Bibliography and Citations

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Fertig W..  1993.  Field survey for Cleome multicaulis, Cymopterus williamsii, and Sullivantia hapemanii in north-central Wyoming.  
Fertig W, Kleinknecht J.  2021.  Conservation Status of Whitebark Pine in Washington.  Washington Natural Heritage Program Report.  : 2021-06.  Available from
Fertig W., Markow S..  1999.  Guide to the willows of Shoshone National Forest: a component of the ecological types of the Shoshone National Forest publication.  
Fertig W..  1994.  Spiranthes diluvialis (Ute lady's tresses), Wyomings first listed threatened plant species.  
Fertig W., Marriott H..  1993.  Final report: field survey for Astragalus paysonii (Payson's milkvetch) and Draba borealis (Boreal draba), Bridger-Teton National Forest.  
Fertig W.  2012.  Status of Winwards goldenweed (Ericameria discoidea var. winwardii) in Wyoming.  
Fertig W..  1996.  Wyoming plant species of special concern.  
Fertig W., Markow S..  2001.  Guide to the willows of Shoshone National Forest.  
Fertig W..  2000.  Status review of the Ute Ladies Tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) in Wyoming.  
Fertig W., Thurston R..  2003.  Modeling the potential distribution of BLM sensitive and USFWS threatened and endangered plant species in Wyoming.    Available from
Fertig W., Jones G..  1992.  Plant communities and rare plant species of the Swamp Lake Botanical Area, Clark's Fork Ranger District, Shoshone National Forest.  
Fertig W..  1996.  Status report on Antennaria arcuata in central Wyoming.  
Fertig W..  1993.  Wyoming plant species of special concern.  
Fertig W., Markow S..  1998.  Guide to the willows of Shoshone National Forest.  
Fertig W..  1999.  Wyoming basins ecoregion target plant species and potential plant conservation sites.  
Fertig W..  1992.  Checklist of the vascular plant flora of the west slope of the Wind River Range and status report on the sensitive plant species of Bridger-Teton National Forest.  
Fertig W..  1994.  Wyoming plant species of special concern.  
Festa-Bianchet M., Ray J.C, Boutin S., Côté S.D, Gunn A..  2011.  Conservation of caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in Canada: an uncertain future.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  89(5):419-434.
Feuer S., Tomb A.S.  1977.  Pollen morphology and detailed structure of family Compositae, tribe Cichorieae. II. Subtribe Microseridinae.  American Journal of Botany.  :230-245.
Feuerer T..  2007.  Checklist of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Idaho (USA).  
[Anonymous].  1996.  Effects of fire on Madrean province Ecosystems - a symposium proceedings. 1996, March 11-15; Tucson, AZ.  
Fichter E, Williams R.  1967.  Distribution and status of the red fox in Idaho.  Journal of Mammalogy.  48(2):219-230.
Fichter E, Linder AD.  1964.  The amphibians of Idaho.  :34p..
Fichter E.  1964.  The pallid bat in Idaho.  Tebiwa.  7:23-27.
Fiedler C.E, Arno S.F, Harrington M.G.  1998.  Reintroducing fire in ponderosa pine-fir forests after a century of fire exclusion. Fire in ecosystem management: shifting the paradigm from suppression to prescription. No. 20.