoshone County, Idaho.  
Romin S, Bosworth W, Weekley T.  2008.  Survey of Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve for rare invertebrates.  
Lisenbardt A, Thom R.  2001.  Survey of state national area and nature preserve programs, draft.  
Lengas BJ.  1995.  A survey of the American Phosphate Corporation mine. Fifteen-plus reports dated December 1993 to August 1995.  
Ulmshneider H, Hays D, Roberts H, Rachlow J, Forbes T, Himes J, Sequin E, Haworth M, Katzner T, Kozlowski A et al..  2008.  Surveying for pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis).  
Miyasaki H.  2013.  Surveys and inventories. 2013 statewide report: mountain goat: study I, job 5; July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013.    Available from
Bull EL, Carter BE.  1996.  Tailed frogs: distribution, ecology, and association with timber harvest in northeastern Oregon.    Available from,
Bowerman T.S, Dorr J., Leahy S., Varga K., Warrick J..  1997.  Targhee National Forest ecological unit inventory.    Available from
Yensen E.  1985.  Taxonomy, distribution, and population status of the Idaho ground squirrel, Spermophilus brunneus.