Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
Porcher, Jr. R.D.  1972.  New county records for Orchidaceae from the South Carolina coastal plain.  Journal of Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society.  88(4):218-219.
Skelton C.E.  2001.  New dace of the genus PHOXINUS (Cyprinidae: Cypriniformes) from the Tennessee River drainage, Tennessee.  Copeia.  2001:118-128.
Gashwiler J.S.  1976.  A new distribution of Merriam's shrew in Oregon.  Murrelet.  57:13-14.
Gray R.H, Dauble D.D.  1976.  New distribution records and notes on life-history and behaviour of the sand roller, Percopsis transmontana (Eigenmann and Eigenmann).  Syesis.  9:369-370.
Logan E.R, Smith S.D.  1966.  New distributional records of Intermountain stoneflies (Plecoptera).  Occasional Papers of the Biological Society of Nevada.  No. 9:3pp..
Henderson D.M.  1981.  A new Douglasia (Primulaceae) from Idaho.  Brittonia.  33(1):52-56.
New England Wildflower Society, Inc..  1992.  New England Plant Conservation Program.  Wild Flower Notes.  7(1):79pp..
Buckett JS, Gardner MR.  1967.  A new family of cavernicolous millipedes with the description of a new genus and species from Idaho (Diplopoda: Chordeumida: Chordeumidea).  Michigan Entomologist.  1(4):117-126.
Lankford-Bingle AJ, Svancara LK, Vierling K.  2015.  A new framework for spatio-temporal climate change impact assessment for terrestrial wildlife.  Environmental Management.  56(6):1514–1527.  Available from
Hebard M.  1934.  New genera and species of the Melanopli found within the United States and Canada (Orthoptera, Acrididae): Parts V and VI.  Transactions of the American Entomological Society.  60(4):337-390(plusplates).  Available from;cc=chla;rgn=full%20text;idno=5077659_4270_004;didno=5077659_4270_004;view=image;seq=0025;node=5077659_4270_004%3A7.3
Hebard M.  1936.  New genera and species of the Melanopli found within the United States and Canada (Orthoptera: Acrididae): Parts VII, VIII, and IX.  Transactions of the American Entomological Society.  62(3):167-222(pluspates).  Available from;cc=chla;rgn=full%20text;idno=5077659_4272_003;didno=5077659_4272_003;view=image;seq=0003;node=5077659_4272_003%3A5.1
Hebard M..  1937.  New genera and species of the Melanopli found within the United States and Canada (Orthoptera: Acrididae): Parts X to XIV.  Transactions of the American Entomological Society.  63:147-173(plusplates).
D. Rogers C, Timms BV, Jocquè M, Brendonck L.  2007.  A new genus and species of branchipodid fairy shrimp (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anostraca) from Australia.  Zootaxa.  1551:49-59.  Available from
D. Rogers C.  2005.  A new genus and species of chirocephalid fairy shrimp (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anostraca) from Mongolia.  Zootaxa.  997:1-10.
D. Rogers C, Quinney DL, Weaver J, Olesen J.  2006.  A new giant species of predatory fairy shrimp from Idaho, USA (Branchiopoda: Anostraca).  Journal of Crustacean Biology.  26(1):1-12.  Available from
Ash S.R.  1991.  A new Jurassic flora from the Wallowa terrane in Hells Canyon, Oregon and Idaho.  Oregon Geology.  53(2):27-33.
Hafner JC.  1985.  New kangaroo mice, genus Microdipodops (Rodentia: Heteromyidae) from Idaho and Nevada.  Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington.  98(1):1-9.  Available from
Baker H.B.  1932.  New land snails from Idaho and eastern Oregon.  Nautilus.  45:82-87.
Hale M.E.  1989.  A new lichen genus, Psiloparmelia Hale (Ascomycotina: Parmeliaceae).  Mycotaxon.  35(1):41-44.
Green J.C, Engstrom. D.R.  1975.  A new locality for Braun's holly fern in Minnesota.  American Fern Journal.  65(2):61.
Baker F.C.  1913.  A new Lymnaea from Montana.  Nautilus.  26:115-116.
Henderson J..  1931.  A new lymnaeid from Idaho.  Nautilus.  44(3):75-77.
Lester GT, McCafferty W.P, Edmondson MR.  2002.  New mayfly (Ephemeroptera) records from Idaho.  Entomological News.  113(2):131-136.  Available from
Allred K.W.  1990.  New Mexico grass types and a selected bibliography of New Mexico grass taxonomy.  Great Basin Naturalist.  50(1):73-82.
Seyer S.C.  1979.  New mosses from Crater Lake Nation Park, Oregon.  Bryologist.  82:82-83.