Bibliography and Citations

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Journal IState.  2013.  INL Site biologists capture rare bat visitor.  Idaho State Journal.    Available from
Joutel A., Ducros A., Alamowitch S., Cruaud C., Domenga V., Marechal E., Vahedi K., Chabriat H., Bousser M.G, Tournier-Lasserve E..  1996.  A human homolog of bacterial acetolactate synthase genes maps within the CADASIL critical region.  Genomics.  38(2):192-198.
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Jr. E.DBrodie, Storm R.M.  1970.  Plethodon vandykei.  Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles.  Account 91.1
Jr. H.EWright.  1974.  Landscape development, forest fires, and wilderness management.  Science.  186(4163):487-495.
Juelson T.C.  1970.  A study of the ecology and ethology of the rock squirrel, Spermophilus variegatus (Erxleben) in northern Utah.  :173pp..
Jurgensen MF, Storer AJ, Risch AC.  2005.  Red wood ants in North America.  Annales Zoologici Fennici.  42(3):235-242.  Available from
Kadota Y..  1990.  Taxonomical notes on the alpine species of Ranunculus in Japan.  Bulletin of the National Science Museum of Tokyo.  Series B, 16(2):73-92.
Kagan J..  1990.  Species management guide for Cypripedium fasciculatum for southwestern Oregon: Klamath National Forest (in Oregon), Rogue River National Forest, Siskiyou National Forest, Umpqua National Forest, and Medford District of the Bureau of Land Management.  
Kagan J..  1988.  Species Management Guide for Arabis crucisetosa.  
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Kagan J..  1987.  Species management quide for Eriogonum scopulorum.  
Kaiser SE.  2009.  Relationships of the invasive plant, Sisymbrium altissimum L., with the plants and butterflies of Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve [thesis].  Department of Biology.  M.S.:64.
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Kalda A., Kannukene L., Leis M..  1992.  Rare mosses in Estonia and their protection.  Biological Conservation.  59:201-203.
Kaltenecker GS.  1999.  McCall Airport bald eagle territory management plan North Fork Payette River, Idaho.  
Kaltenecker GS, Bates KK, Bechard MJ.  1995.  Monitoring of fall raptor migration in southwestern Idaho.  
Kaltenecker G.S, Bechard M.J, Tiedemann R.B.  1994.  Boise River wintering bald eagle study, Boise River corridor, Lucky Peak Dam to Ada/Canyon County line.  
Kaltenecker G.S.  1997.  Continued monitoring of Boise's wintering bald eagles, final report.  
Kaltenecker G.S, Bechard M.J.  1994.  Accuracy of aerial surveys for wintering bald eagles, Abstract.  Journal of Raptor Research.  28(1):59.
Kaltenecker G.S, Bechard M.J, Beals J.W.  2002.  Occupancy, productivity, and banding of northern goshawks on the Sawtooth National Forest, 2001.  
Kaltenecker G.S.  1994.  Continued monitoring of Boise's wintering bald eagles, a proposal.  
Kaltenecker G.S, Bechard M.J.  1995.  Bald eagle wintering habitat study, upper Boise River drainage, Idaho.