Bibliography and Citations

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Tallmon D.A, Funk W.C, Dunlap W.W, Allendorf F.W.  2000.  Genetic differentiation among long-toed salamander (AMBYSTOMA MACRODACTYLUM) populations.  Copeia.  2000:27-35.
Wilson n, Hipkins V.D.  2001.  Genetic differentiation in a rare plant with disjunct range: Lewisia kelloggii. National Forest Genetic Electrophoresis Laboratory, Final Report.  
Smith N.S, Bateman T.A.  2002.  Genetic differentiation of rare and common varieties of Eriogonum shockleyi (Polygonaceae) in Idaho using ISSR variability.  Western North American Naturalist.  62(3):316-326.
Browne R.A, al. et.  1993.  Genetic divergence among populations of the Hawaiian duck, Laysan duck, and mallard.  Auk.  110:49-56.
Barnes J.L, Wolf P.G, Tepedino V.J.  1994.  Genetic diversity and gene flow: Implications for the rare plant, Mirabilis macfarlanei (Nyctaginaceae).  
Barnes J.L, Wolf pG.  1994.  Genetic diversity and gene flow in Mirabilis macfarlanei (Abstract).  Northwest Science.  68(2):114.
Warheit KI.  2001.  Genetic diversity and population differentiation of pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis).  
Coates D.J.  1988.  Genetic diversity and population genetic structure in the rare Chittering grass wattle, Acacia anomala Court.  Australian Journal of Botany.  36:273-286.
Liu H-P, Hershler R.  2008.  Genetic diversity and population structure of the threatened Bliss Rapids snail (Taylorconcha serpenticola).  :35.
Liu H.-P., Hershler R..  2009.  Genetic diversity and population structure of the threatened Bliss Rapids snail (Taylorconcha serpenticola).  Freshwater Biology.  54(6):1285–1299.  Available from
Cegelski C.C, Waits L.P, Anderson N.J, Flagstad O., Strobeck C., Kyle C.J.  2006.  Genetic diversity and population structure of wolverine (Gulo gulo) populations at the southern edge of their current distribution in North America with implications for genetic viability.  Conservation Genetics.  7(2):197-211.  Available from
Wisely S.M, Buskirk S.W, Russell G.A, Aubry K.B, Zielinski W.J.  2004.  Genetic diversity and structure of the fisher (Martes pennanti) in a peninsular and peripheral metapopulation.  Journal of Mammalogy.  85:640-648.
Debinski D.M.  1994.  Genetic diversity assessment in a metapopulation of the butterfly Euphydryas gillettii.  Biological Conservation.  70:25-31.
Barnes JL, Wolf P.G., Tepedino V.J..  1997.  Genetic diversity, gene flow and clonal structure of the Salmon River populations of Macfarlane's four o'clock (Mirabilis macfarlanei).  Idaho Bureau of Land Management Technical Bulletin.  
Barnes J.L, Wolf P.G, Tepedino V.J.  1995.  Genetic diversity, gene flow and clonal structure of the Salmon River populations of Macfarlane's four o'clock.  
Fowler D.P, Morris R.W.  Submitted.  Genetic diversity in red pine: evidence for low genic heterozygosity.  Canadian Journal of Forestry Research.  7:343-347.
Kovach RP, Muhlfeld CC, Wade AA, Hand BK, Whited DC, Dehaan PW, Al-Chokhachy R, Luikart G.  2015.  Genetic diversity is related to climatic variation and vulnerability in threatened bull trout.  Global Change Biology.  21(7):2510-2524.
Alexander J.A.  2001.  Genetic diversity of populations of Astragalus oniciformis using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers.  :90pp.
Smith J.F, Pham T.V.  1996.  Genetic diversity of the narrow endemic Allium aaseae (Alliaceae).  American Journal of Botany.  83(6):717-726.
Alexander J.A, Liston A., Popovich S.J.  2012.  Genetic diversity of the narrow endemic Astragalus oniciformis (Fabaceae).  American Journal of Botany.  91(2):2004-2012.
Smith J.F.  1995.  The genetic diversity of the rare Idaho endemic Allium aaseae Ownbey (alliaceae) and potential introgression with A. simillimum Henderson.  
Linhart Y.B, Premoli A..  0.  Genetic erosion in Lilium parryi.  
Wishard L.N, al. et.  1984.  A genetic investigation of suspected redband trout populations.  Copeia.  1984:120-132.
Wishard L.N, Seeb J.E, Utter F.M, Stefan D..  1984.  A genetic investigation of suspected redband trout populations.  Copeia.  1984(1):20-132.  Available from
Loveless M.D, Hamrick J.L.  1988.  Genetic organization and evlutionary history in two North American species of Cirsium.  Evolution.  42(2):254-265.