Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
Isely D..  1985.  Leguminosae of United States. Astragalus L.: III. Species summary F-M.   Iowa State Journal of Research.  60(2):183-320.
Leiberg J.B.  1888.  Leidberg's letter about Nymphaea leibergii.  Botanical Gazette.  13(6):164-165.
Bunting S.C, Robberecht R., Defosse G.E.  1998.  Length and timing of grazing on postburn productivity of two bunchgrasses in an Idaho experimental range.  International Journal of Wildland Fire.  8(1):15-20.
Corn P.S, Livo L.J.  1989.  Leopard frog and wood frog reproduction in Colorado and Wyoming.  Northwestern Naturalist.  70:1-9.
Patterson R., Yoder-Williams M..  1984.  Leptodactylon glabrum, a new intermountain species of Polemoniaceae.  Systematic Botany.  9(3):261-262.
Meinke R.J.  1988.  Leptodactylon pungens subsp hazeliae (Polemoniaceae), a new combination for a Snake River Canyon endemic.  Madrono.  35(2):105-111.
Dubois A., Heyer W.R.  1992.  LEPTODACTYLUS LABIALIS, the valid name for the American white-lipped frog (Amphibia: Leptodactylidae).  Copeia.  1992:584-585.
Wiens JA, Rotenberry JT, Van Horne B.  1986.  A lesson in the limitations of field experiments: shrubsteppe birds and habitat alteration.  Ecology.  67(2):365-376.
Lynch J..  1989.  Letter to the editor, Lewiston Morning Tribune, March 29, regarding the Coeur d'Alene salamander.  Lewiston Morning Tribune.  40997
Fitzgerald A.O.  1952.  Library of Plants.  Popular Mechanics.  97(2):150-152.
Will-Wolf S.  2000.  Lichen communities of old-growth vs managed forests in the northern Great Lakes states. Abstract 51.  American Journal of Botany.  87(6 Suppl):17.  Available from
Peterson E.4. Lichen.  2004.  Lichen conservation in the United States and Canada.  Lingua Botanica.  5(3):6-10.
Rosso AL, Rosentreter R.  1999.  Lichen diversity and biomass in relation to management practices in forests of Northern Idaho.  Evansia.  16:97-104.
Rosentreter R..  1994.  Lichen diversity in managed forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA.  Wald Schnee Landsch.  70(1):103-124.
Miller J.ED, Rossman A., Rosentreter R., Ponzetti J..  2011.  Lichen ecology and diversity of a sagebrush steppe in Oregon: 1977 to present.  North American Fungi.  6(2):1-14.
Miller JED, Rossman A, Rosentreter R, Ponzetti J.  2011.  Lichen ecology and diversity of a sagebrush steppe in Oregon: 1977 to the present.  North American Fungi.  6:1-14.
[Anonymous].  2002.  Lichen flora of the greater sonoran desert region.  Lichens Unlimited.  Vol. 1:532pp..
McCoy P.R.  1994.  Lichen (not moss) forest-health indicator.  Capital Press.  34565
Trass H., Randlane T..  1986.  Lichen species of Estonia in need of protection.  Folia Cryptogamica Estonica.  21:1-3.
Link S.O, Ryan B.D, Downs J.L, Cadwell L.L, Soll J.A, Hawke M.A, Ponzetti J..  2000.  Lichens and mosses on the shrub-steppe soils in southeastern Washington.  Northwest Science.  74(1):50-55.
Rope S.K, Pearson L.C.  1990.  Lichens as air pollution biomonitors in a semiarid environment in Idaho.  Bryologist.  93(1):50-61.
Hayward G., Rosentreter. R..  1994.  Lichens as nesting material for northern flying squirrels in the northern Rocky Mountains.  Journal of Mammalogy.  75(3):663-673.
Rosso A.L, McCune B., Tonsberber T., Printzen C..  1999.  Lichens of an old-growth forest in a little explored area of western Oregon, USA.  Evansia.  16(3):137-142.
Hammon D., Pearson. L.C.  1967.  Lichens of eastern Idaho and adjacent Wyoming, Utah and Montana in the Ricks College Herbarium.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  12(2):55-57.
DeBolt A., McCune B..  1993.  Lichens of Glacier National Park, Montana.  Bryologist.  96(2):192-204.