Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Hartman R.L, Constance. L..  1985.  Two new species of Cymopterus (Umbelliferae) from western North America.  Brittonia.  37:88-95.
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Raptor Research Foundation.  1985.  U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 1985. Workshop: Status and listing needs of ferruginous and Swainson's hawks, Abstracts.
Formanowicz, Jr. DR, Brodie, Jr. ED.  1985.  Unpalatability and toxicity of an introduced species (cinnabar moth larvae) to native predators.  American Midland Naturalist.  113(2):401-403.  Available from
[Anonymous].  1985.  Upland game. 1981-1985 species management plan.  
Herman S.G, Scoville J.W, Waltcher S.G.  1985.  The upland sandpiper in Bear Valley and Logan Valley, Grant County, Oregon.  
Humphrey L.D.  1985.  Use of biomass predicted by regression from cover estimates to compare vegetational similarity of sagebrush-grass sites.  Great Basin Naturalist.  45(1):94-98.
Foster D.R.  1985.  Vegetation development following fire in Picea mariana (black spruce)-Pleurozium forests of south-eastern Labrador, Canada.  Journal of Ecology.  73(2):517-534.
Zimmer K.J.  1985.  The Western bird watcher: an introduction to birding in the American West.
Picton J..  1985.  Western Cabinet Mountains grizzly bear habitat survey.  
Reznicek A.A.  1985.  What is Carex rostrata Stokes? American Journal of Botany.  72:966.
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1985.  White-faced ibis: management guidelines, Great Basin population.  
Barrett S.W, Kilgore B.M.  1985.  Wilderness fire history studies in the northern Rockies. INT-182.  
McCune B, Allen TFH.  1985.  Will similar forests develop on similar sites? Canadian Journal of Botany.  63(3):367-376.
Reynolds TD, Ertter ND, Broemeling DK, Howard RP.  1985.  Winter distribution of bald eagles along a segment of the Boise River, Idaho.  Northwest Science.  59(2):93-96.  Available from
Zumbaugh D.M, Choate J.R, Fox L.B.  1985.  Winter food habits of the swift fox on the central high plains.  
Scott MD.  1985.  The woodland caribou. Audubon Wildlife Report 1985.  Di Silvestro RL, editor. New York: National Audubon Society.   p. 494-507.
Summerfield B..  1985.  Woodland caribou cumulative effects analysis model. Working draft.  
Doyle G.J.  1985.  A woodland habitat for Botrychium lunaria (L.) Swartz in Ireland.  Irish Naturalist Journal.  21(9):403-406.
Marks JS.  1985.  Yearling male long-eared owls breed near natal nest.  Journal of Field Ornithology.  56(2):181-182.  Available from